Sky Dungeon

Chapter 668: Push Tower

The ghost knows where you will touch it!

Especially in summer, you might not touch something you shouldn't touch with such a touch!

In order to prevent this embarrassment from happening, should it be put in your **** pocket?

At the beginning of today’s game, it was back to the previous rhythm. The female local tyrant did not travel the level 30 dungeon again willfully, but when it went online in the afternoon, the woman was clamoring to travel to the level 25 dry water curtain cave...

Jing Tian had no choice but to team up to lower level 25 dungeons. However, this time, the team members who brought the female local tyrants rejected them for various reasons.

Sure enough, can't you not afford to hide it?

It turned out that it was not just Liu Yaya who refused to be a coolie! People who have suffered a lot, who would be guilty of being scornful and arrogant?

I am the only one who is so unlucky!

It's really unsatisfactory to be alive. The Ming Dynasty gave out a fart, and since he was going to die, he had to pull a few backs!

As a result, Jing Tian had no choice but to use the terms of the sponsorship as an excuse to persuade him and promised various benefits. He invited the black and white brothers and sisters and Yang Mimi to help out.

If you think that the level 25 dungeon can allow the female local tyrant Feng Ji to be willful, and there is no accident, then it is a big mistake.

Don't forget, now the low-level dungeons of advanced players have been changed to competitive mode. Affected by the highest level of players in the team, monsters and BOSS have become level 35!

More importantly, the skills of the BOSS have also undergone random mutations. Jing Tian and their luck are considered to be relatively unlucky. The first BOSS directly mutated a teleportation skill with a strong de-control effect. Where can they give them a chance to kill the BOSS in one breath. At the opportunity of, the BOSS immediately teleported and started to make trouble again and again.

What is even more tragic is that this level 25 dungeon has caused Zuijingguantian to die more than yesterday!

It's really hard to support only women and scenery parties!

It's really a bitter and tearful of this history. Don't enter the copy again in the future, okay?

To Jing Tian's surprise, Yu Yan did not go online on time after the 25th level dungeon visited. According to the previous schedule, this girl should have been online for a long time.

However, Yu Yan is still a PhD student studying abroad. Could it be that there was an exam today that failed?

Jing Tian was puzzled, and decided to call to find out the situation. If she really has something, then today's guild mission will not wait for her. After all, people have three diseases, and it is normal to be unable to get a bed occasionally.

Thinking that Yu Yan was alone in a foreign country, and if he was sick, there might not even be a person to take care of, so Jing Tian immediately dialed Yu Yan's mobile phone number.

However, the phone rang but no one answered it, three times in a row. This undoubtedly gave Jing Tian a bad feeling in his heart.

Isn't she sick and unconscious anymore?

However, it would be too sloppy to draw any conclusions now. After all, there are countless possibilities that Yu Yan cannot answer the phone now, and it is possible that she may not bring her mobile phone during exams, right?

Therefore, Jing Tian shook his head in his heart, forcibly expelled the bad guesses from his thoughts, and organized everyone to continue to the 8th floor of the dungeon to upgrade the monsters.

Until dinner, the King of Sword Cavalry was still not online. During that time, Jing Tian couldn't remember how many calls he made, and Yu Yan never answered the phone.

This turned Jing Tian's last fluke into anxiety and anxiety.

He didn't know what he thought of Yu Yan, but at this time, he was very concerned about Yu Yan's health and safety.

The weak women in foreign countries disappeared, no matter how they associate them, they can't imagine any good results. You must know that many places abroad are insecure, and some international students have lost their lives inexplicably. If you encounter a frenzied person, I am afraid that there will be no return...

It's really hard to learn from the sea, and the boat studying abroad overturned.

But Jing Tian really couldn’t help, so he talked to Liu Yaya privately and asked Liu Yaya to try to follow the phone number clue to investigate. However, even if Liu Yaya replied to Jing Tian aggrievedly, because foreign countries were not in her scope of intervention. Internally, even for investigations, you can only submit the number to the department of the relevant country. There will be no reply at all for a while, and it will cause unnecessary troubles and affect Yu Yan's studies abroad.

It is also said that if a warlord communicates directly with someone from another country, how can he not let foreigners think about it?

Therefore, if you are in a hurry, you can't go to the doctor, let's put your doubts behind.

Thinking of this, Jing Tian led everyone to receive the Guild Seven-Star mission. After all, it is not because the King of the Sword Cavalry is not online alone. Everyone has not done the mission today, right?

Obviously, everyone also found that the King of Sword Cavalry did not go online. They all sent questions to Jing Tian. Jing Tian also used the other party's important academic courses as the reason to let everyone not worry.

You know, what about worry? Who can teleport to find Yu Yan?

Today’s quest for the Seven Stars Guild is also quite special, and it can be regarded as a brand new gameplay: push the tower!

That's right, it's the push tower you imagined! But it is not the well-known push tower.

The background of the mission is: the demons invaded a village and town in the alliance, and launched an attack on the next village and town with the village as the core, but was suppressed by the alliance army. After the initial confrontation, the two sides died down, and they were constructed on the three roads between the villages and towns. With the arrow tower up, the battle entered a stalemate. Now it is necessary for your guild to send its elite forces to reinforce, destroy the arrow tower and liberate the villages and towns occupied by evil!

Of course, since it’s a tower push, it’s impossible for the guild of Qiyunluoxue to be teleported into the special scene map. There is naturally a demon force that was introduced together, but what demon force is it, Jing Tian. Bian could not know.

The question before us now is how to allocate If you use past experience in playing tower games, you will definitely suffer a lot!

Because, push the tower to push the tower, the alliance and the demons will not send troops!

That's right, just don't send troops, rely on the players to push the tower by themselves, and then attack the enemy-occupied villages and towns. This is the biggest difference from the well-known tower pushing game!

Why apply and modify the rules of the traditional tower pushing game? After all, there are so many players, is there a 25V25 in the traditional push tower?

Moreover, the general team is equipped with a healing profession, and everyone's skills are readily available. Where do you need to rely on the system to brush the creeps to get ahead? There is no need to brush mobs to upgrade equipment and skills.

In other words, everyone retains the original level, skills, and equipment, and will not gain these areas of increase in the process of pushing the tower.

If it is not for the special effect of the magical barrier on the arrow tower set by the game, the player can even completely ignore the arrow tower and kill the hostile village and town! Sky Dungeon

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