Sky Dungeon

Chapter 655: : The demolition team at home is about to meet an opponent

In the video, naturally a naive air pet was beaten and bitten by a ferocious tiger. I don’t know if the tiger hasn’t eaten for many days or something. He would actually attack such an iron lump, but was beaten and torn by the tiger. After the bite, the air pet can function normally intact, which has made many players amazed, and their hearts are relieved: the demolition team at home may be about to meet an opponent!

The last introduction about the pet mode is somewhat dumbfounding: some air pets have the function of feeding pets!

After watching the video, the **** shovel officers ran away in tears. Where is feeding, it is clearly pulling food. Players store dog food in the granary of the air pet. You can set a fixed time for feeding or remotely. APP is feeding, but these dog foods are pulled out by air pets!

That's right, it was pulled out, and the grain ration was set at the chrysanthemum of the air pet!

Nima, I don’t know if my pets will chase air pets every day after using such a function!

Considering that my dog ​​is very interested in chrysanthemum itself, everyone will not pursue this tangled setting.

However, looking back at the price of air pets, the **** shovel officers burst into tears, and Tengyi Company is stealing money!

The asking price ranges from thousands to tens of thousands!

But after the next breath, most people calmly realized something. This is a smart robot pet, can it be cheap?

Of course, these are not the reasons to buy. The most important thing is to return to the main interface of the game peripherals. The distinctive font of the system is writing abruptly: The language interactive collection and learning system of the smart pet pillow and air pet 1st generation is effective The duration of use will increase the player's proficiency in binding weapons and gain additional offline points. Please note that the player's game character can only bind one weapon proficiency to peripheral equipment at the same time, and purchase multiple peripherals cannot obtain proficiency and offline points at the same time.

At first glance, Tengyi Company is still a bit conscientious, blocking the possibility that a single player can buy a bunch of empty pets to strengthen his game role.

In fact, Jing Tian understands that mass production of this kind of product is very difficult. Now it is impossible for players to have one air pet for one generation. Where can they be wholesaled?

However, the sales of the first generation of air pets will inevitably lead to the new development of the world economy and technology. After all, the first generation of air pets is definitely not produced and assembled by ordinary toy factories.

That's right, 1 point of air pet is no longer just as simple as a toy, the production requirements have been significantly increased, and it is even expected to build a prototype of a robot production line!

Games can drive the development of the world economy, which is only a small part of it.

Although this game peripheral is completely optional, after all, weapon proficiency and offline points correspond to game duration and offline time. Even if there is no free pet, players will inevitably continue to increase these two values ​​if they accumulate. For Gaowan, what do weapon proficiency and downline points represent?

It represents the level of skills and the learning of comprehension skills!

Now the slowest upgrade in Sky Dungeon is probably the skill. Many people understand why the skill is still empty, isn't it because the offline points and weapon proficiency are not enough?

Even if you can't afford the first generation of air pet, you can bite your teeth and buy a smart pet pillow. The price of a smart pet pillow is still acceptable, as long as a few hundred yuan.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some players insist on the principle of not spending a penny. Jing Tian originally designed the game with the concept: a game for all, even if you don’t spend a penny and spend more time than others, you can play with krypton gold players. Go against each other!

If you don’t buy pets, then upgrade your skills one step later. That’s it. This also makes all civilian players feel that the game Sky Dungeon is more conscientious. After all, there are no peripherals, and you will have superior skills after purchase. BUFF, the balance of the game will eventually move towards balance.

This allows civilian players to always have a strong dream in their hearts. For this dream, they will continue to work hard and fight hard.

In fact, some people often say that the poor and the rich have the same amount of time. Do we have 24 hours a day and the rich 25 hours a day?

That's impossible!

However, Jing Tian doesn't think so...

Just like the concept of games, rich people can use money to take shortcuts and save time, and they can use more time effectively. For example, I used to be a young man from the Jing family, and I stretched out my hands every day when I had lunch, so I didn't need to waste my time for many things.

Later, when he ran away from home, Jing Tian would spend a lot of time on housework and more time on things to maintain his livelihood.

Comparing the two, Jing Tian felt that he had less time, from the original 17 hours a day to six or seven hours a day. He didn't know who had stolen it at other times!

In fact, this is the case. Many people work for a day, and in the end feel that they have very little time for themselves.

Therefore, Jing Tian never thinks that he is a conscientious plan. He even thinks that the populist party with zero consumption is paying more and more precious on the road to becoming stronger than the Krypton Party with a large amount of recharge...

However, Jing Tian does not think that he is a plan to harm others and himself. He believes that if a person's time is spent on things he likes, then he is happy. Many people are forced to survive every day and do things they don’t like to do. Then their happiness index is measured by how many hours a day they do what they For example, reading novels, such as playing. Games, if there is no time for their hobbies all day long, then their lives are really like hell.

Therefore, whether it is the Kryptonian Party or the Populace Party, as long as they have a heart that is constantly becoming stronger, even if they pursue different paths of interest and strength, they are all happy.

When Jing Tian set his sights on the sales volume, he couldn't help sighing in his heart: He is so **** talent, he has sold so many, and the first generation of air pets in Europe and the United States have been sold out!

Sure enough, there is no shortage of strangers in this world. They are willing to be the first to eat crabs when new things emerge. They use wealth to enjoy life. Unfortunately, many people also want to enjoy it, but they don't have enough wealth.

"What pets are everyone going to buy? Another good news is that our guild received the first sponsorship fee. Although it is not much, this time everyone will be rewarded with a pet pillow. I hope everyone will upgrade their skills as soon as possible."

Jing Tian asked the people in his own guild in the chat room. Regardless of whether or not pets are available, Jing Tian wants to be on the top of Sky City in the game, so he must not fall behind, and he can only be beaten if he falls behind. , Be single dog behind! Sky Dungeon

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