Sky Dungeon

Chapter 641: The Demon Invasion War officially ended

Can't let their Buddha's mind overflow, and not irritate the innocent alliance players in front of them, right? That would definitely suppress illness...

Affected by the news of the ruined moon guild’s overall defeat, the treaty organization forces that attacked several other settlements all ended in failure. After all, they were not the main event this time, and the cooperation and support they received were naturally almost zero, and they were not expensive. The summoning of Warcraft, so that the treaty organization ended in defeat.

The Jade Demon Alliance wins!

Of course, Jing Tian fulfilled his promise. During the period, Jing Tian also took people out to some tight locations to provide support, cut off the supply of demons, and stabilized the alliance front as much as possible.

However, what Jing Tian led were only reserve players from various forces, and did not use any main force, and only played a role in intercepting and killing the demon players who came back.

Of course, because of the boring final stage, Yang Miaomiao would have nothing to do with Jingtian in the chat room and said, "My God, why are you so stupid? Why do you choose the same guild to protect your time? If our seven guilds stagger each other, then Shouldn't there be only three or four demons who can attack our resident at the same time, so if we join together, won't we easily trample them to death?"

I have to say that Yang Miaomiao did ask a very good question, but it is also a very mentally retarded question...

Jing Tian's eyes lit up, and he faintly replied: "All the guilds in the same joint resident set the protection time. By default, they are consistent with the land deed holding guild of this resident. This is a system setting. They cannot casually Revise the time voluntarily."

Tengyi Company is not a fool, and Jing Tian is not a fool. How could this kind of loophole not be thought of, it is just that many people who are not in their place have not experienced such set restrictions, lack of information in this area, and produce some self-conceited wisdom That’s it.

Of course, these people cannot be said to be ridiculous. At least they are good at thinking about the settings in the game. They are really playing games, exploring, and are actually happier and more satisfied than those who play games dumbly.

However, it is precisely such a seemingly inflexible setting, but Jing Tian still planted a dark move that can separate the guilds of the same resident from the protection time, but now it is necessary to speculate at all. This bug is also his own copywriting of the year. Those that are not mentioned in this article, if used, may be harmed by kicking the sky and the well. So, let’s use it later...

With the passage of time, the two-hour invasion of the demons officially ended!

Relying on the advantage of the home battle, the Alliance defeated the conspiracy of the Demon Pact. Although the Demon was defeated, they killed more Alliance players in this invasion station. This failure made the Demon players. What they feel is not despair, but hope and yùwàng. They see the Alliance Guild’s residence time and time again, and they are left with a sigh of relief. They think that as long as they are stronger and everyone works harder, they can completely destroy some Alliance Guilds. station.

Of course, this kind of illusion is precisely designed by Tengyi Company. They mediate the balance of the game invisibly. What you want to see when kicking Tiannongjing is the two major forces of the Alliance and the Demon Race, rather than one-sided crushing.

Moreover, the demons don't care about defeat at all. It was originally an invasion war launched by them, and even if they lost, they would have little experience. That's right, it's just that you have less experience. Even if you lose, you can get experience, and the difference between winning and losing is not an exaggeration.

After all, if there is too much difference, I am afraid that there will be another guild on the alliance side to undertake the invaded business. As long as you can spend money to buy victory and buy experience, then the game of demonic invasion will come to an end. Precisely because the experience is not much different, and the demons are eager for hearty battles and disdain for opportunistic tricks, so although there are guilds on the alliance side that have promoted the intrusion business to the demons, the demons simply disdain it.

Just like the scenery party guild we said before, a group of fighting five scum, fighting for a long time, tastes like chewing wax, and has no passion at all! You know, players who like pvp online games want passion!

Therefore, Tengyi’s plan to kick the sky and Nongjing continued Jingtian’s experience reward method for the invasion of the demons. It not only allowed the demons who successfully invaded to gain more experience than they failed, but also made the experience value not enough to make them excited Go buy the alliance guild.

In fact, it’s not that easy to set up a guild on the alliance side. Who would gather a group of players with too little money to use as a substitute for dead ghosts, constantly being destroyed and constantly resurrected?

In this world, labor costs often account for most of the product knows...

The World Channel has naturally changed and become the time for the Alliance to swipe its screen to show off its power. What's more, it even took Qiyun Luoxue to the sky, saying: "Don't be stunned by the demons, know that the first guild is amazing. Your number one power is not enough to see in front of our first guild, so don't come here to be embarrassed in the future."

That’s right, today’s champion of the Demon Race Tournament is undoubtedly the core force of the convention organization [Destroyed Moon]. Of course, Destroyed Moon becomes the champion of the forces, and contacts are the main factor. However, these people with ulterior motives used this matter to hype, in fact, they wanted to arouse the power of the Demon Race, let them retaliate against Riding Cloud Guild, and use the hands of Demon Race to completely subvert Qiyun Luoxue.

You know, there are many people in the Alliance who hate the Riding Cloud Guild, and don't mind the crazy fanning at this time.

Although many of the power leaders of the Demon Race also understand this truth, they are willing to be used this time. The name of your own power resounds throughout the world of love and marriage!

I have to say that although the Moon Destroying Force has become the strongest force on the surface of the Demon Race with its own strength, the forces that dormant behind him are actually not convinced, especially this time their Moon Destroying Force has even more than a dozen people. None of the small guilds were defeated, and the prestige of the ruining forces was greatly reduced.

However, soon someone on the World Channel reminded everyone to watch a video of Qiyun Luoxue crushing and destroying the moon force with absolute strength. Although this video was released by Jing Tian, ​​it was repeatedly mentioned by people with ulterior motives.

Don't get me wrong, these players with ulterior motives are not members of the guild who want to borrow a knife to kill people on the side of the alliance, but are reserve players from the Moon Destroying forces! 14

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