Sky Dungeon

Chapter 519: Where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, the corner of the wall is du

   The so-called timing is not only to adapt to the stage of game development, different gameplay content should be released at different stages of the game to ensure the retention of players. And it needs the support of science and technology. Most games stay in the era of pseudo-VR online games. If you want more gameplay to become a reality, you must experience the baptism of the big era.

  From the perspective of fashion design alone, Jing Tian plans to design for everyone. Everyone can read the brain information of the VR device and directly obtain the player's brain map, making fashion design easier and easier.

Of course, this is not to say that fashion design is turned into a white job. Only real fashion designers can construct clothing that meets realistic production standards through brain maps. Players themselves only build fashion through brain maps. Although they may have individuality, they may not necessarily With beauty and fashion.

Her thoughts were a little vague, farther and farther away from the current **** mission. Yun Yiyi retracted her chaotic thoughts and stared at Lin Ruoxi with some yearning. She believes that in the near future she can also wear her own designed fashion and put on a more inclined one. The face of Guo Qingcheng appeared alive in front of Jing Tian.

   Lin Ruoxi naturally doesn't care what the players say and do or do. She is now just a designed plot NPC. What she has to do is to make everyone covet her beauty, and then open a light blue portal.

   A group of people entered another area through the portal. Everyone inquired about the map subconsciously, and the Taurus asked suspiciously: "The map here is unusable. Is it a copy?"

   "The dungeon is good, maybe there is a boss who can kill meow!"

   Yang Miaomiao will be extremely excited whether he meets BOSS or Mozu players.

"Uh... The mouse is right. The dungeon is also good. At least it will not be affected by the outside world to cause the mission to fail. It will be more certain to do it." Jing Tian said without hesitation, trying to get the first time to participate in the guild event The black and white brothers and sisters felt that there were still more normal people in the Qiyun Guild.

   "Hey...Is there a first kill for the copy, and I can update it when there is new content on my personal homepage!"

   Yang Mimi is indeed Yang Miaomiao's relatives. She has already thought of killing something like the first kill, and her thoughts are really jumping.

   But unfortunately, how can such a randomly generated mission map give you the first kill?

   Isn't the World Channel going to be endlessly falling down again, and endless saliva is coming?

   Not to mention the first kill of some dungeons, but also the first kill of a dungeon that has never been seen before?

   Let other guilds not be mixed up?

   "Who are you? Are you here to kill me? I know, I know, those people in the kingdom want me to die!"

   Before everyone had time to spit out Yang Mimi, a speech that was almost crazy screamed into everyone's ears.

   "We are sent by the Guild Alliance to protect you! Lord Charintel."

   Although the system gave other options, Jing Tian still chose this one.

  Because the system has given out several other things that Jing Tian thinks are all spoofs, one of them is "Yes, we are here to send you on the road, take your life!"

   If you choose this one, Jing Tian has reason to believe that the NPC will not be scared away, and he will have to work hard with everyone, or the **** mission will simply fail.

   There is an even more bizarre option: "Who is going to kill you, as long as you are willing to pay a lot of gold coins to hire us, we will sweep all your enemies!"

Obviously, NPC has just said that those people in the kingdom want him to die. This 80% refers to the nobles in the kingdom, sweeping the nobles in the kingdom, unless their group is going to betray to the demon, otherwise it is definitely a serious crime to kill the alliance NPC for no reason. , What's more, the current players and other levels say that killing NPCs in the city is to attack the NPCs in Novice Village. One thousand percent of them will have to be shot to death by the NPC.

"Oh... I was scared to death. I thought it was an assassin sent by those in the kingdom. It seems that my letter of help was blessed by God and successfully reached the Adventurer Guild Alliance. Thank you and hope you can protect it. So poor me, the next journey is definitely dangerous, and those who want to put me to death will not let this opportunity pass."

   Charinter emerged from the bushes on the side of the road. His appearance was very ordinary, he did not look like a special envoy at all, and his worn clothes made Jing Tian thankful that he was not dazzled by money for a while.

   Ask a pauper envoy for money? It's just a dream.

   "Why are they hurting you?"

   The system only gave such an option, so there was no choice.

   "I can't say it, and it's the reason why I can't say it hurts me. Sorry, adventurers, I can only rely on you. Come with me to the fairy kingdom."

   Charinter immediately walked forward, as if he was afraid that everyone would tell some amazing secret from him.

   What is the reason why people want him to die?

   Could it be that this guy had an affair with a certain concubine of the king?

   Jingtian shook his head in his heart, and found that he was completely infected by these teammates who were jumping in thought.

   However, this seemingly dungeon task seemed extremely calm, calm enough to make the tense people a little bit pointed, and kept muttering in their hearts: "Why is it not strange?"

   In the end, it was Yang Miaomiao who was the first to ask in a gloomy voice: "My God, isn't it because there is something wrong with the system?"

  What, is it necessary to have a lot of NPCs to besiege the **** mission? Can't you expect the task to be simpler?


In the Jingtian Consciousness Sea, there seems to be a flares exploding in not, I think there may be other settings, such as the setting of front and back flanking when halfway through. In this case, the NPC has nowhere to escape if it wants to escape, which is more difficult than having a monster in front. "

   Although Jing Tian thought of this from the perspective of kicking Tian Nong Jing, he was not quite sure.

"It's so insidious, Frog, you are definitely a real brother to the game planner who kicked the sky and the well. Did you turn your heads into enemies because of a certain beauty? You ran away out of anger. It's rare that you haven't returned home for several years. It’s okay to be broken in love, my sister can comfort your injured little heart, where there is no fragrant grass, and the corner of the wall is dug outside the wall."

   Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts are beginning to be filthy again, and some **** plot seems to emerge in her mind.

   The key to digging the foot of the wall, you can say so easily and blatantly, I admire it too!

   "Oh? Officials don't need your comfort. A slave servant is enough. Where can I have any energy to play broken love?"

   Liu Yaya deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of "energy", it seems that there are words in the words, a pun, which makes people think about it.

   "Bah! Brother Jing doesn't need you to serve, a violent woman."

  Nan Lingxi still doesn't adapt to Liu Yaya's seductive performance in the game.

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