Sky Dungeon

Chapter 609: Bleeding curse

   is also for this reason, so everyone in the Scenery Party lost all their skills to Sit Jing Guan Tian.

   "Return to the carbine."

After Jing Tian said the three words indifferently, he returned all the negatives to the four members of the Scenery Party in a series of misfortunes, but how could Jing Tian let go of such a great opportunity, a halberd, a domineering, everyone's VR screen The monitors are all black. If it weren't for the faint light that comes with the screen, I'm afraid the racers would have to wonder if the equipment was powered off!

   Just when the enemy was frightened, sitting on the well and watching the sky was like a ghost in the dark, and reinserted the Fang Tianji in his hand into Fengji's back vest.

Pastor Shennong in the Scenic Party team is a female player nicknamed "Wanderer". Although this woman's response is definitely not slow, and she has not displayed any offensive skills, and has not been affected by the continuous disaster of sitting on the well. After the effect, he immediately saw the situation clearly and sang the style of Shennong!

The chanting time set by the skill of Shennong’s Wind itself is not long, but it is precisely because the wanderer’s reaction speed is too fast, she sings without seeing the people riding the clouds in the distance, and it is worth falling from the top of her head. The magic arrow rain of smashed and the chanting was interrupted, and the skill was forced to enter the cooling state.

  Oops! I missed it!

   Before [Wandering Zi] shouted out the anxiety in his heart, Jing Tian had already faintly popped these two words from his mouth: "Feng Ji."

   "Quan Zhilong!"

   "Arrow Rain!"

This clearly pointed out the target of the team's fire. You must know that Jing Tian just returned the two-layered bleeding state to Feng Ji. In addition, Jing Tian's record of Yi Batian was also very fortunate to pile the bleeding state to the third. The layer, what surprised Jing Tian was that he did not know whether it was deafness or magic arrow rain and covered the bleeding state by another layer. As long as he could cover two or three layers of bleeding, he could win Fengji in a short time!

   Liu Yaya used a [War Scythe·Flying Off], which interrupted the wanderer’s healing skills and at the same time gave Feng Ji a **** state!

   I don’t know if the female local tyrant is rushing to death today, she must have not looked through the almanac when she went out, so she dared to come out on such a bad day?

   Isn't this the old birthday star hanging himself?

  Theoretically, the bleeding state is not triggered so frequently. It is already considered sky-defying to cover the fifth floor in five seconds, but under the continuous blow of the well sky, the bleeding state is covered to the sixth floor!

   The six-layer bleeding state, although it affects the player, that is, the loss of 1.6% of the total energy and blood per second, but the six-layer bleeding state lasts for 10 seconds!

   First-order Bleeding Curse: If you curse an enemy so that it is attacked within five seconds, there is a certain probability that you will be hit in a special bleeding state. The bleeding state depends on the number of stacks, duration and bleeding damage effects.

The upgrade of the Bleeding Curse skill does not improve the effect of bleeding, but it will extend the curse time. If the skill is upgraded to Tier 6, the duration of the Bleeding Curse is 10 seconds. In the later stage, this skill is actually quite terrifying. The bleeding state, the bleeding state that takes effect after the curse will be longer and more violent.

   But don’t worry too much. The bleeding effect of the Bleeding Curse is actually not high at a speed that will not allow a skill to kill the player in seconds, and the higher the level, the more time it takes for the opponent to cancel, which is not necessarily a good thing.

Stacking the first layer is 0.5% of total HP per second, stacking two layers is 0.9%, an increase of 0.4%, the third layer is 1.2%, an increase of 0.3%, the fourth layer is naturally 1.4%, an increase of 0.2 Percentage points, after the five tiers, each tier only increased by 0.1% percentage points.

   So, up to the current 6th floor, only 1.6% blood loss per second, and the blood loss time of ten seconds is only 16% of the blood loss.

   Therefore, stacking the bleeding effect of the Bleeding Curse to five layers is enough to go against the sky, and even if they are stacked later, the effect will not be particularly different.

   Of course, unless a blood bull player is cursed by blood, and then attacked by a hundred people at the same time, it may be possible to accumulate the bleeding percentage to the level of a second person, but the average player can't withstand so many attacks and is dead.

However, this loss of 1.6% of HP per second, coupled with the crazy combination of sitting on the well and watching the sky and the subsequent slaying of the village women, and Yun Xueyi’s sniper attacks, even if Feng Ji is wearing purple equipment, the blood line drops quickly. Depends on the weakness of her equipment with low physical defense.

  Fuji chose more magic stone equipment in the equipment matching, which greatly increased his intelligence.

In fact, the profession of witches does not require much intelligence, but requires magic points. The skills of witches consume very large magic points. After all, Jing Tian will not design a witch profession that does not need to consider adding intelligence, so witches will add The whole system, and then vowed to curse, then there is no other career way to survive. You must know that most of the curses can be stacked. Create a team of witches from the whole Which team does not? Kneel down to sing and be conquered?

Of course, this does not mean that the witch must pay too much attention to intelligence in the selection of equipment like Feng Ji. As long as a guardian shaman is added to the team, it can greatly alleviate the witch’s poor mana condition, and part of the equipment Replaced with defensive equipment to enhance physical fitness has achieved the effect of enhancing its own survivability.

This is also an important reason why the guardian shaman and the witch often mingled in the future, and many players swear them into embarrassment. After all, cursing the blue and blood is shameless enough. There is a guardian shaman behind the witch’s butt, and once the absolute cannot be formed unilaterally Crush, then the winner of the war of attrition must be the embarrassed witch and guardian shaman. In the end, those professions that are poor in blue can only stare at the skills that have been cooled, and tears in my heart, what a blue world is like Wonderful!

It's like a naked beauty in front of you, but you are castrated. There is not a trace of a man's glory, and it is in response to the poem revised by Jing Tian: castration under the peony flower, you can only suffer as a ghost. !

   Any player who has suffered this kind of stubbornness, how can he not spurn the wretched combination of witch and guardian shaman?

However, it is a pity that the current witch Feng Ji has not found her own guardian shaman partner. She wears a purple equipment but a magic stone suit that lacks physical defenses. The teammates’ ability to rescue has been interrupted. Her bloodline can only be with meteorites. The speed of hitting the earth fell rapidly, but at the moment when her blood line was about to be cleared, everyone's attacks stopped.

   It seems that the whole game world has been cast a hold spell, and it seems that the game screen is stuck...

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