Sky Dungeon

Chapter 640: The moon-destroying forces were wiped out again

Although the total number of players in the world who have entered Sky Dungeon is huge, it is actually a little insignificant compared to the proportion of the world's population playing games. It is far from ushering in its development period, and it can only be regarded as in its infancy. That's it.

However, the overbearing only attributed this failure to the quality of the players, and I am afraid that it was a big mistake. The reason why Jing Tian can lead the Cloud Guild to win more with less, wins because of the asymmetry of information. , Jing Tian and the others have more top-secret information in the game, and their understanding of the game far surpasses other people. This is the way the Cloud Riding Guild can wipe out the moon-destroying forces whose equipment and strength are actually better than their own.

Although the overbearing force is not good enough, he can be regarded as the number one person, and immediately began to gather all the forces to gather and prepare for a second pass.

However, will Jing Tian give the overbearing opportunity to break through the level a second time? Will Jing Tian foolishly let the Ruiyue Guild invade the station and consume their NPC mercenaries?

The answer is unquestionable. Therefore, Jing Tian immediately asked the Cloud Riding Alliance guilds to publicize the news of the complete defeat of the Ruined Moon Guild on various channels, and arranged for Yang Mimi to quickly post the video to his personal homepage as evidence. It didn’t take long for the alliance and the demons. The news of the ruined moon guild's defeat was immediately spread among the players.

The demons who had entered the small resident of the Nine Palaces of the Cloud Riding Alliance were only at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, but now it is good. The news of the defeat of the Moon Destruction Guild is undoubtedly an announcement of their defeat of liánhéxíngdòng...

how is this possible? Four or five hundred people can still lose if less than 50 people?

Originally, some people thought that this was a smoke bomb created by Alliance players, but soon someone saw the video evidence and directly confirmed the news of the defeat of the Moon Destroying forces.

Still have time to watch the video during the battle?

Of course not, but of course those players whose deaths are sent back to the Demon Realm can!

You need to know that you can paint in picture during the game. Anyway, it’s very boring to run to the sea of ​​chaos, so just open it and take a look. Naturally, someone will discuss it in the power channel...

After all, the moon-destroying forces are usually arrogant and ruthless. Now that they have been completely wiped out by the Cloud Riding Guild, they are still full of comfort with schadenfreude. These people want to give this kind of schadenfreude to their friends and members of the forces. However, they did not expect what kind of negative energy this would give the entire force's combat power!

The morale of all the members of the demons instantly dropped, and they became incompetent when fighting. The evenly matched offensive and defensive warfare turned into a one-sided situation with this as a turning point. Before the ruined moon guild regrouped and killed the chaos, the treaty organization The first phase of the invasion war almost ended with the destruction of the entire army.

Hearing the news of the defeat of the various forces, the overbearing heart was furious, and immediately led people to the outer city gate of Qiyun Luoxue Station, but he ignored an important issue. The Cloud Riding Alliance had indeed abandoned the relationship between the outer city and the inner city. Defensively, he sang an empty city plan, but this time all the forces of the seven guilds were deployed between the outer city and the inner city!

When the overbearing moment saw the crowd of Riding Cloud Alliance players, he couldn’t wait to draw a big mouth from himself. He actually had inertial thinking, and mistakenly thought that the people Qiyun Luoxue were still waiting for them to attack inside the inner city wall, and the resident was dead. Yes, but people are alive!

Only if the head is possessed by Erha will he wait for him to fight in the small resident of Jiugong!

It was too late to regret, and the people of the ruining moon force could be regarded as a little proud, and without considering the difference in numbers, they fought with the members of the seven guilds abruptly.

Regardless of the fact that there are many players in the Seven Cloud Riding Alliance, but the same sentence, the number of players in the attack range is limited, and the strength of the players in each guild is really limited. To put it bluntly, many people are even not as good as level 40 npcs. guard. However, it is impossible for the moon-destroying forces to cause any storm. The small number of people means: limited battery life!

Once the skills are lost, they can only be used as a meat shield...

The moon-destroying forces of nearly 500 people in the entire army were once again annihilated!

The Riding Cloud Alliance also paid the price of more than 400 deaths, but fortunately, these dead can quickly come back to defend.

With this experience of failure, the overbearing force caused the six other forces in the same industry to gather at the gate of the Qiyun Guild's residence, and ordered no one to attack the residence without authorization. Time has not allowed them to fail again, after all, the time limit for the invasion is two hours.

However, where is the barrier so simple? Don’t everyone hang out at the same time!

Just when the seven demon clan forces only assembled four in the past, Jing Tian suddenly gave an order, and the seven guilds of the Riding Cloud Alliance came out. The reserve players of the various guilds in cooperation with wàiwéi directly attacked the four demon clans. A massive siege Among them, Jing Tian was surprised that the most players in the reserve of each guild turned out to be the female emperor husband group, and I sighed in my heart: this female emperor who is addicted to the fps world Why is it so popular? The number of harems is amazing, right?

I don’t think it should be called the Empress’s Husband Group. It should be renamed the Ant Empire. Yang Mimi is the queen. The admirers of this group of empresses are the worker ants and the part-time soldiers.

Of course, there is a person whose face is completely green. It is naturally Fatty Luo Xia. He is forced to refresh the number of rivals time and time again. This wife is really not easy to marry!

Undoubtedly, under the encirclement of all alliance players, these four companies were defeated and fleeing. The other two demons who rushed to see that the situation was not good at all did not move forward, so they directly chose to retreat strategically.

Hearing about such a tragic news, the domineering spirit was so smoky that he directly ordered each of them to act freely, hunting alliance players to earn quest heads. After all, there is not enough time to integrate forces to attack the alliance. Only two or three companies can integrate their forces. It could be a gift.

The final stage of the invasion of the demons has become very boring, and it can even be said to be disappointing, but throughout the ages, which wars can still set off gāocháo to the final stage?

Most battles completely settle the battle from the beginning, or at a certain turning point!

The seven guilds of the Riding Cloud Alliance had to return to their garrison for fear of intrigues and tricks used by the demon. As a result, the demon forces did not kill again until the end. On the contrary, the players who upgraded and performed quests outside were complaining, because today The clan players attacked them like crazy. This can't be blamed on the demons. Who told them to kick the steel plate on the side of the cloud riding alliance and eat it?

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