Sky Dungeon

Chapter 669: Japanese power: [2D]

That's right, each arrow tower has a special magical barrier air wall to block the player from moving forward. The player must destroy the arrow tower before opening the channel. Is it really efficient to divide the three-way army according to the habit of pushing the tower in the past?

Obviously not efficient!

It would be better to hit the firepower to make a **** road and go straight into the hostile village.

However, if this is the case, it might become a simple game of fighting output. If you don't contain hostile actions, no one can guarantee that their output will crush the opponent.

After simply conducting some grounding operation tests, Jing Tian said indifferently: "According to past game habits, most people will choose to put the main force on the middle road. Yang Mimi and Fengji middle road are responsible for containment and pay attention to passing through our magic barrier. Launch an attack again. Although the magic barrier formed by the arrow tower on our side does not affect our passage, all attacks cannot pass through the magic barrier. After you cross the magic barrier, you can fly their kites as far as possible to delay their time. Just run back to our arrow tower. If there is no one to pass, you will report immediately. I believe that if you two cooperate well, it will definitely bring a lot of pressure to each other."

"But, hero, I want to fight with you more and look up at your mighty demeanor."

Lin Yumian’s voice came to her ears, and the faces of the women changed. They didn’t know why they felt nauseous, especially when thinking of Lin Yumian’s mouth, crystal dew must be overflowing at this time. The women couldn’t help but want to rush to beat the wind. Ji Yitong.

"Don't worry, wait for a video of your hero, and send it to you after the mission is over. You can look up a thousand times." Zhao Jiaxue had an idea and blocked Fengji's words.

In fact, Lin Yumian didn't really want to disobey the military order. After all, she also understood that she had to obey the command in battle, but she still had to directly express what she wanted in her heart, as long as she passed it through, the result didn't matter.

Seeing Feng Ji didn't refute anything, Jing Tian nodded in satisfaction, and faintly instructed: "Black does not understand the white, you sneak on the left side, observe the enemy, report at any time, if you are sure, you will take the weakest. People who fight, run away after fighting, and harassment is the main thing. Others will join me on the right. Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, and gods block and kill gods."

"Brother Bai, be careful, Brother Tian said to kill you."

Yang Miaomiao took this sentence with a leaping thought, after all, the only profession here is medicine Buddha.

Now Yang Miaomiao no longer tells why Jingtian knows so much. After all, there is Liu Yaya with the identity of GM next to him, and many facts are covered by superficial phenomena.

Sure enough, the demon forces on the opposite side were divided into three groups. It was really like playing a mobile game pushing the tower. It must be caused by Wang Zhe's pesticide! No one was absent from the 25-person team. Among them, there was a team of players on the left and right, and the third team in the middle was considered the main team. And the people on the other side are some Japanese forces that have been at war: [Two-dimensional].

Although it is the name of a force that is very similar to the Japanese local atmosphere, Jing Tian has somewhat inexplicably generated hostility for the members inside, not because of the current conflict relationship between countries, nor because of historical issues, nor is it patriotic education. What natural conditions have been generated to launch, but because this two-dimensional element can be regarded as ruining one after another in Jing Tian’s animation image.

I don’t know where the courage of the Japanese players from the two-dimensional forces came from. They even used the names of those famous manga and anime characters. I don’t know why these are not included in the advertising keywords. It just destroys the fans again and again. Beautiful image in my heart...

Take this two-dimensional power master as an example. The name turned out to be [Azurgon]. The name of this undead king and bone proud sky can be used on a male evil spirit. After all, male evil spirits are skeletons, but How could an elemental mage be so arrogant?

When you are pushed by other guild players at every turn, and hung by other melee players at every turn, what will the fans of Bing Aotian think?

It is estimated that the eighteenth generation of the ancestors and the eighteenth generations of the Japanese players have been greeted?

No, there may be no offspring for the eighteenth generation at all. If this guy goes out, he will have to be castrated by Japanese fans...

It's really uncle tolerable, my master can't bear it!

What's more is still to come, what's the situation with Kiriya Kazuto and Asuna?

Can sword fans calm down?

Fortunately, these two players are also considered to be heavily controlled by the second dimension, and they pay more attention to restoring the original image. Tonggu Heren is a double-sword swordsman race, but the demons are used. The demons are inherently traitors among humans, and the image is also reasonable. .

Asuna and Tonggu are a couple, and the chosen profession and race are exactly the same. The key is that this woman has given up using two-handed swords or magic swords, but chose to hold the sword in her right hand and empty the equipment bar in her left hand. There is a price to be paid to restore the original work. Just holding a one-handed sword directly reduces Asuna's output by half!

Does this girl think that if he takes a sword less, he can attack the sky and lightning side by side? It's better to follow the fairy chapter in the original book, equip Asuna with one more staff, and you can shoot a few small fireballs at a critical time, right?

Whether it is Kazuto Tonggu or Asuna in the game, I am afraid that it is difficult to have the style of the original After all, without the protagonist's halo, many PVP battles are trampled on!

The Invincible Closer has now become a cannon fodder for being trampled on. Thinking about the original author, he will definitely cry.

However, they successfully evoked Jing Tian’s memories and reminded him of Beihongmen... Taking Beihongmen’s messy character image and the two-dimensional forces presumably, Jing Tian felt a little fortunate, at least the Japanese players did. Knowing how to respect the original work, although I can't say how similar it is, at least it can make people accept it a little bit. But the names of the personalities in Beihongmen are purely nonsense, and there is no way to match them.

After all, some anime characters cannot be completely restored in the game, and the team composition also requires a profession like Pastor Shennong. There are very few therapeutic roles in the anime, so some characters in the second dimension of Japan also sacrificed the original work. The cartoon images in it have been reluctantly adjusted.

Accept it and accept it. It’s still a beating. Sitting Jing Guantian led the other 13 people on the right and encountered a team of the two-dimensional forces. The team is not the core team of the two-dimensional, but those names are definitely familiar to the two-dimensional people. Existence: [Kayaba Akihiko], [Liz Beit], [Bubble Teapot], [Pero Kino], [Horror]. Sky Dungeon

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