Sky Dungeon

Chapter 610: The great history of overcoming the rich by the poor

All the players in the audience could not sit still for an instant, they were all talking, and many people even took the opportunity to laugh at Tengyi, saying that the server was finally down. They didn't even think about why the server was down, but they still could. See what other people around you are talking about?

It’s no wonder that the players are excited. It’s like watching the bride and groom praying to heaven and earth, watching the bridegroom’s table toast and thanking guests, finally seeing the bridegroom and princess embracing the bride into the bridal chamber, and finally seeing the groom **** the bride. After finally seeing a little bit of passion, then there is no more...

   If it doesn’t, then it’s fine. Why do you have to freeze the picture in a moment of passion?

   It's so **** uncomfortable to feel like it's not going up!

   We want to greet everyone in Tengyi Company. Have you GM heard that?

Of course, Tengyi Company will naturally stifle the farce in its infancy. Lina Li is now appearing on the VR screens of all the contestants and spectators. She apologizes and said: “Maybe everyone hasn’t Have fun, but Lina Li had to announce that the team competition time is over. As time passed, the players have experienced different levels of game fatigue. I believe that all our guilds will bring you more exciting next week. Game interpretation. Before the end, please give the game statistics some time. Later we will announce the list of the top three guilds in the first competition, and give them rich glory and rewards!"

  Linali’s voice just fell, and the scene on the arena changed drastically again. A mini-pyramid rose up in the center of the arena. I didn’t know that it was the Pharaoh’s invasion!

Looking around the pyramid, all the participating guild teams are lined up in a very regular manner. Obviously, the pyramids that have been erected on the ground have not had any effect on their formation. The flags of their own guilds are flying above the heads of all the captains. There is no doubt that the logo of the own guild is printed.

   If it wasn't the last team match, regardless of whether the guilds he supported won or lost, they would have won a lot of experience rewards. At this time, I am afraid the audience will complain.

However, the supporters of Qiyun Luoxue are very sorry. You must know that the team competition between the Qiyun Guild and the Scenic Party has achieved an overwhelming advantage. The President of the Scenic Party Guild [Feng Ji] is the legendary queen of Internet celebrities. Conquer her, that will definitely make the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild famous. After all, the number of players in the Scenery Party can be described as huge. I believe the number of players watching the game can definitely reach an astonishing number.

   Jingtian and they are not sorry, the hegemony competition will not end sooner or later, can't they let them take down the Fengji boss and then end it?

   You must know that Jing Tian, ​​Yun Yiyi, and Zhao Jiaxue are all holding the lofty ambitions of civilians to beat local tyrants and vowing to write a great historical chapter in which the poor will defeat the rich.

   It is a pity that the system completely ignores their lofty ambitions and makes their blood melted to nothing. But if Liu Yaya and Nan Lingxi knew about this in their hearts, how would they feel...

   Win the rich by the poor?

   sling the local tyrant?

   Come, hurt each other!

   We unite Fu Ji and you 3V3!

   However, while the system was calculating the scores and conducting manual reviews, Jing Tian received unexpected applications from friends.

   "Huh? President, someone wants to add you as a friend and send a gift to me."

   Of course, he who has always ignored the application of friends was not the first time he found out. Under Yang Mimi's reminder, he checked the system's friend application records.

  Yang Mimi is indeed a social flower in this diplomacy. Anyone who can't get in touch with Jing Tian will go to Yang Mimi. Who is the female emperor and who is the internet celebrity?

   I don’t know how Internet celebrities make friends widely, so many people chat with themselves, how can they come through?

Presumably, there must be some chat threshold for Internet celebrities. By the way, Yang Mimi mentioned gifts just now. After the online celebrity anchors register, they can receive gifts. The effect is the same as the reward of the novel. Then how much did this mysterious person give to Yang Mimi? Gifts, is it bothering Yang Mimi to deliver a message to herself?

   Say that this money shouldn’t be shared by yourself?

The final score ranking of the competition does need to be manually reviewed. After all, this can be regarded as a large-scale all-guild event of Sky Dungeon. It is impossible to rely on artificial intelligence to shield risks. No matter how rigorous the program is, there will be such a big size. For minor loopholes, under careful consideration, Tengyi still arranged a dedicated person to supervise and review all the video recordings of the top three rankings. Of course, it is impossible to arrange only one or two people, but arrange a strong team to join the guild. The videos of the top three powers were cut separately for accelerated viewing to determine whether the game system is operating normally and whether there are obvious cheating problems.

This kind of review seems incredible, but it is indeed the most effective and fastest method. If you want programmers and data analysts to determine through data model analysis ~ ~ then I don't know when the conclusion will be reached. In addition, the data may not reveal the problem. Afterwards, programmers and data analysts need to determine whether the game system is fully functioning according to sample surveys, and continue to improve and improve it. This is a big project.

In the final analysis, it is actually that Tengyi Company lacks a complete sense of trust in the intelligence of its own game system, especially in the early stage of the game, it is very cautious, for fear of any omissions. I don't want to make any embarrassing incidents in this regard.

   You must know that Huaxia people are most afraid of losing face, especially if they are slapped in front of world players, that is definitely not allowed.

   What's more, countries all over the world are paying attention to the details of the game. If a game is to develop into a monster that affects the development of the world economy, if it is not rigorous, it may greatly reduce the confidence of the world.

   Therefore, I have to pay attention to it!

   Look back and see who is on Jing Tian who unexpectedly wants to add his friends. Yes, it is the female local tyrant [Feng Ji] in the last team battle!

   Jingtian doesn’t know what medicine is sold in this tyrant female gourd. Could it be that the female tyrant was unconvinced by the game just now and wanted to stun herself with money?

   did not hesitate anymore, Jing Tian directly found and passed Fengji's friend request in the system friend request record.

As soon as    passed, his friend's information flickered, and Jing Tian frowned slightly. Obviously Fengji's information came too quickly, shouldn't it be cursing himself?

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