Sky Dungeon

Chapter 517: Now our guild has become a prison

"Of course, don't you want to become stronger? You can face me without losing the wind, and you can do tasks with the plastic surgeon. Don't worry, everyone likes to do tasks with you." Jing Tian calmly said. , Like a perverted uncle coaxing a little girl.

   "Like? Like my sister! What do you want to do to my baby sister, unless you step over my body!"

   White does not understand the black. He immediately became agitated when he heard the word "like", just like doping.

   Sure enough, sister control's ability to grab keywords is even more abnormal than search engines!

   "Uh...I mean everyone supports your sister to become stronger, and hope she can gradually overcome her inner fear." Jing Tian explained calmly.

Jing Tian hasn't gotten used to getting along with his black and white brothers and sisters. Bai doesn't understand black, this heavy sister control is really hard to guard against. When it comes to his sister's ability to grab keywords one-sidedly, it really caught everyone off guard. Fortunately, Jing Tian has a brainstorming explanation. After a while, maybe today's guild mission will be ruined.

   "Dear sister, I just calculated a hexagram. The hexagram shows that everything is going well today, and my brother supports you."

  God stick mode is turned on, everything is fine? Are you sure it is not a taboo?

Everyone arrived at Luanmogang where the Qiyun Guild was located. Unlike the past, the seven guilds that were originally distributed in a block form did not form a consortium. However, at this time, the outside of the seven guilds stood up several meters high. Solid walls!

   From a bird's-eye view from above the Dapeng, Luanmagang seemed to have an extra small city.

"Brother Tian, ​​why are there more walls underneath, the inside and the outside of the three floors are the same as prisons. I hate living in prisons, and now our guild has become a prison." Yang's alien thoughts began to jump again. Up.

"Brother fool, have you ever been in jail? What are you talking about. President, maybe you have done some harm to the world and isolated our guild systematically? Even if you do bad things, you still have such a big movement, I was punished by the system. More importantly, why didn't you ask me to do bad things together?"

   Yang Mimi's words instantly petrified everyone.

   Feelings Yang Mimi is also the kind of lawless person, thinking about doing something damaging to the world, and more importantly, just because of this jumping thinking, I am embarrassed to say that my brother is stupid?

   May I ask what is the difference between prison and quarantine, isn't it all without losing freedom?

   What qualifications do you have to call your brother a fool?

   "Why haven't you lived in a prison? The community is like a prison. It's gate access control and unit access control. When you go home, you have to be locked up by your parents. What's the difference with VIP prison?"

   It turns out that everyone lives in prison on weekdays. Your house is a high-level VIP prison. Why didn't we find it?

   The analysis ability of aliens is really extraordinary!

"Uh... I upgraded and expanded the city defense of the guild station yesterday. It should have just been completed. Now we have a common line of defense in the cloud-riding guild. Each member guild can also establish an independent city defense. The guild leaders agreed upon a good thing." Jing Tian explained embarrassingly.

Actually, Jing Tian’s heart is dripping blood. You need to know that upgrading and expanding the construction and scope of the city’s defense cost him a lot of money. However, the Yang family’s sister and brother regard this rock-solid city defense as a prison. Looking at things, Jing Tian strangled them both of them.

   When the demons invade in the future, do you want to drive their siblings out of the guild residence so that they can fully feel the joy of freedom?

   Life is not satisfactory, the Ming Dynasty gave out a fart!

After everyone arrived at the guild’s premises, Jing Tian began to introduce the black and white brothers and sisters. After he introduced the white but not black, he awkwardly said in the empty direction: "This is black but not white. She has a rather shy personality. Shy, she's a stalker. At first I saw that so many people were a little nervous and couldn't meet everyone sincerely. Let's just let the flow go and slowly uncover her mysterious veil."

   Actually, Jing Tian doesn't know where Hei does not understand where Bai is standing at this time, but facing Bai doesn't understand the empty place beside Hei, it is a blind cat to kill the mouse.

   "Meeting sincerely? Lift the veil? Do you want to do something inferior to my only sister? Then you have to step on my body first!"

   Bai did not understand Hei and immediately moved a few steps to his side, apparently protecting his sister behind him, and his voice was full of warfare, as if he was going to violently beat the wretched uncle sitting Jing Guantian.

  In other words, have you ever recognized that you are a professional reality without the power of your hands?

  Don't say, he is such a guardian, everyone perceives the location of black and white, everyone's eyes are gathered, as if the black in the void is completely exposed to the air, there is nowhere to hide.

"Uh...Meeting with sincerity is not simply meeting with bare eyes. Can you be more cheerful and healthy in your mind? Uncovering the veil is not tearing off your coat. What is there to make a fuss? To cure your sister's anthrophobia, you should correct your own problems first. If you need to protect your sister in everything, how can Xiao Hei grow up?" Jing Tian asked lightly, intolerable.

   "No way, sincerely meeting you also have to get the consent of my brother. Lifting the veil is even more forbidden. Unless my dear sister takes it off by herself, why do you bother?"

   The sister-control attribute of white who does not understand black is becoming more and more rampant, and his voice is full of love for his sister.

   "Hey, you love your sister so much. If you become a sister, you will definitely be praised by the world..."

   Jin Chengwu's voice sounded out of place. Unfortunately, before he could finish speaking, he looked serious when he didn't understand the white, and said, "You must not turn my brother into a eunuch, my brother is a man!"

"How can it be an eunuch? It is a male-to-female surgery. I am very particular about medical rigor. Except for the uterus, I guarantee that your brother will be exactly like you. Then you can be together forever. Even if you are married, you Brother, no, your sister can also follow, I believe your future husband will be happy." Jin Chengwu still did not give up.

   "No, you pervert doctor, stay away from my brother. I want to protect him."

Loli’s voice became firmer and firmer. I really don’t know what happened to the plastic surgeon before and the black and white brothers and sisters. But Jing Tian felt that the black and white brothers and sisters seemed to have gotten closer to the plastic surgeon. Could it be that the beating was a curse? Love also applies to friends?

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