Sky Dungeon

Chapter 614: Feelings are actually part of the overall strength

   More importantly, why is the Linjia old girl?

   Obviously, Liu Yaya is still despising Nan Lingxi's sophisticated dress!

  Who makes this guy always like to wear professional suits all day long? Clearly do not work in the company, have to play professional temptation!

Jing Tian deliberated carefully and felt that he should say hello to Nan Lingxi, and he must have a reason to refuse her sponsorship, otherwise Nan Lingxi would just ask himself why he could not accept her sponsorship. It would be embarrassing to get sponsorship from a strange woman.

   make up a reason?

   Didn't expect that I need to find a reason for my hypocrisy?

   In the next second, Jing Tian woke up. In fact, there was no need to fabricate any reason, because Jing Tian had reason to refuse Nan Lingxi's sponsorship since the first day of the game.

Jing Tian wanted to understand everything, naturally, he sent a voice message to Nan Lingxi, but what made him a little concerned was that Feng Ji did not reply to him, and seemed to have lost interest in him, which is really unpredictable. Woman, Jing Tian started to meditate again in her heart: Confidant beauty has caused trouble, this confidant has not seen it, the disaster has already poured on herself.

   After listening to Jing Tian's voice message, Nan Lingxi became furious and asked why Jing Tian didn't take the sponsorship fee from her. This was contempt for her, alienation from her, and did not treat her as his own person.

Jing Tian said lightly the reason he had thought up before: "No, I don’t ask for sponsorship from you. That’s because I don’t want to use the feelings between us. I want to rely on our grassroots team. Power reached the top in the game. Just like I mentioned earlier that I wanted to retake the game, you said at the time that you wanted to help me. Although I am very grateful, you still rejected your kindness."

   In Jing Tian's view, if Nanlingxi sponsored the Cloud Riding Guild, it was only out of feelings for oneself. Although it was not sympathy, but affection, it was not obtained by the hard work of the team.

Although it is a bit extreme to think so, after all, feelings are actually part of the overall strength. Just like stars, they have the charm that makes millions of fans crazy. Fans admire and follow stars and willingly pay for their emotions. This is not the strength of a star, but also what?

   But, Jing Tian just can't accept love's charity, especially unilateral love charity, just like nurturing.

   Even if he is a celebrity, Jing Tian hopes that his singing moved the world, not his name that moved the fans!

I am afraid that many people will hardly have this kind of consciousness. It is like writing novels and becoming famous as gods. Later books are not earth-shattering by content, but fans are crazy about smashing recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and smashing under their own names. Reward, even at the expense of spending money, just like some stars, after the album is released, not relying on the strength of the song to make the charts, but relying on fans to brush the charts, relying on their own behind-the-scenes team to burn the charts.

   Therefore, Jing Tian looks down on this kind of blindly chasing stars and blindly following the rankings. He has to rely on his own strength to reach the top and climb to the top of Sky City!

   "Brother Jing, I don't understand. If you make a deal with Feng Ji, can't you make a deal with me? Isn't it normal to have a good relationship and to cooperate and win-win together?"

   Hearing these words in Jing Tian’s ears, Nan Lingxi seemed to be saying: Who is your caregiver and not, why not find an acquaintance to care for you?

   Haha, being kept by an acquaintance is really more inconspicuous than being kept by a stranger!

   To eat soft rice, it’s easier to find a stranger. It’s like begging. Who would pick classmates and friends for food?

  Of course, those old people who get something for nothing are excluded. They will continue to borrow money from acquaintances. Although they don’t borrow much each time, the value is about the same as begging, but they didn’t directly say: Have pity on me, give me some money?

   Why have to find all kinds of excuses for rushing money, borrow ten or eight yuan?

   Although Nan Lingxi is very happy that Jing Tian values ​​her feelings, she is unwilling to give up. In her opinion, she supports Jing Tian far more than Feng Ji.

   Don't think that she has gradually stepped down from Nan's economic control, but as long as she raises her arms, those business people who believe in Nan Lingxi's ability will naturally send a lot of banknotes into Nan Lingxi's account!

"Stupid, I think that you can join Qiyun Luoxue to help me greatly. It makes me more happy to have you by my side than to give me millions. Do you want our emotions to be isolated by trading?" Jing Tian had no choice but to show his emotional card.

Jing Tian’s words are actually ambiguous. He did not say what kind of emotion he and Nan Lingxi are. Of course it can be friendship or family relationship. Most of the time, Jing Tian is like a big brother next door, but Jing Tian is on the wrong side. Don't clarify the words.

   As the saying goes, the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is interested. At this time, Nan Lingxi's cheeks are red, as if steam is coming out. If Jing Tian sees this scene, she will definitely be ashamed.

   Just listen, Nan Lingxi Zhanzhan said on the guild channel: "Brother Jing, you finally confessed to I am very happy to be with you, I want to be with you forever!"

   Jing Tian instantly felt like he couldn’t cleanse after jumping into 84 years of disinfection water...

   Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi have already vomited blood in their hearts and rolled their eyes. They are also the parties involved. But what Jing Tian said can be heard clearly. Where did Jing Tian confess?

   This Nanlingxi will really go down the **** and push the nose to the face!

However, Zhao Jiaxue accused Qi Tian and said: "You, you, you... can you make it clear, what do you do so ambiguously, what is it that having Nan Lingxi by your side is more happy than giving you millions? That’s right, if you take a rich woman, millions and tens of millions are nothing. With a flick of your finger, it’s estimated that hundreds of millions of Chinese currency will be in your bank account. You are a big man who sees money, and you can see that kind of airport. I wish you happiness in your next life!"

   Zhao Jiaxue used the word "happiness" to be yin and yang weird, which is obviously a bias towards poor breasts.

   Jingtian looked confused, and laughed at herself even more: At this time, it was not just Zhao Jiaxue who was in trouble, but her communication information kept flickering. It is estimated that Liu Yaya would also come to question herself. What a disaster!

  Why can't I stand the temptation so much, why have to add Fengji's friends, and why have to sponsor sponsorships that have no hope at all?

   It's fine now, another pot of disaster water is poured on my head, and this pot of disaster water is definitely added with shaved ice, which is really cool.

   Still the old saying: ask the world, what is the pit? Directly teach people to stumble and jump! You have to climb out of the pits you dug in tears!

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