Sky Dungeon

Chapter 654: Air pet generation

Luo Xia is very sensitive to data. Jing Tian’s sponsorship fee is really pitiful, and it can also accelerate the improvement of the equipment of the Cloud Riding Guild. After all, everyone’s hands are enough to create three or four purple pieces. Equipment, you have to know that the number of equipment slots on the game characters of Sky Dungeon is horribly high. Now many players have not collected all the equipment. These three or four purple outfits are actually not enough!

"There is also, you are so rich, why don't you buy a villa for us, do you have to buy this whole building?" Zhao Jiaxue has been in shock just now, and now the big trick of thinking jumps has come out. .

"What's so good about the villa? It's empty. The bigger the house, the lonely. Besides, if I ask you to move into the villa, will Jing Tian agree to it?" Lin Yumian was full of disdain for the villa and threw the problem to了井天.

Sure enough, the female local tyrant doesn't know the dream of the poor! You know, living in a villa is a small dream of common people! How else could she dream of marrying into a wealthy family all day long?

Therefore, she is staring at Jing Tian with both eyes staring at Jing Tian, ​​as if two golden words are printed in her eyes: "Villa"!

"No." Jing Tian cut the railroad firmly.

Not to mention that Jing Tian doesn’t like big houses like villas. He originally escaped from that environment. Even if he was not asked to return to his own home, he didn’t want to live in the villa. That kind of environment is easy to be forced into the villa. From the sad experience of the past. What's more, if there is no merit, even if Lin Yumian invites Jing Tian to live in the villa on the grounds of repaying kindness and funding, Jing Tian will flatly refuse.

"Frog! You won't, doesn't mean we won't, we are a team, how can you be arbitrary?"

Zhao Jiaxue actually had a dream of living in a big villa since she was a child. She has always believed that this small but lofty dream can only be realized in this life by marrying a wealthy family, but now she can reach the sky without betraying her love, how could she give up easily.

What's more, he clearly hinted Jing Tian with his eyes crazy, but Jing Tian turned a blind eye to hearing, and he had no place in his heart!

"Xiaoxue, in the future, there is a chance."

Yun Yiyi interrupted Zhao Jiaxue coldly. How could she not know what kind of dreams her girlfriend had, but at this time she was more willing to stand on the side of Jing Tian, ​​she did not want to accept the favor of a love rival. Although Yun Yiyi is the Queen of Ice and Snow, she is also a woman. A woman seems to be born with a set of invisible detection antennas. Once she detects a signal from her rival, she will transmit the message to every cell of her own.

Now that Yun Yiyi has said so, Zhao Jiaxue will naturally stop messing around. After all, the female local tyrant has now bought almost the entire building. Why should she let the other party build a villa for herself?

So, Zhao Jiaxue coquettishly got into Yun Yiyi's embrace, pretending to cry a few times, then turned her head in Yun Yiyi's embrace like a big rabbit, looked at Jing Tian viciously, and said unreasonably: "Frog, you owe me one. A villa!"

Why am I so inexplicably burdened with such a huge debt?

Even if Lin Yumian wants to give it, it is for everyone. Why are you alone?

Everyone went back to each house to find their own beds. The first thing to go online was naturally to purchase the game peripheral pets that Sky Dungeon grandly launched today. Tengyi has been keeping a mysterious attitude towards the launch of game peripherals these days, only to disclose Pet peripherals will be launched at the conference, but no promotional information will be released on what kind of pet peripherals will be launched and what are their functions.

Of course, Jing Tian and the others don't need to be curious at all. After all, they have seen a lot at Liu Yaya's house before. To put it bluntly, it's not a pet pillow doll. Maybe the official version is equipped with a powerful intelligent interactive system.

All players who log in to the game will receive a system email from Tengyi. This kind of important email naturally pops up in the middle of the vr screen very conspicuously. The content of the email is also simple: Sky Dungeon outside the pet I set it up for sale, and then followed a hyperlink address. Everyone was completely dumbfounded when they clicked it. Why is this kind of thing?

Even Jing Tian and Liu Yaya were a bit surprised. I have to say that Tengyi Company is really big, not only smart pet pillows, but also the smart pet skypet1 with the ability to move freely. This skypet1 was translated by Tengyi Company. The first generation of air pet, the ambition of Tengyi can be seen from the name, and the configuration and introduction of the first generation of air pet also made the players dumbfounded. Can't help but wonder if they will really buy such a thing?

Simply put, this air pet 1st generation is an intelligent robot, but the appearance of the Ziwu pet in the game is restored as much as possible, but this guy has the same language interactive learning function as the intelligent pet pillow~www.mtlnovel. com~ even has a pet mode for free activities!

What the **** is free activity?

Could it be that this air pet is a robot with the ability to think, does it mean that if the air pet is in a bad mood, maybe he will attack the player owner?

Fortunately, the pet mode also comes with a lengthy introduction, which basically means that the air pet will lose language ability in the pet mode, and the behavior is infinitely close to pets such as cats and dogs, and will actively integrate with real pets.

In order to prove this point, Tengyi company also embedded a video recording on the page. The video is nothing more than a scene of an empty pet chasing and playing with a puppy, kitten, and bunny. However, it was precisely such a scene that made countless **** shoveling officers heart-stricken, and finally they could buy a friend who does not need to shovel **** for their baby!

Not only that, what makes the **** shoveling officers shine is that this air pet also has the function of remote control by app, so you no longer have to worry about monitoring your own pets or wives when you go out!

An active camera is naturally much better than a whole house full of cameras!

Of course, this kind of thing may also be used to do some bad things, such as the scenery in the tuukuī beautiful skirt released in summer... This kind of practice is very risky for people. After all, the purchase is a real-name system and the equipment is unique. Once used for illegal activities, then the buyer must be held accountable, even if it is only stolen.

What's more intimate is that Tengyi has even come up with a size option. Different air pets have different body sizes, which can fully meet the needs of various players. After all, golden retrievers can never get a rabbit-sized air pet to play with golden retrievers. Well, maybe it will be torn to pieces soon.

Speaking of tearing into pieces, the official also released a video about the strength and safety of air pets. The cover of the video reads: Those who are afraid of tigers should enter carefully! 14

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