Sky Dungeon

Chapter 681: Play with eggs

   The last village and town had a towering magic door. As long as the last tortoise shell-like magic door was broken, the tower pushing battle would be over.

   Unlike the previous tower pushing games, the village itself does not have the attack power of the arrow tower. Instead, it has twice the defensive power and durability of the arrow tower. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a turtle shell.

After all, in the end, it is impossible for a village to set up an attack power like an arrow tower. If combined with the defense power and durability of the arrow tower twice, if this allows the defender to return to the city for defense, I am afraid that as long as the water is not deliberately released, it is generally Under circumstances, it is impossible to lose villages and towns.

Therefore, in the end, the villages and towns only have strong defense and durability. This is to allow the defender to organize a counterattack at the moment when the siege party’s soldiers approach the city. If it can rely on the overall strength to win the group and destroy the siege party, then maybe It can come back completely!

   After seeing the loss of the last arrow tower, Anzurgung had ordered the entire army to withdraw to the village and town, giving up any fluke, and preparing to organize manpower to fight this final battle.

   So, the Guild of Riding Clouds and the two-dimensional forces are now separated by a wall of air, and Guantian sitting on the well has led the people of Riding Clouds to start smashing the door!

   However, the two-dimensional forces have not organized all the staff. After all, due to the increase in the death toll, the resurrection time of Albedo and Agil has become 9 minutes!

However, Jing Tian didn’t dare to take it lightly. He only used basic skills and ordinary attacks to smash the door. After all, Jing Tian couldn’t determine when the two-dimensional power players would rush out. If they carelessly lose all their skills, the opponent At the moment when he rushed out, there was no skill to suppress him, and it was inevitable to lose his troops. Maybe the advantage he obtained now would be lost because of the loss of personnel.

   It is precisely because of the worries and conservativeness of sitting on the well and watching the sky, the durability of Might and Magic has fallen pitifully slowly. Turtle speed's strategy skills and the durability and defense of a tortoise shell make it seem that the battle will be plunged into the mud and advance slowly.

But who is Jing Tian? He quickly understood what the two-dimensional forces had calculated in their hearts, but Jing Tian didn’t worry much. In his opinion, even the 25-member team of the two-dimensional elements and his 17 elites were positive. In the battle, it may not be cheap.

After all, judging from the contact of this battle, the teamwork consciousness of the players of the two-dimensional forces is still relatively primitive. This is also in line with the demon player’s usual krypton gold style, relying on equipment strength to crush opponents, and casually applying traditional online game fighting methods. , Is obviously not feasible in front of the Riding Cloud Guild.

However, at this time, Jing Tian’s mouth has a strange arc on the floor. He decided to make this battle more technical. After all, although he doesn’t think that he will lose, he doesn’t want to see if he loses. By the way, as a player, although sometimes you need to have the spirit to fight and fight, but now you have an obvious advantage, why bother with the two-dimensional forces?

   This is like a battle between life and death. You clearly have a gun at your waist, but you have to fight the enemy hand-to-hand, and you will lose both. In the end, you may win a tragic victory, but why bother?

   Just to prove that you can win?

   Isn’t it your own victory to solve the opponent with one shot?

   When modern civilization invades feudal civilization, will it put away heavy artillery and muskets and play primitive wars with the enemy?

  Only in hand-to-hand combat, can you conquer with hard work?

   Then why do human beings still say that they are the master of life wisdom?

   Therefore, Jing Tian didn't plan to play with the two-dimensional forces of Japan. What's more, the old ancestor left behind an idiom: We will win!

   Now the two-dimensional forces players are simply a group of mourning soldiers who have eaten tens of thousands of flies. Their humiliation and anger at this time have reached the culmination. If they fight face to face here, I am afraid they will also display their superior fighting skills.

   Therefore, Jing Tian faintly commanded: "They all retreat to the right, Xiaohei, you watch around here, and report their movements to me."

   Everyone was a little puzzled. They should have taken advantage of the lack of fighting spirit of the two-dimensional forces players to take advantage of the villages and towns to end the battle. Why did they suddenly retreat?

   Isn’t this time for the enemy to breathe? Players who were originally afraid of the death of the two-dimensional battle will be resurrected. Now that retreat does not mean that the enemy will regroup. Then if you want to attack the tortoise shells of villages and towns unscrupulously, isn't it difficult to reach the sky?

   "What are you doing, quickly withdraw, avoid the edge, lead the snake out of the cave!" Jing Tian added faintly, and after everyone listened, he reluctantly operated the character to keep up.

The Japanese two-dimensional player is completely dumbfounded at this time, still gearing up for the last moment, full of anger, ready to wait for Albedo and Agil to resurrect and rush out to expand the move and ride the cloud guild to come to a fish-dead net. But why did the people from the Cloud Riding Guild ran away without saying hello? What kind of singing is this?

   Did you brush the wild BOSS?

   Can you still play wild?

   This shouldn’t be. I didn’t find a jungle trail at This is also a different setting from pushing towers.

   Two-dimensional players rushed out of Might and Magic, but only the back of the people riding the cloud could be seen, which made Ainz Urgon’s face completely bad.

   He also can't understand what Zai Jing Guantian is thinking at all, and he can't tell if something is wrong. Is it because the other party is afraid of him? Consider the counterattack that will be launched?

   Whether to chase or not, if chasing past, will he be ambushed, especially if the opponent thinks that the combat power is weak and rely on the defense of the arrow tower, then rushing over is not right?

   But if you attack the middle road, will Guiyun Guild kill a carbine to attack the village when it attacks the middle road. Although the villages and towns are relatively sturdy, if the Cloud Riding Guild ran away after a wave, they would have to run away if they didn't have time to defend themselves. After going back and forth several times, then the village and town will have to change ownership.

  After thinking about it, Albedo and Agil have finally been resurrected, and everyone is waiting for the forces to issue the next battle order. However, Ainzurgon seemed to have fallen into a puzzled situation at this time, and couldn't figure out any clues at all.

"Quickly chase it, what is it, they must be afraid of our crowds, hiding on the right and waiting for the opportunity to attack the villages and towns." Pero Rocchino also saw the trickiness, and the more important thing is that he has not let out his stomach. He would rather lose this mission match than kill a few members of the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild to vent their anger.

   "Will they run under the arrow tower to defend, how confident can we kill the cloud-riding guild players with the attack against the arrow tower?" Asuna asked, obviously she was not optimistic about the strength of her own guild.

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