Sky Dungeon

Chapter 684: Beautiful mixed race

The voice is so familiar, and there is a kind of intimacy that makes Jing Tian have to answer. Before even remembering who Chu is, Jing Tian answered the Kukai Garden and the building number. The other party didn’t say anything, so he hung up. The phone was disconnected, as if asking Jingtian what he had for dinner, just a simple greeting, without the following.

However, Jing Tian immediately felt a sense of crisis. Of course, this sense of crisis was not related to his own wealth and life, but related to his daily life.

After all, Yu Yan called just now, and Yu Yan is clearly coming over!

Jing Tian definitely didn't think that Yu Yan would ask herself an inexplicable question after eating and doing nothing. In addition, she was missing today, and now she suddenly asked this question again. It is obviously the rhythm of visiting now!

Should someone break in and trample on his ordinary game life?

A group of readers screamed wildly in their hearts: This is the rhythm of adding another member of the harem!

What harem?

Obviously, there is another pot of trouble for the beauty! Do you want to escape quickly?

At this moment, Jing Tian had such a retreating thought inexplicably popped up in his heart. The next second of sleepiness completely passed away, Jing Tian suddenly sat up, and his mind was completely clear.

This bucket of ice water pours my little seedling heart into the bones!

Drinking water can relieve stress. I have to drink a bucket of 82-year-old mountain springs.

Putting on the clothes, Jing Tian was not in a hurry to go out. He was waiting. Naturally, he was the same as the three sleeping people. Jing Tian was not naive enough that Yu Yan could come over in a few minutes. Although the city where Jing Tian is located is a small city, no matter what The distance from the train station or the high-speed rail station to Konghai Garden is definitely not a few minutes away. Let alone the suburban airport, no matter what means of transportation Yu Yan uses to reach M City, it is impossible for Yu Yan to reach Konghai Garden at the speed of a rocket.

Fifteen minutes later, Jing Tian tiptoed out, and the sound of closing the door was extremely small.

Jing Tian couldn't wait for Yu Yan to find them by herself. She might not pass the security level downstairs. After all, a woman came to find herself in the middle of the night. What would Lin Yumian's guards think?

Even more with their vices, I am afraid that they will definitely not let Yu Yan go upstairs, and directly kill the hidden danger in the cradle.

At present, the community does not allow enclosures to prohibit foreign vehicles from passing by, occupying the city's public road resources, so it is not difficult to enter the community, the difficulty lies in the downstairs.

However, Jing Tian also understood that once he appeared, he would inevitably be noticed by the security guards. Although he did not question him, Jing Tian had already read the surprise from the eyes of the two security guards. Until the moment he opened the glass door and stepped out a leg, Jing Tian still heard the conversation between the two security guards.

"What did you say, Grandpa sneaking out so late?"

"It must be going out to pick up girls, the shops that should open at this point are also open." The security's voice was full of wretchedness.

"Yeah, I heard that my aunt has a history of patronizing the shampoo girl, the foot washing city and other places, are those people still not doing well?"

"Congliang, but there are social software that continue to maintain old users."

It's shampoo girl again! Which ghost did you listen to tell you?

Damn fat man, let me seize the opportunity. I must take revenge on you. In front of Yang Mimi, shake out the hidden dolls in your golden house!

Jing Tian gritted his teeth and decided not to refute anything. After all, some things got darker and darker. Simply let those heart-piercing voices go away with the wind.

The late summer night is still a little cool, but the night breeze can't take away the heat and anxiety in Jing Tian's heart. Although the community allows foreign vehicles to pass by, there are still many speed bumps. This is naturally inevitable. If the speed bumps are not set, then low-rise residents frequently hear the roar of noisy car motors every night. Maybe some people play desperately. Saburo, the quality of sleep is naturally too bad to say.

Besides, there are inevitably children in the community who often come out and run around. If you speed around, your personal safety becomes a major problem.

It is precisely because of these speed bumps that many taxi drivers are reluctant to drive into the community. The feeling of bumps is really disgusting. More importantly, I love my tires.

However, it was precisely these speed bumps that made Jing Tian clear from a distance that a taxi was slowly approaching him, and Jing Tian was fully mentally prepared.

If you are not nervous, it is absolutely false. Meeting friends, especially the fragile relationship of online games and game friends, naturally has such an uncontrollable throbbing and uneasiness in your heart. Of course, Jing Tian can calm his mood in such a short period of time, and he has definitely achieved a mental state cultivation level that is unmatched by ordinary people.

In his free time, Jing Tian has sketched in his mind the appearance of the second disease Yu Yan several When he wants to come, Yu Yan is elegant and has a multi-degree Ph.D. It must be temperamental. Good, the image of a female teacher wearing gold glasses and a suit and uniform. Although it has the same effect as Nanlingxi, it should be more scholarly and less shrewd and sinister than Nanlingxi.

However, when the taxi stopped and opened the door, Jing Tian was completely dumbfounded. He began to suspect that this woman and the Yu Yan he knew were two completely different people. This mixed-race beauty would not be the daughter of the original householder. , Came back to visit relatives without saying hello, right?

Dear, don’t you know that your parents have moved?

Coming back to visit relatives in the middle of the night, I am afraid it will embarrass you!

That's right, it was a beautiful mixed-race woman who appeared in front of Jing Tian. If she was asked where she was mixed, Jing Tian could really answer.

Although long golden hair can be achieved with hair dye, even those crystal blue eyes can be decorated with cosmetic contact lenses, but the tall brow bones are obviously not the style of Chinese people, even if cosmetic surgery wants to make Chinese people’s eyebrows Bone heightening is not easy, and not many people think about it.

More importantly, this woman’s skin lacks the whiteness that Europeans and Americans should have, showing the yellowish complexion common to Chinese people, and her round nose is full of Chinese people’s breath, and the red lips are definitely a pocket-cute version. The unrestrained sense of Europeans and Americans. And there is a kind of inexplicable freshness in the delicate face of this mixed race, which is not amazing, but it is beautiful!

However, these are enough to prove that this woman is a mixed-race beauty.

Before Jing Tian could finish his complaint, the mixed-race beauty turned her gaze to Jing Tian, ​​which made Jing Tian subconsciously shift her gaze to the taxi that was leaving. After all, staring at the beauty is a very rude thing. . 14

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