Sky Dungeon

Chapter 545: Crazy chicken

At first, there was only ID [Tomorrow will be better] Joke Green Wolf Guild’s early prediction behavior: "You of Green Wolf Guild predicted in advance, the system found out, and decided not to swipe the headline announcement. Next time, we will continue to speak for the system and continue our efforts. !"

"Maybe the system boss sees the Blue Wolf Guild being so arrogant and deliberately postponed the announcement time. When someone breaks the record, the announcement will be made. Please go to the book!" ID [Dark Night Astrology] followed up and laughed.

"That's it, it seems like Tengyi was opened by you. For fairness, the system will block you!"

"Everyone, go to the dungeon competition, when it is broken, there will be a good show!"

"Broken a woolen thread, even if it is broken, it is also an internal update of our Blue Wolf Group. Just look around!"

"The strong man goes well, see you at the door of your dungeon."

The casual remarks caused some guilds with ideas to immediately send out the teams that were able to brush records. Although most of the main teams have been brushed today, it is impossible for all the guilds. All teams have brushed the level 25 dungeon, especially the time difference. The reason for the fact that some of the main players of the guild's PVE have just launched. This time, the door of the level 25 instance became busy.

Soon, the record of level 25 dungeon was really refreshed by the little guild who was lucky!

The copy record is like this, although it relies on strength to speak, but it has a very large element of luck.

The BOSS will mutate, so how the BOSS mutates determines the difficulty of the dungeon. In the case of BOSS metamorphosis and mutation, let alone the record, maybe even the dungeon cannot be cleared.

When encountering a weak and mutated BOSS, as long as a team with a bit of strength can seize the opportunity and soar into the sky, this is also one of the important reasons for the world's players to indulge in the record.

Not to mention that the bosses that the small guild encountered today are all weak, and it is difficult to even reach the top.

Several guilds have surpassed the record set by the Blue Wolf Guild. Although the Blue Wolf Group Guild also ruled out multiple teams from entering the level 25 dungeon to try to regain the first place, unfortunately, no one has exceeded the record of that small guild today. With the sound of twelve o'clock, the system channel, the world channel, and the copy channel simultaneously popped up a copy of the competition ranking announcement.

"Respectfully love the players of Ling Juding Guild [This Mountain], [Small God], [Treasure Life Away from the Smog], [Scream in the Morning], [Shui Lingling Little Bunny] Temporary level 25 dungeon dry water curtain cave competition The first place in the pattern rating list, their glory will resound across the entire continent of Aiyinsi!"

"What trash guild, have you gotten away with the shit!"

"That is, I fell in love with Ling Jueding, I have never heard of it!"

The players of the Green Wolf Guild began to try to lead the topic elsewhere.

"It's a pity, just now it was clearly the number one in our guild."

"Why doesn't the Blue Wolf Guild continue to celebrate that it won the first place? It really hits itself in the face, next time you don't do such a shameful thing, okay?"

Of course, some people will not let go of the jokes made by the Green Wolf guild to make trouble with the oolong.

"Yes, the people of the Blue Wolf Guild, you guys have been blowing **** all morning, why don't you dare to come out now?"

The little-known guild won the top spot in today’s competitive rankings. When most people thought this way, someone broke the news on the World Channel. It turned out that the guild that fell in love with Ling Jueding was a sub-guild of the Landscape Party Guild!

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this was done by an outsider of the Blue Wolf Guild. After all, the Soul of the Blue Wolf was dealing with the Oolong incident at this time, trying to suppress the bad influence to a minimum.

If you say that your copy of the competition is taken by a behemoth, then the negative evaluation of the Blue Wolf Guild will be suppressed to a minimum.

"What a small broken guild, please take a good look at it with your eyes wide open. This is the largest guild in the world!"

Number one in the world?

That's right, there are many firsts in this world. Although the first population does not mean much, it is also the first. It is inexplicable to say that it has a glory aura.

"Yes, it's rare and weird, even the Landscape Party Guild can't recognize it!"

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar. You must know that the Scenic Party Association clearly claimed that it only recruits idle players. In the eyes of the Grand Guild, the Scenic Party is a behemoth that hides dirt.

Fortunately, the Scenery Party is also regarded as a club composed of people who do not want to make progress and only want to take photos after upgrading. They can't see that they have the slightest ambition.

But it was such a Landscape Party Group Guild that actually won the first place in the score of 25 dungeons. This has to be ridiculed. Mozu players sneered at the incompetence of the Alliance Guild for the first time: "Oh, alliance, you guys. How did the Level 25 dungeon be occupied by the scenery party players? The so-called war guild is not as good as the scenery party. We all have to consider whether we should abandon the game."

"The alliance is mighty, fight the five scum!"

"Top! The alliance is mighty, fighting the five scum!"

"Whoever stipulates that the players of the Scenery Party will have no fighting power. You are scared of the Demon Race. We can explode the battle strength of any Scenery Party. Let's stay in the Demon Realm in the future!"

"Devil tyrants, without our alliance's diligent monsters and monsters, where did your Ziwu explode? If the system is not poisonous, NPC profiteers resell strategic materials to you, you fight zero scum!"

"Yes, there is something to avoid buying from consignment shops!"

Of course, this player has been secretly scolded as a pig, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com does not let the Mozu local tyrants buy the items on consignment. Who will sell the magic cores and materials produced by the hard working people of the Alliance at high prices?

The wealthy people in the league can't bear the blood and sweat of so many hardworking people.

"The Scenery Party doesn't care about things, take a good look at the scenery, why do you hate Bin La?" Someone began to anger the Scenery Party Guild.

"Who has stipulated that our guild can't make copies? The first place is just luck, not deliberately. Those who are not satisfied can come to Luoshen City. Our Scenic Party is civilized to travel, but if the indigenous people are uncivilized to us, we don't mind The indigenous people are cleared from this world!"

What a domineering tone and a tough attitude, this is the representative of the Scenery Party in the world who responded to it is the president of the Scenery Party Group Association [Feng Ji].

"Wow, the Queen of the Scenery Party has ordered, who else?"

I have to say that the World Channel became much quieter in an instant. No one on the alliance knows the Queen of the Scenery Party. Her nickname is Crazy Chicken. This woman is like a lunatic who has taken all the four guild stations in the main human city of Luoshen City. A guild was formed to contain the players of the Scenery Party, and was regarded as a female lunatic by the world players.

After all, how much does it cost to feed such a big family, old, weak, sick, and disabled, and these old, weak, sick, and disabled can't be compared with the war guild. In the future, let alone make money with the power of the guild, most people are waiting to see the bankrupt jokes of crazy chickens. .

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