Sky Dungeon

Chapter 518: Games can drive the development of the clothing industry

   Jing Tian Jing Tian introduced to the air that black does not understand white is also a helpless move, black does not understand white and is unwilling to show up, even if Jing Tian is soft and hard, she does not let go.

  Although Zhao Jiaxue can tell her approximate location by listening, black does not understand and white does not want to show up. Jing Tian can't use the killing mode to catch her, right?

   Besides, this is the guild residence. If you want to use the killing mode, the system **** will not allow it!

   Jingtian could only end this farce, and led everyone to the guild mission hall to receive a seven-star difficulty mission that no one would ever compete with them. After the setting of the teleportation array appeared, the task of counterattacking the demons players was eliminated from the Seven-Star mission.

   Otherwise, 25 people can receive a team mission at the same time. If it is to counter a hundred demons players, even if 25 people enter the dungeon in a group, they may not be able to complete the mission easily. After all, the team is broken up.

   As a result, every squad needs to kill hundreds of Demon players, and the cost of this task has risen dramatically.

   Therefore, Tengyi Company also drastically reduced the difficulty and star rating of the counterattack against the demons players with a big stroke. From then on, Jing Tian and the others could not receive the counterattack against the demons players' Seven-Star Guild mission.

Today, the first seven-star mission refreshed does not seem to be difficult. According to common sense, the more guild players that receive the mission, the seven-star mission will adjust the difficulty of the mission according to the number of people, so Jing Tian did not despise this. The so-called **** mission.

   You have to know the size of the game world, there are no surprises, not to mention that there is a perverted main strategy behind this game!

The description of the task is very simple: "There is a very urgent task that needs to be handed over to you. The Human Race Envoy Charintel is going to the Elf Realm and is preparing to discuss very important things. But I don’t know why, it’s not convenient for the Human Race to **** the army. He, maybe it is to avoid the elves' grievances against the soldiers, so as a member of the alliance guild, please **** your guild elites to **** Lord Charintel. After the event is completed, the guild alliance will definitely not treat you badly!"

   System prompt: "Now enter the 3 minute countdown. After 3 minutes, Ms. Lin Ruoxi, the space magician of the guild alliance, will launch a powerful magic circle to teleport you to your special envoy. Please be prepared."

   "Huh? Why are there NPCs with Chinese names?" Yu Yan asked curiously and gracefully.

   "Oh? What's so strange about this? After all, Sky Dungeon is a world game, with all kinds of NPC naming methods." Liu Yaya actively explained.

   "Then why wait for 3 minutes, just teleport us over, just do it?"

   Yang Miaomiao seems to hate waiting, after all, it is the first time to receive the **** guild mission, which is somewhat fresh.

"This is for us to be ready. Everyone who wants to go to the toilet and drink water should hurry up. When the **** task starts, maybe we will have to run the whole process, and there is no time to stop and rest." Jing Tian as a meeting The commander and head of the group was kindly reminded.

   "Frog, I think you should go to the toilet to drink water, don't treat us as your kind!"

   Luoxia was like smelling a prey, and burying herself in the sky with excitement, attracting laughter from everyone.

When the three-minute time limit came, a white light suddenly appeared, and a young woman wearing a lavender Chinese costume and veil suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Her proud twin peaks and her shiny yellowish skin were all exuding. The breath of Chinese classical beauty.

It's a pity that Lin Ruoxi's face is covered with a thick veil, only two beautiful eyes are exposed. The parallel outline of the double eyelids seems to come from the plastic surgeon's pen, and the corners of the eyes on both sides of the nose have been opened to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, people have a lingering feeling of being conquered.

"An NPC is made so beautiful, and it makes the players not happy to play. Why is my character adjustments and adjustments not so good? Tengyi company must be cheating. Keep some good-looking settings for future development. What kind of special features of cosmetic surgery make players spend money in the game and spend money on their faces. It’s really damn.” Zhao Jiaxue said annoyed, she is not aimless, because this ridiculous setting, but it comes from getting along with herself day and night. Someone writes.

   That's right! That person is naturally Jingtian.

Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi have long sneered at this setting, but Jing Tian was in order to maximize the interests of the game, and he persuaded everyone to accept this planning concept, because Jing Tian believed that female players would definitely be willing to spend money to put their characters in the game. It is more beautiful. After all, Sky Dungeon does not have a combat fashion setting. Even if a fashion appears later, it can only be used in a non-combat state. After all, all equipment attributes will be invalidated after the fashion is used.

   It's not that Jing Tian doesn't want to make money through fashion, but Jing Tian doesn't want to create a game that is not offline for making money. If the game is too dependent on realistic aesthetics, then the game will always be a game and lack realism.

In the future, fashion will be exploded and sold widely. With fashion, you can participate in specific activity becomes a necessity in a specific scene, and it will not make fashion a short-lived game when players take photos together Props.

  Moreover, not only Tengyi has the right to publish the styles and designs of future fashions, but some players with this talent can also engage in relative life skills.

   That's right! Sky Dungeon This game is not without life skills, but the life skills in most traditional games in the past are too mechanical. They are always set up around the content of the game itself, ignoring the factors that combine with reality to drive the development of the real economy. , And they are all tools for making money or improving strength, lacking the taste of life, and what Jing Tian has to do is to restore an interesting and creative life skill system for everyone.

This life skill combined with reality can often turn the content of the game into reality. Simply put, when the player designs a set of fashion in the game, this set of fashion can even be directly purchased by the real clothing factory, and the player can still Get a good design fee.

Subsequently, as long as the clothing factory starts production, it can be bundled with the fashion in the game. Players can directly place an order to buy their favorite clothing while experiencing the fashion in the game. Then the fashion will be mailed directly from the manufacturer to the player’s home. Perfect business closed loop.

   Yes, games can drive the development of the clothing industry!

   Sky Dungeon is not only a VR online game, but also a link for the development of the world economy. It is a new type of game economy, which has been fully recognized by the world organization.

   It’s just that the timing is immature and the relevant content cannot be released.

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