Sky Dungeon

Chapter 612: Shameless, the level is also the best in the world!

   This made Jing Tian even more curious. I wonder how many cats have been killed!

   However, the next second Jing Tian shook his head in his heart like a rattle.

   The beauty of beauty is a disaster, not to mention that I already have a nest of beauty around me. If I get involved with such a big Buddha, my happy game life will really turn into a nightmare asura.

   Jing Tian cares very much about Fu Ji's last words. Compared to those who think games are frivolous, he prefers people who treat games as second life and hopeless.

   More importantly, Jing Tian realized that he was already developing according to Feng Ji's thinking. He hated this feeling of being controlled by others. His own life is in charge, and game life is no exception!

   So, Jing Tian replied indifferently: "I have no interest in you at all, whether in reality or in games. It's better for you to talk about why you founded the Landscape Party Group Guild, what is your purpose, and what are your plans?"

   He completely ignores whether his lies will hurt the female local tyrant. I am afraid that with the female local tyrant's financial and material resources, how many men are willing to become slaves to her feet.

  Sure enough, this time Fengji's message was long overdue.

   is like a voice message recorded a long time ago. I had to delete it because I saw Jing Tian’s reply. It’s normal to start over.

"The hero is nothing more than that. No wonder the hero and the bear are often mentioned together. I see the combination of these two lives in you. You are really disappointing. If you say this after the video with me Then, I will definitely admit that you are strong, but even if you are now the number one in the game, in my heart you are just a coward who dares not face a weak woman."

   The red-lined aggressive method!

Feng Ji’s words can be described as literal, but these words come out of her mouth, but they can be heard extremely casual and relaxed. It seems that she just described that she had an unpleasant lunch just now, and it did not make Jing Tian produce at all Any anger and burden.

   After all, people are walking in restaurants, how can you not diarrhea?

Jing Tian was a little embarrassed. Although Feng Ji's voice couldn't cause any ripples in his heart, but when she said that, Jing Tian checked her seat again before taking her seat. She was really ashamed. She seemed really timid. To true love?

  Or I am afraid that my will is not strong enough, so I will love you?

   Empathy, don’t love?

  Is there someone who is in love now, is it Liu Yaya, Yun Yiyi, or Zhao Jiaxue, Nan Lingxi?

   Jingtian didn't realize it himself. Why did he think of Liu Yaya for the first time, followed by the names of the other three women? The truth is self-evident, but the authorities are obsessed with bystanders.

Jing Tian had to admit that he was forced to eat this time, but he wanted to do everything, so he said lightly: "Although I am not interested in you, it does not mean that I refuse to video with you. I am just afraid that you will see me. Later, it will damage your image of Prince Charming, and again, don’t be too sad to get the final result."

The next second, the chat message flashed again, but this time it was not a reply from Feng Ji, but a voice message from Liu Yaya: "I heard Feng Ji is looking for you. What important thing does she want to chat with you privately? "

   Liu Yaya's voice did not conceal her sour jealousy in the slightest, as if she knew that Jing Tian would make a red apricot move out of the wall next.

   It's really a disaster!

   Now that I just agreed to video with the other party, why did Liu Yaya ask myself?

   This junior has caught it too in time, right? Is it to kill the rhythm in the cradle?

   and Yang Mimi, Yang Mimi, why do you have such a big mouth, can't this kind of thing be kept secret?

   Jingtian subconsciously pointed Liu Yaya to the female emperor as the source of Fengji's affairs.

Jing Tian cursed secretly in his heart, but before he could reply to Liu Yaya, Zhao Jiaxue's questioning voice had already reached his ears: "Frog, you have deceived and abducted which little girl again. Why don't you tell the truth? Be careful that the uncle of public security catch you Get up and beat up thirty boards."

   "Uh...Have you heard what I said just now, that is like an uncle who abducts a little girl?" Jing Tian replied helplessly, rubbing his temples with his hands in his heart.

"Every sentence is the same. Don't think that you can conceal our two beauties by using this kind of eagerness and indulgence. You must know that our beauty shows how smart we are! Haven't you heard from philosophers? , Beautiful women are the smartest?"

   can link beauty and intelligence together and praise oneself, in this world, Jing Tian probably only knows such a shameless woman as Zhao Jiaxue.

   It’s an old dirty lady, shameless, the level is also world-class!

   More importantly, which philosopher has said that beautiful women are the smartest? This is definitely something Zhao Jiaxue made up!

   Jingtian only heard mentioned in novels: Beautiful women are the most deceptive! Sure enough, this sentence is the truth!

You know Zhao Jiaxue always sticks a hot body label at the bottom of Jing Tian's heart. He has never thought that Zhao Jiaxue can be regarded as beautiful. After all, Zhao Jiaxue's deceptive facts are making people eat melons. She burst into tears, lived for more than 20 years, and entered the society for several years, yet she was able to maintain such a naive personality. Jing Tian was amazed. If she had to use a word that was closer to beautiful to describe Zhao Jiaxue, Jing Tian will shout out without hesitation: silly white dirt.

"Uh... pretty Miss Holmes, Feng Ji took the initiative to add me as a friend, and she wanted to dig me to their guild, and then she said she wanted to talk about it on the video. Why don't I hit this female tyrant hard and let her sponsor us? Guild? You know, our own financial resources are still very distressed in the game. It's better to talk to the female local tyrants about cooperation, maybe we can go further." Jing Tian decided to use money to divert Zhao Jiaxue's attention.

   "Okay, how much do you think is appropriate for you to sell in a month? There is no duck as big as you in the world, you can definitely sell it for a good price!"

   Zhao Jiaxue doesn't seem to be like Jing Tian, ​​and the tone of her speech has become yin and yang again, and the content of her speech is even more filthy with cold irony.

   It’s not that Zhao Jiaxue doesn’t believe it. The point is that they live upstairs with a rich woman. Do you need to negotiate with Feng Ji to sponsor Fei Jingtian?

   "I'm afraid that just a few words, the rich woman with a hot face and a cold buttocks will give generously? Does it need to go out to deliver food?"

   Actually, it’s not that Jing Tian never thought about it like this, but ducks don’t eat grass around their nests...

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