Sky Dungeon

Chapter 670: Advanced curse

[Kayaba Akihiko] Obviously the Glory Paladin holds a shield and a battle flag spear. Unfortunately, the Glory Paladin class is fixed with this main and auxiliary weapon. Otherwise, this player will follow the original "Sword" and the battle flag spear. Switch to a one-handed sword.

   But, why must it be the Glory Paladin? Any profession can wear heavy metal armor, but only the Glory Paladin and the Dead Warrior can hold the Great Shield, and neither can change the weapon type, so [Kayaba Akihiko] chose the hard tank Glory Paladin.

   [Liz Beite] This demon girl may have deliberately changed the character's body pressure and hair to cherry pink in order to restore the original. She should be a gladiator by profession, with a light shield in one hand and a hammer in one hand.

This kind of blunt weapon is not popular in Sky Dungeon because the weight of the blunt weapon itself is too heavy, and the attack frequency and attack speed are also affected to a certain extent. However, the Japanese players in the second dimension don't care about this, she What is important is to restore the "Sword" anime characters as much as possible.

[Bubble Teapot] This is what Jing Tian wants to complain about. In the original "Undead King", the race of the Bubble Teapot should be slimes, but now it’s replaced by a demon, even the profession has changed from a meat shield. Become a Pastor Shennong, don't ask how Jing Tian saw it...On the one hand, it was the reason for the battle, and on the other hand, she looked like Pastor Shennong as the characters in this team. After all, the characteristics of other professions are too prominent. .

  Pero Rocchino took the magic bow, which is still consistent with the original, but the racial image is farewell.

The Horror Prince carrying a coffin on his back is obviously a ghost and Buddha. This is definitely destroying the original. In the original "The Undead King", this guy is a human cockroach. His profession should be a forest sacrifice, a bunch of cockroach brothers, and ghost and Buddha. There are different things!

   To sum up, the two-dimensional forces can be regarded as relying on their own illusions to transplant anime characters into the game, and the above examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Most of the members of the two-dimensional forces have their names picked from the animation. I have to say that this is a special ID card, which makes it easy for people to distinguish their country and power.

   In fact, there is no need to explain the encounter with the number of people, and I don’t know what [Kayaba Akihiko Team] thought, and even played head-to-head with a dozen people Qiyun!

   Maybe he wanted to use his thick skin to drag the people Qiyun in the footsteps, but Jing Tian and his group of perverted beasts, where is the lord who said he could drag it by dragging it?

   In any episode of Fire, Ghost Buddha and Terrorist took the lead to report to the village resurrection point.

   killed the opposing player's character so he was lucky enough to get a short-term buff effect: critical strike enhancement.

   The remaining four people were completely wiped out before they could last long.

During the battle, Jing Tian received the battle report from Lin Yumian and Hei Buunder Bai respectively. As expected, Zhonglu's sister and Fengji, who did not eat mice, encountered the three main teams of the two-dimensional element, and there was one on the left. The two-dimensional team is pushing the tower. Hei does not understand and Bai has not found a chance to do it.

The most exciting is the encounter in the middle. The sister who doesn’t eat mice is active in the area between the first towers of the two sides. Since this is an RPG online game, the designers did not set the road extremely narrow, but designed the space very much. It is spacious enough for 50 people to start a flexible team battle here, and there will never be a situation where one man is in the middle of the war.

   Therefore, Yang Mimi took advantage of this to play a kite-flying with the main force of the second element.

   At this time, the occupational composition of the two-dimensional element has shown a very big disadvantage. After all, in order to restore the original as much as possible, most of these players' professions are combat-type, and the control type is pitiful, and even the remote output professions are very few. How can it stop the footsteps of Sister Mouse?

   As expected, there is no one Gundam who is good at long-range attacks in the second dimension!

More importantly, did Feng Ji jump over the arrow tower and cast a few curses on the main force of the two-dimensional element. Fortunately, there are three Shennong priests on the two-dimensional side that can dispel the negative state, otherwise if it is Feng Ji One by one, the blue curses came up, and it might really be overturned in the gutter.

Although the curse is also a negative state, the wind of Shennong has a certain failure rate in expelling the curse. The success rate of expelling the low-level curses of the red and blue devil is very high, but other curses are high-level curses, and the wind of the same rank Shennong has no success rate. To 0.1%, for example, the curse of love, the curse of blood, and the curse of death.

  If these curses can be directly expelled, the profession of witches really won't be played!

  The professional composition of the second dimension is too monotonous. There is no guardian shaman. The blue mana in the battle can only be recovered by nature. If it is not for the curse of the blue devil, it may really have to retreat.

However, 3 priests of Shennong were not enough, and Fengji successfully lied to the dispelling skills of two Shennong's wind after a love curse was thrown on Hegu Tongren. I don’t know if Japanese players in the second element are rarely encountered. The witch turned out to be an idiot to use the wind of Shennong to dispel a skill that could not be dispelled at all, but ended in failure.

   Seeing this opportunity, Feng Ji did not hesitate to remind Liu Yaya: "I curse with death, and you do your best to attack the cursed person."

Feng Ji just wanted to try her luck, and directly threw the curse of death on [Death Gun]. This person has the same profession as the sister who does not eat mice: mask shaman, and melee one-handed sword and long-range crossbow With everything, this guy is the character that Yang Mimi is most worried about. If one is careless, he might fall into the hands of his fellows.

Seeing the death curse came into effect, Yang Mimi raised her hand and was the Spider-Man mask, Starscream’s power broke out, and the gear box in her hand was like a machine gun that was opened. The shooting speed was astonishingly fast, and all the steel needles that were shot out were basically pierced in. On the head of [Dead Gun]!

   That’s right, although the success rate of Curse of Death is horribly low, there is actually a hidden setting, that is, multiple critical attacks and critical strikes will increase the life efficiency of Curse of Death!

Of course, this hidden improvement cannot increase the probability by much. It only doubles the life efficiency. Feng Ji’s curse of death is only a second-order, originally only has a 0.5% trigger rate. This probability is by the mouse sister. The attack increased to 1%, but it was precisely this 1% chance of winning that the death shot was hit!


   The players of the two-dimensional forces didn’t even figure out what happened just now. Why did the [Death Gun] with 80% bloodline lie down all at once?

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