Sky Dungeon

Chapter 680: The beautiful man who met once in 0 years

   "Sister, brother-in-law bullied me!" Yang Miaomiao reacted and immediately complained to his sister.

"Stupid brother, Xia Xia is also for your own good, besides, you can be the top card if you look at the duck gang with your looks. The future is boundless, and changing from squatting at home to lying on the bed is also quite suitable for your otaku. "Yang Mimi directly pushed her brother into the fire pit.

Jing Tian listened a little speechless, not because of the relationship between the strange sister and brother. It was not the first time that the two of them slapped each other in the face. On the contrary, it was commonplace. If the two of them did not dismantle each other and pinch each other, then everyone will I feel that the relationship between the two is broken.

   What Jing Tian is speechless now is, how do you feel that this sibling has become less and less pure since they met Lao Xia?

   It really looks like someone who is close to a pig is fat and close to a wolf. This fat wolf pig is really harmful!

   More importantly, I don’t know if this Yang Mimi deliberately teases, this Yang Miaomiao can become the top card?

   Could it be that Yang Miaomiao is the legendary beautiful man once in a thousand years?

In other words, Yang Miaomiao said that his sister looked very similar to him. Later, everyone thought of the empress wearing exclusive masks in public, just to cover up her unbearable appearance. After all, she looks like a man, so she doesn’t go to Korea to find Jincheng. It is really hard for Wu to have the courage to unmask his mask after some operations.

   But, now think about it, is it possible that Yang Miaomiao looks like a woman?

  Don't say it, it's really possible to be the top card, but there will be more men with ideas, right?

  Of course, such thoughts are also fleeting in Jing Tian's heart. Men have a heart not willing to admit that others are more handsome than themselves!

   What's more, Yang Mimi is teasing her younger brother. How could Jing Tian think about it seriously?

Black did not understand the white and the two-headed Leo rushed to the right one after another, but the two priests of Shennong who died in the second element had just walked out of the resurrection point. Why would they hesitate to wait for the other two priests of Shennong to come back to support each other after resurrecting. He already carried Fang Tianji and rushed up with everyone!

   The two-dimensional players became a little excited. They hid behind the barrier of the arrow tower, waiting for the cloud riding guild to consume their skills, and rushed out to bite the enemy at the critical moment.

However, how could Jing Tian let everyone consume the skills in their hands and directly ordered everyone to keep good group attack skills to deal with the attacks of the two-dimensional players. Watching the bloodline of the arrow tower plummeted, the surviving melee careers of the two-dimensional knew that they could not When my own Pastor Shennong came to support, if we continue to wait, maybe all we will wait is the fall of the arrow tower!

   So, these melee professionals gritted their teeth and jumped over the barrier with all their anger, and launched a charge on the cloud-riding players.

   But these people still made common sense mistakes. Now they don’t have the treatment of Pastor Shennong, they are still charging together. Although charging together can share the damage, it is easy to be caught in the same pot, right?



Before they could flex their fists, the melodious flute sound leaned into their ears. Of course, to them, it was a bit harsh and noisy. It was Zhao Yunxueer's control skills, and it was close to the glory of the two-headed Leo. sacrifice.

The two-headed Leo before he cast his glory and sacrificed deliberately stood away from the crowd. The hearts of the two-dimensional players were full of tears. After all, what they threw out were all group attack skills. I thought that even if the group attack skills were turned to the opponent The Glory Paladin can also slam other people in the Cloud Riding Guild, and slow down the opponent's tower pushing process to the greatest extent.

It's a pity that the two-headed Leo is even more likely to adopt the strategy of using group attack skills. Of course, this is not an advanced consciousness. After all, as everyone understands various professional skills, To deal with the skills of the Glory Paladin, they also came up with relative conventional countermeasures.

   For example, after being sacrificed by Glory, using group attack skills can solve the problem of skills being injured by Glory Paladin alone. However, the Glory Paladins have been beaten by this strategy a lot, and naturally they have concluded that they must quickly flash out of the crowd before and after the sacrifice of Glory, keep the distance from their own members, and make the next group attack skills as limited as possible. Hit yourself.

Of course, when this kind of operation is popularized, other players will naturally come up with relative restraint methods. The process of players' self-exploration and summary is a process of enjoying the game. Many people are willing to study diligently in this long river of mutual tricks. explore.

   However, some people are constantly looking through the strategy, trying according to others' coping strategies, imitating them all the time, never thinking of surpassing.

   There is no right or wrong. It can only be said that some people have lost some of the fun of exploration and saved the time to do what they think is more of enjoying the game.

Since the Japanese two-dimensional force players emerged to the complete destruction of the arrow tower, they have not played a few effective skills at all, and have not caused any threat to the riding cloud guild. They were controlled by the riding clouds and falling snow from the beginning to the end. Although these control skills do less bloodline of the two-dimensional player character is only a small part of it, but their faces in reality have become pig liver, a kind of despair The feeling of powerlessness flowed through their odd meridians and eight channels, and they could only curse depressedly in their hearts: "Arrow tower, arrow tower, why don't you hold on for a while? Why do you look like a mud tower?"

If it is an arrow tower full of blood, Jing Tian is really not sure to take it in one go. Originally, the arrow tower has been consumed by the people Qiyun and only less than 20% is left. How could it be able to withstand the people Qiyun A round of skill siege?

   Japanese two-dimensional players are even more frightened at this time, no matter where they have the advantage of the number of skills, they just turn around and run, and if they don't run, the whole army will be destroyed!

After all, the pastor Shennong on his side has not been resurrected. None of the two-dimensional players on the right are confident that they can rely on the number of skills to suppress the main force of Qiyunluoxue. If you don’t escape now, when the skills of everyone on the cloud are cooled, they want to run. Can't run away!

   It’s not that I don’t have the courage to face the death in the game. The key is the resurrection time of the egg pain. If everyone hangs up like this, then no one can stop the offensive of the Guiyun Guild, I am afraid they will be able to win the game in one go.

Even if they are now defeated, they are also covered by the long-range firepower of Zuijing Guantian and others. Even if the damage received in a single time is not enough, they cannot cover the continuity and quantity of these attacks. When the two-dimensional player corner runs to their own village, The blood line is less than half!

   Fortunately, the remaining players are all rough-skinned professions. If you convert a few more people, there is really no need to continue this game.

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