Sky Dungeon

Chapter 546: All living beings are tall, and want to be unavailable

However, no one dared to underestimate the mad chicken's financial resources. This woman ate four resident areas in the south, east, north, and west of a city in one go, and she didn't know how many guilds had been established in one go. Even the soul of the blue wolf was amazed.

After all, if you ask which country has the most people in the world, it must be China!

However, the number of members of the Scenic Party Guild surpassed any other guild or force, and became the most populous existence in one fell swoop.

Even if the players of the Scenery Party are all fighting the five scum, if the fighting five scum is piled up, it is an ant colony, enough to shake the elephant's ant army!

Now the queen [Feng Ji] invites unconvinced players to sit in Luoshen City, who dare to provoke this lunatic woman without opening her eyes, maybe, the mad chicken will go crazy, and if you don’t blind your eyes, it will also infect you. Chicken plague.

The Mozu players naturally disdain Fengji, but it is rumored that the forces on the Mozu side chose to invade the guild in Luoshen City. As a result, they were besieged by an astonishing number of war five scum army before they reached the guild site in Luoshen City. Demon players were not sent back to the Demon Realm because of lack of combat power, but because they had no blue.

In that battle, although the demons slaughtered the Quartet and everyone got a lot of heads, but recalling a group of less than level 10 players who were besieging themselves, the boss of their guild had to give up attacking Luoshen City again, and Report the matter to the convention organization.

Afterwards, the Mozu completely figured out that the owner of the four guild residences in Luoshen City was a guild.

It's not that it can't be played, but it's really disgusting, unenthusiastic, and boring. The demons are all PK madmen, yes, but let the PK madmen bully a group of low-level trumpets, it is also a torture.

Maybe at the beginning, I can still indulge in the thrill of killing, but after a long time, I will inevitably feel dull for the lawn mower-style battle.

As the saying goes, all beings are tall and want to be inaccessible to opponents, and masters are lonely.

Of course, this does not mean that Luoshen City is safe. Demon forces invade Luoshen City almost every day. After all, a large number of Demon newcomers also need to experience. Those Demon players with poor PK awareness and few skills are sent in. A very special training camp forces, the training camp forces will launch an invasion mission to the Scenic Party Guild every day, these 30-level demon players with poor skills sharpen their skills and exercise battery life in the invasion battle every day.

If you ask these people why their PK skills are still poor at level 30, don't the demons all rely on PVP to upgrade?

Don’t forget that there are teammates. Most of these people with poor skills are well-equipped local tyrants. They are brought to level 30 by their teammates. After level 30, the upgrade slows down. These people will have time to sharpen their skills. After all, they can feel When it comes to the gap between himself and his previous teammates, everyone does not want to remain weak.

Slowly, each demonic force has established a first-level training camp force belonging to its own guild. The city of Luoshen is increasingly invaded by demons every day, so that it will become the city with the largest number of declared wars in the future.

Another name of the Scenic Party Group is widely circulated in Moyu: [Sparring Guild].

Of course, the narrative so much is to tell everyone an incredible situation, that is: there are countless members of the scenery guild, no one wants to really provoke this crazy group of ants, and no one wants to really anger their queen. .

Even many players will recommend those who have no ambitions or game nerves to join the Scenery Party Association. After all, it is a kind of life enjoyment to be a quiet Scenery Party in the game, and it is said that the Scenery Party Association is always welcome. Collect players from all over the world and build a real global village guild.

The guild system is very loose and has absolute freedom. There are almost few guild activities. Even if the demons invade, the members of the scenery party guild organize spontaneously to defend. The general guild president Feng Ji has never required members to be present. .

It's not because Feng Ji has money, even if the resident is smashed by the demons, it is enough to spend money to rebuild, but Feng Ji said domineeringly: "Everyone is a scenery party, and the guild as home is a safe haven. In the warm nest, everyone can speak freely and do whatever they want. The demons invade, just let them come. You don’t need to defend, you can go to see the scenery wherever you want to go. If it is overthrown by the demons, I will rebuild it. Don’t worry, everyone, as long as I Fengji is alive, as long as the game doesn’t go bankrupt, the house will be open for everyone when everyone comes back!"

For this reason, the Scenic Party Group Guild has never kicked any player, even if this player has never been online after joining the guild, but the Scenic Party will always reserve a place for everyone.

It is precisely because of this that all the landscape party guilds spontaneously organized defenses, because everyone regarded the guild as their home, and everyone wanted to defend their own space.

Therefore, this kind of protracted battle almost never stopped...

Before they went offline, Jing Tian and the others had reached level 32.3 with the most experience. Now the speed of level one in five days really makes everyone a little dissatisfied. Fortunately, the gameplay of Sky Dungeon is gradually unfolding, and everyone won’t have the difficulty of upgrading. What's the complaint, after all, the life of the game that is upgraded too fast is too The key to a good game is to control the pace of the upgrade. Never let the game upgrade too fast and cause the later gameplay content to fail to keep up, nor make the player feel that it is upgraded It's too difficult to lose the idea of ​​leveling.

Therefore, Jing Tian specified a relatively clear upgrade rhythm at the early stage of game planning, and the average level of 5 days after level 30 is the established setting.

Jing Tian took the initiative to inquire about Nangong Lingxi’s level. Nan Lingxi told Jing Tian with frustration that she had not yet been able to reach level 30, but Nan Lingxi did not intend to give up and told Jing Tian that she would not be upgraded to level 30. Never sleep.

Of course, Jing Tian didn't know. In fact, it would take at most an hour for Nangong Lingxi's upgrade speed to break through level 30. A burst of persuasive words made Nan Lingxi feel an inexplicable happiness.

When Jing Tian asked Nan Lingxi why he didn’t continue to look for quests to upgrade, Nan Lingxi informed Jing Tian that today’s lucky quest was received at the gate of the smelting hall, and the NPC gave her the first task to buy props. Just doing it, if it were other tasks like running errands, Nan Lingxi would definitely not accept it.

After all, driving her spirit puppet army back and forth is definitely not an easy task. Her greatest weakness as a spirit puppet master is mobility.

To Nan Lingxi's surprise, after handing in an item, the NPC that released the task continued to ask for the next item. A total of more than a dozen items were required. In the end, it reached the final link of the lucky task, which is the abnormal cross-level copy.

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