Sky Dungeon

Chapter 613: Old girl next door

what! Pooh! I was really broken by the old filthy lady, and I really regarded myself as a duck!

   Jingtian still resolutely gave up, and it's really hard to get started with this kind of thing!

   "It's okay to talk about it." Yun Yiyi interrupted coldly.

   "Yiyi! The frog clearly has a ghost in its heart, and is trying to divert our attention!" Zhao Jiaxue said hurriedly, for fear that Yun Yiyi would follow.

   I don't know if Zhao Jiaxue has taken medicine today, her IQ has suddenly jumped.

   "Binan Lingxi, how about Fengji?" Yun Yiyi woke up Zhao Jiaxue coldly.

Yes! If La Fu Po sponsored, then Jing Tian was taken care of by the rich woman Nan Lingxi, and it was equivalent to enrolling all of them, then Nan Lingxi’s nose would surely rise to the sky. After all, she is now there. The appearance of the subtropical high above is enough to make her nauseous, let her go one step further, and definitely make the common people long and common people short again.

   might as well let Jing Tian go to deliver the food!

   "Well, how do we cooperate, do we have to work for people again?" Zhao Jiaxue asked with some confusion.

   In fact, Jing Tian just talked about it casually, why would you think so much!

   But Jing Tian must give a statement at this time. If he can't give it, doesn't it prove that he wants to peep at Feng Ji's true face? Isn't it about to be regarded as a pervert who is headless and brainless and video of female netizens?

Therefore, Jing Tian trembled and opened his mouth: "Of course it will not be a form of part-time work. We can adopt an ally relationship. The Landscape Party should be very insecure. After all, most of them are idle players, even if there are many players. , That is also a group of villagers. They need brave men to fight off the demon king when necessary, and adventurers need to help them clean up the monsters daily and defend their peaceful indigenous life."

It is rare for Jing Tian to jump in his thoughts and talk nonsense, but it is just such a small episode that has changed the established development path of Jing Tian and Fengji, and it has to be said that even if Jing Tian is jumping in thinking nonsense, it is quite inexplicable. Convincingly, the two women have already deeply thought about the pros and cons of the relationship...

These two beauties are from art backgrounds, and they usually like to read comics about love and love. Of course, there are also unreliable brave comics. The metaphorical assumptions that are relatively incomprehensible are in the minds of these two beauties. A clearer logical relationship was formed immediately. If Jing Tian knew about it, he would definitely use the comics as a metaphor in the future.

   At this point, Jing Tian had the time to reply Liu Yaya: "Feng Ji wants to win over me, I am considering whether to cooperate with the alliance."

   "Oh? You and your two little lovers kissed me. Did I remember me after I finished? Does it take so long to reply?" Liu Yaya said in a bitter tone.

If you feel resentful, then resent, the key point is that this woman’s tone of voice also reveals a charm. If Jing Tian has guessed countless times that there is a natural bony vixen in this world, then Liu Yaya is definitely a living specimen. I ask major research institutes in the world to give this vixen. Take it away and lock it up for various human experiments!

"How is it possible! I will reply as soon as I see your news, you eldest ladies, I dare not neglect, you are the most advanced with me." Jing Tian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and lied lightly. Tao.

   "Huh, you are sweet, but is it necessary? Why do you want to cooperate with Feng Ji? For the money?"

   Liu Yaya is so wise, she clearly understands that Jing Tian will never succumb to money.

"Uh...we are all unemployed. Professional players just want to be nice. Is it wrong to want to be famous in the game and make money? Let’s not talk about making money. If we want to continue to be strong, the necessary funds are invested in everything. Inevitably, we have to consider both our livelihoods and play good games. If we don’t sponsor a little, the gap between us and others will be large if the level is higher. It is absolutely impossible to reach the top with technology alone, don’t you think? "Jing Tian replied solemnly.

This is actually something he has been thinking about for a long time. It's just that he sponsored this whimsical and naive idea, which was completely driven by him. In fact, he didn't hold any hope for the cooperation he said. Will accept his own proposal. After all, his guild has only a few seedlings, how can it protect their huge number of guild members?

  Unless Feng Ji really thinks that every member of the Cloud Riding Guild can use one enemy for one thousand. It is the kind of heroes and super players in unreliable novels with artifacts in hand, no worries about plug-ins, and above the system...

   It's a pity that Sky Dungeon hits against individual heroism everywhere, so it's almost impossible for Lone Rangers or anything!

   No matter how awesome the masters are, they have to fight on the streets in the sea battle!

"Oh? I think it's possible for you to find Nanlingxi. When will you become naive, but you'd better say hello to after all, if Carry her to ask other women to take care of you, and you are rejected by the other party... After Nan Lingxi knows, maybe she will extend her devil's claws to Feng Ji. Don't look at the reality that she is like an old sister next door, but In the business world, she can definitely be regarded as a decisive queen. As long as the enemy she targets, she will definitely be beheaded very miserably."

   Liu Yaya did not expose Jing Tian's little abacus, but also very clearly reminded Jing Tian to pay attention to the feelings of Nanlingxi. This is definitely killing two birds with one stone!

   One, her reminder smoothly embodies the role of a good wife as a beloved wife and avoids Jing Tian's negligence to commit unforgivable faults. After all, if Jing Tian persecuted Feng Ji because of his own fault, then Jing Tian would regret for life.

If Jing Tian gets news halfway, he will never sit back and watch because of his character. He will do his best to stop Nan Lingxi. Of course, this kind of plot development is not within Liu Yaya's controllable range. Liu Yaya is even more afraid of Jing Tian because of the wind. Ji, finally owed Nan Lingxi a debt of favor. You must know that Nan Lingxi's move must have been caused by Jing Tian. Jing Tian could not hate from her love, and Jing Tian could not hate a friend who cared about her.

  Second, Liu Yaya said this to remind Jing Tian to know the true face of Nan Lingxi, a woman who killed and decisively killed in a shopping mall, now why in reality she became Xiaoniaoyin's old girl next door?

Obviously, Liu Yaya is suggesting that Jing Tian should not be fooled by Nan Lingxi’s performance. If she is really the old girl next door, she is definitely the old girl next door with a demon sleeping in her heart. Once the devil awakens, she might make her next door bigger. My brother's bones gnawed so much that there was no scum left.

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