Sky Dungeon

Chapter 611: If I have to have a so-called bargaining chip, it’s better to make a promise to me...

   If it is provoked, it will be settled, and life is not satisfactory, so the Ming Dynasty gave out a fart.

   Jing Tian still decided to open the message to see what the female local tyrant wants to do, but Jing Tian is ready to be ridiculed by the female local tyrant.

In the past, rich and powerful people always felt that there was no problem that money and power could not solve, and that face was more important than anything else. They were accustomed to the idea of ​​finding a place. Once they encountered a tough bone, they could find 10,000. The disgusting way to make you surrender comes out, and tortured you with ugly and crazy revenge, and then makes you surrender.

   The whole ugly process is an important evidence of their success in enjoying life.

   These powerful people, their desire to conquer and control are often stronger than ordinary people.

   Don't ask why Jing Tian knew that he used to be such a cautious person in such a short period of time, and when he was a young and old in the Jing family, there were many friends like this.

In fact, Jing Tian is very curious about who the female local tyrant Feng Ji is, and he naturally has to listen to her voice. In fact, from Jing Tian’s opinion, many rich female local tyrants, especially female local tyrants who play games, have a lot of voices. Rough, especially for this kind of person who formed a certain and wonderful guild alliance with his own power, it is very likely that his real person is a female man through and out. Jing Tian has unconsciously sketched out a man with the body shape of a Northeast Chinese in his heart. old woman……

   But when he listened to the other party's voice message, the picture in his heart was instantly fragmented.

   shouldn't... shouldn't!

Feng Ji's voice is definitely not special. Compared with Yu Yan, it lacks elegant charm, compared with Liu Yaya's lack of charming and moving hormones, compared with Yun Yiyi's lack of the kind of high cold that is thousands of miles away, compared with Zhao Jiaxue's lack of elegance. That kind of innocent and cute, compared to Nanlingxi, there is no warmth of Xiaoniaoyi, the voice of this Fengji can only be said to be ordinary to the extreme, and even Jing Tian forgot to listen to what the other party said, etc. After he listened, he smiled awkwardly in his heart and played the voice message again.

   "Hey, are you interested in changing jobs?"

   He only heard Feng Ji’s voice and brushed Jing Tian’s ears again very casually. When this woman spoke, she felt too casual, as if she was asking herself if she would like to have dinner.

   Jingtian almost burst out laughing, what kind of conversation start-up style is this?

   I actually dug someone into my own body for a while. The female local tyrant is not unreasonable. Is this a gesture of planning to annex my entire guild?

   Jing Tian's mouth raised slightly, after revealing an unpredictable smile, he said lightly: "Why don't you ask for a price?"

   Jing Tian was just about to close the chat interface. After all, he thought that Fengji would need to carefully consider for a while before giving a reply, but before he closed the interface, Fengji's message came again!

   "The price tag doesn't matter. The key is whether you are interested. If you are not interested, no matter how high my price tag is, you won't agree to it after all?"

Feng Ji’s words were unexpectedly realistic and random. Jing Tian finally heard a clue in her voice. It was a sense of vicissitudes, a sense of maturity and casualness that had been baptized by reality and full of sentiments to life. The big wind and waves couldn't make waves in her heart. This kind of feeling is that the ancient well does not wave, this kind of feeling is back to the basics.

Jing Tian suddenly realized that although Fengji's voice sounded very crisp, it definitely came from the lips of a young girl in her twenties. However, she was just such an inconspicuous young girl, whose mental age was definitely not less than 40. Five years old!

Jing Tian is interested again. If he is changed to a price such as how much money the second generation ancestor really offers him, he really does not want to accompany him, after all, the old and young Jing family, the luxurious life early It’s enough. Maybe many people like luxury, but they hate the life of money.

   So, the upward arc of Jing Tian’s mouth became more and more obvious, and he said lightly: “The world often says that loyalty is simply because the chips for betrayal are not enough. Don’t you think so?”

Jing Tian did not rush to close the information window this time. He didn't think Feng Ji could answer instantly, but he wanted to know what kind of reply the other party would give him. His curiosity about Feng Ji increased a little. Minute.

   However, what surprised him again was that Feng Ji’s answer came cleanly: "If you have to have a so-called bargaining chip, how about me as a promise? I hope you can marry me."

   With your body?

   marry you?

An illusion of thunder rolling in Jing Tian’s heart instantly...This Feng Ji is not an ugly monster who can’t be married in reality. She is so ugly that she has to sell herself cheaply. You can go to Korea to find Jin Chengwu to do it. Plastic surgery!

   The world of local tyrants is becoming more and more difficult to understand. Is it because I have been out of the lap for too long, and I have not kept up with the trend of the times?

  In other words, what is the matter with this woman who speaks so casually, is she making a cold joke?

  "Uh...this chip can't stand Tian doesn't know how to answer, so he evades.

Not surprisingly, the next second Fengji’s voice message came over again, which made Jing Tian wonder if the other party had any mind-reading skills, and it was impossible to record and send the voice message in just one second. , It’s more likely that the other party guessed how he would answer and sent the pre-recorded voice message.

   Thinking of this, Jing Tian became more interested in Fu Ji.

"Do you still want to endure it in reality? Since ancient times, heroes have been sad about the beauty level. It's better to make a decision with you and me in the video, but we can only say in advance that our relationship can only be in an illusory game, just a play It’s just a game of home."

Feng Ji’s casual voice came, and there was no taste of seduction. It seemed more like a threat. I don’t know where the courage of this woman was born. She looked like she had settled on Jing Tian. Jing Tian would fall in love at first sight without hesitation after seeing her deity.

   This makes Jing Tian even more curious, how beautiful is it to make a woman so confident?

   Could it be that all men in the world are hungry wolves?

   Jing Tian had to admit that this woman really had three tricks, and she actually let herself fall in.

However, Jing Tian can vaguely feel that Fengji’s words are still shrouded in a faint sorrow, as if no one in this world is even more stupid in reality. Maybe it is someone she has a crush on. There may be something like a married man.

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