Sky Dungeon

Chapter 576: First blood

With an order, the five people slowly moved forward in five directions. All players who were concerned about Riding Clouds and Luoxue were taken aback. They didn't understand why they were spreading forward. Five people are not safer together and easier to spot the enemy. Do you follow each other?

However, everyone is relieved to think that the player's new exploration of a map is naturally the most efficient to spread out.

But is it necessary to explore this virgin forest?

The key map system has been paralyzed, and the action is scattered, or it may be impossible to gather together!

Soon, other guilds began to move one after another, and it seemed that they had all designated their combat strategies...

Thirty seconds later, a reminder of the first drop of blood popped up in the VR screens of everyone in Qiyun. However, it was not the plastic surgeon who shed the first drop of blood, nor was it white and black, but not eating mice!

Afterwards, the talents of the non-Luoxia team learned that they did not want to eat the mouse and tried to jump up the tree. They wanted to ambush the past enemy players with their condescending advantage. But before he jumped up, he was caught by a member of a small guild. It was discovered that he had given him a group spell gloriously. Because Yang Miaomiao was engrossed in climbing the tree, he did not find anyone behind him quietly approaching, so he sent the first drop of blood.

Fortunately, he was not stupid. After being beaten into an escaped state, he immediately ran in the opposite direction and disappeared into the dense forest.

The other party was afraid that the funny cat was just a tempting and deep trap, and did not chase the past unscrupulously, so that the non-eating mouse completely ran away.

After Yang Miaomiao gave the first drop of blood, she was naturally ridiculed by her sister, and everyone despised him.

Audiences who were originally curious about whether they can successfully climb the tree without eating mice are naturally like a pot of ice water poured over their heads. They immediately began to doubt their own vision. Why did they choose to support such a second-class team?

Let's quickly adjust the field of vision and see other teams!

But twenty seconds later, everyone chose to support the players who supported Qiyunluoxue and swept away the previous depression, because the experience bar above their heads popped out five consecutive plus signs, and the value behind the last plus sign made them feel directly Enthusiasm, everyone immediately switched their perspectives randomly to see who won the jackpot for the Cloud Riding Guild.

It was not someone else who won the jackpot. It was Yang Mimi who was scolding her brother for being stupid. She deserved to be the goddess of the gun. Her fan group was already full of joy at this time.

"The Empress is mighty!"

"Long live the empress!"

"Under the leadership of the Empress, the Guild Riding Cloud will win!"

They witnessed what happened just now. The sister who didn’t eat mice put on a white eagle beak mask and flashed out randomly. The mechanism box in her hand was pointed at the small group of people she happened to encounter, very casually. He fired five shots of steel needles in a row, but after this random series of actions, the five players on the opposite side disappeared one after another, and were finally sent to another place by the whole team.

That moment was too fast. Players who turned on the video function can only see through slow motion playback afterwards. The female emperor’s random five bursts hit the enemy’s head with needles. Even in a competition where the damage is not calculated at all, the female emperor did not change. The consistent style of headshot!

Have to make people feel surging!

As far as Yang Mimi is concerned, as long as she is in the game, she will continue to seek further progress, and will never indulge herself due to external factors. She has always played games with a more attitude and pursues progress than anyone else, but it is a pity that she pursues However, it’s a road that cannot be replicated. After all, how many players who insist on FPS style in VRMMO online games can be as smooth as Yang Mimi. Many people walked to the end with tears and never played a famous game. .

Indeed, there are days outside the sky, and abnormalities outside the people!

If you have to compare it with perversion, it is boring to find yourself.

Afterwards, various guilds went on fire one after another, and some guilds allowed their own thieves to move freely. After all, in this peekaboo game, thieves have a natural advantage. As long as they are close to the enemy crowd, a group attack skill can send the enemy team away. Send it randomly, get a lot of points, isn't it happy?

For example, black does not understand white, she has secretly posted a team that is carefree and weak in defensive consciousness. When the other team stopped to discuss which direction to go forward, she did not hesitate to make a note: [ Shadow Whirlwind]!

Although Shadow Whirlwind has no special control effect on the player's character floating in the air, black does not understand and white suddenly appears. The black whirlwind generated by its own rotation directly covers all the five opponents without any suspense, and the black whirlwind passes over. There was only a pink mosaic wound on their bodies, and the five-person team turned into a blue light and disappeared in place...Of course, this was the effect of forced transmission by the system.

Qiyunluoxue second team scored another 15 points!

At the beginning, there was no shortage of scenes like this being repeated on many teams with poor consciousness, but the teams that died once would not let the stalkers sneak attack so easily. They either deliberately moved a certain distance away, or Use long-range weapons to shoot around constantly. Of course, this approach is quite inferior. After all, attacks will have sound effects in many ways. Magic weapons are also accompanied by light effects. It is easy to be spotted by the enemy and be stared by players. on.

In other words, to attack casually is to expose your position!

Peekaboo's match is not hard power, but mobility and concealment ability. Once a high profile is targeted, the group will be destroyed sooner or later.

However, there are exceptions to everything. For example, the sister who doesn’t eat mice. Although this guy is shooting frantically all the way, few teams dare to take the initiative to find her. Most people have heard of the female emperor’s prestige, let alone attacking. Frequency ability, which profession has the confidence to defeat the mask shaman?

All the sisters who found that they didn't eat mice, took the initiative to attack, and all the female emperors shot them back.

Undoubtedly, the female emperor's husband group is even more boiling, and one by one has already clamored: "Long live the female emperor, the female emperor rules the universe!"

Jing Tian did not have the good luck of Yang Mimi and Xiao Hei. Before he could ambush the enemy, a small team ambushed him first. Fortunately, Jing Tian’s agility speed is definitely one of the best in the game. Jing Tian encountered an ambush. The first reaction is a side dodge to avoid the first wave of attacks. Fortunately, the opponent also uses a physical weapon to attack, which is not a range of damage skills. While sitting on the side to dodge, the weapon in the hand shakes and the crossbow is closed. Behind him, he held Fang Tianji in both hands.

"Yi Batian!"

As soon as he stood firmly, the big move of sitting on the well and watching the sky came out: [halberd method·yibatian]!

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