Sky Dungeon

Chapter 575: Peekaboo

   Even in the first-person view, the guild can also arrange for commissioners to pay attention to the screen, as far as possible to remind the players of the missing things, or early warning of enemy attacks.

   Of course, this kind of reminder may not be a good thing. On the contrary, it may affect the thinking and concentration of the players, and even become an incentive for defeat.

   Therefore, Tengyi Company also doesn't mind that players exploit such a loophole that is not a loophole.

And regarding this loophole, in fact, Tengyi Company also has a way to block it, but at this stage I want to give everyone an adaptation period, let some traditional online games survive for a while, and then let everyone completely change the traditional online games. Habits of thinking and behavior.

   As to what is the method to block the loopholes, let us talk about it later.

   At present, all spectators can see that the players who support the guild are in a state of imprisonment at this time and cannot perform any operations. The system starts the game with a pinch point. Now the players cannot even shake their vision.

After 3 minutes, all the players’ imprisonment completely disappeared, Lina Li opened the mouth to explain the rules of the competition: "The first content of this competition is peekaboo in the forest. All guild teams are randomly assigned to this area. In the virgin forest, any player character that is attacked will immediately enter the escape state for 5 seconds regardless of the damage level. In the escape state, the player is hidden and invincible. At the same time, the team score is reduced by one. If the team has five players at the same time, the team will escape. Will be randomly teleported to another location in the forest. In addition to the points deducted because of each person's imprisonment, an additional 10 points will be consumed as the point consumption of the teleportation."

Linali deliberately paused and then continued to dutifully explain: "It should be noted that the participating team can get the corresponding points by attacking the opponent team, but only 15 points can be obtained from the same opponent team. The same hostile player can get up to 3 points. However, if the team is repeatedly attacked by the same hostile team, it will lose unlimited points, so don’t cheat. Then, please be careful, don’t die easily. Oh, no matter when Lina Li is with you... I announce that the first game of peekaboo is officially open!"

   Do you want to talk about yourself like God?

   and the name of the game, do you want to be so casual?


   Is it possible to have the last laugh as long as you hide it without being caught?

However, after looking back and analyzing the rules of the game, all players nodded in satisfaction. Tengyi Company was able to consider so meticulously, which shows that the fairness of this game is beyond doubt. The champion of this game will never be due to internal responses. And take advantage of the loopholes to get unlimited points.

   Jingtian sees it more thoroughly. He knows this so-called virgin forest. This is the forest that he and Luo Xia designed to confuse their vision: Knowing the Devil Forest!

As the saying goes, the name “Knowing Returning to the Demon Forest” is self-evident. Players who set foot in this forest can't distinguish the north, south, east, and west. It is easy to spin around in a certain place. After all, all the players now The map assistance is forcibly cancelled. Players without GPS coordinate positioning will get lost in the city on weekdays, let alone in the forest of Zhifan!

Even if a guild has more branch guilds and want to earn points, at least you can find a place to converge. Unfortunately, let’s not talk about confluence here. I want to find a special place in these huge trees that look exactly the same. It's a wishful thinking, how can you cheat by combining points?

   At the beginning, all the participating teams did not rush to act. Most of them stayed in place, thinking about specifying a set of strategies that suit their team best.

   However, Jing Tian smiled faintly and said: "From now on everyone speaks in team mode."

The chat content of the team mode will not be captured by the live broadcast of the contest and displayed to the audience. After all, if there is too much display, the audience’s attention will be distracted, and the participating teams will be uneven. Who knows what will be said? Speaking of bad things about the competition, this is what Tengyi Company does not want the audience to see.

   "Old Xia! Can you hear me?" Jing Tian said in a loud voice.

   "Yes!" Luo Xia also replied with a loud voice.

   The two completely disregarded the endurance of the eardrums of other teammates. Fortunately, Tengyi Company achieved the ultimate in sound processing. Even though the two shouted, the voices heard by their teammates were only brighter than they usually said.

   That's right, the bedroom doors of Jing Tian and Luo Xia were not closed this time. Jing Tian communicated with Luo Xia directly through propaganda.

   "Tell everyone, distract and kill the enemy, don't take the same route! Let everyone prepare instant physical long-range weapons, everyone should be prepared, let everyone use long-range physical weapons."

   Jingtian just cheated and issued a strategic policy.

  Yes, the key to this peekaboo competition is to fight each other. If you get together and swept through a group, you might be deducted in 15 minutes.

   How can the key well have foresight?

   You need to know He has not planned the details of the guild power contest!

   Could it be that he bet on the right topic?

Understand people’s admiration for Jing Tian at this time is the five-body throwing to the ground. Only aliens like Yang Miaomiao would think that Jing Tian was pried out of the game information from Liu Yaya, a senior game consultant, and asked everyone to prepare weapons in advance. .

   "Does this count as professional discrimination? I don't have any attack magic."

   Jin Chengwu was somewhat surprised by the strategy of fighting each other, after all, he was not good at fighting alone.

"Even if there is magic, there may not be a chance to finish the chanting. Although ordinary attacks cannot interrupt the chanting, don't forget that now it is a peekaboo competition. As long as you are hit, you will be beaten into an escape state. Don't worry, just let it go. , Isn’t there still us? Even if you follow any of us, you may not be able to earn higher points. After all, people are more likely to be discovered. In this forest, concealment is very important. Unfortunately, there are no thieves in our team. , Everyone must be calm and don't lose to the Fatty team!" Jing Tian explained lightly.

   That’s right, this peekaboo is simply an event tailored for stalkers. They hide in the dark and attack players, and they can sit and enjoy points. Isn’t it happy?

   If five stalkers team up, then the score will definitely go against the sky, right?

   But it’s impossible to think about it. The team of five Stalkers should have been eliminated in the preliminary round, unless it is a small guild of 10 people, there is no elimination...


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