Sky Dungeon

Chapter 685: Trafficker who abducts international friends

   However, Jing Tian still muttered to herself: Yu Yan should be a Chinese, but how can this mixed-race beauty in front of me feel like deja vu?

Yes indeed! The Yu Yan in the game is not just a human race with blond hair and blue eyes, and she really looks a bit like this half-blood beauty in front of her!

Thinking of this, Jing Tian moved his gaze back again, barely awkward, and looked up and down the mixed-race beauty, with even more hypothesis in his heart: If she is really Yu Yan, I am afraid that it is not the other party that she did not expect. Her mixed-race characteristics, but what she is wearing now!

   Where is the feeling of subduing the scholarly family? This is clearly the temptation of cheongsam!

   A female netizen who has always been gentle and elegant, suddenly wore a cheongsam that was incredibly seductive and western. If everything is true, then the other party hides so deeply!

   Why temptation?

   This woman is wearing a cheongsam skirt with a special tailoring of Chinese and Western styles!

That’s right, it’s a short cheongsam skirt. The upper body is still an exquisite traditional blue cheongsam, which outlines the upper body of the mixed-race beauty with unevenness, but the lower body changes the traditional cheongsam design concept, abandoning the elegant and slender hem, and splicing gold like a magical brush Silk umbrella skirt!

You know, the current picture can be described as horrible, the kind of visual impact that does not expose the mysterious area, but faintly feels what will be exposed, which makes people feel fascinated, lingering, and unwilling to give up. .

   That’s right, as if you can see through the semi-transparent gold skirt with just one more second, you can explore the mysterious, sacred and desirable realm...

   More importantly, the mixed-race beauty in front of her stepped on a pair of transparent crystal high-heeled sandals. There seems to be a small goldfish inlaid in the crystal, which made her short legs show a proud slender beauty.

Yes, the altitude of this woman is really not like Europeans and Americans. If you remove the expensive high heels, I am afraid it will only be about 1.6 meters. But after putting on this strange pair of high heels, it seems that the woman is forced Stretched more than ten centimeters!


   An elegant voice popped from between the lips of the mixed-race beauty. No, it should be said to be from between the lips of Yu Yan.

   This is obviously a temptation, and Yu Yan has never seen Jing Tian's true face, but she can see an inexplicable sense of deja vu from Jing Tian's face.

  Perhaps, this is the fate in the legend, or it is the mutual sympathy.

Two words interrupted all Jing Tian's thoughts, but his voice became serious in his stupefaction. He said indifferently: "Yu Yan, what is going on with you, ran over without saying a word, you know how worried we are about you? Do you know how many calls we called you?"

I don’t know why, Jing Tian just can’t stop the anger in his heart. After all, the blame shows the depth of love, even if it’s just the love between friends, but Yu Yan hangs her head like a kid who has done something wrong. . However, instead of bowing his head to admit his mistake as Jing Tian imagined, Jing Tian heard a loud cry.

My goodness!

   Why is this woman crying, isn't she usually strong?

   Why did you feel soft as soon as you met? Is it because he looks too scary? Too cruel?

It’s not right, Jing Tian can’t wait to slap himself and make a woman cry, but this kind of thing will be pricked in the backbone. Fortunately, Jing Tian is clever and immediately said: “But if you come, you will be at ease. No matter what the difficulties are, we will try our best to support you if you have any requirements."

Yes, Yu Yan secretly ran back to the country without a word. What a strong courage and a strong bond he needed, so believing in herself, yet she came up and blamed her, her heart was naturally wronged to tears. I didn't hold it back for a while and wept sour tears.

   However, when Yu Yan heard Jing Tian's conscientious words of comfort, tears were finally caught in her eyes, and she did not let the tears fall freely.

   She slowly raised her pretty face and said, "I just believe you, and I must not let me down."

   Why is it me again?

  What kind of evil did I make?

   This sentence is somewhat heavy, making Jing Tian feel a little fatigued in his whole body. Jing Tian only asks his grandpa to tell his grandmother, Yu Yan, don't talk nonsense in public, or she must be regarded as a trafficker who abducts international friends!

Jing Tian didn't even understand how he promised Yu Yan at the beginning. He vaguely remembered that he just promised to help the other party as much as possible in getting rid of the shackles and walk out of his life. Could it be that a good person in this era really cannot be regarded as a good person. ?

   Was he responsible for accidentally? Is it a lifelong responsibility system?

   "Is this all your luggage?"

Jing Tian didn't want to be entangled in the current problem, looked at the rectangular colored suitcase in Yu Yan's hand and asked lightly. At the same time, he stretched out his hand very slowly, ready to take the suitcase, and added casually: "I Come and get it."

"Well, I only bought some personal clothes, trying to fake a false illusion as much as possible. Even the mobile phone was bought only when I got off the plane." Yu Yan's beautiful cheeks rose with two red balls~www.mtlnovel .com ~ Personal clothing?

When Jing Tian took the suitcase, he still felt that the box was light and light, but when he thought of what clothes would be inside, he instantly felt that the box became heavy, for fear that the box would fall to the floor accidentally, and the clothes inside would be scattered. , The picture is too horrible.

   "Missing? Why do you pretend to be missing?"

   Although Jingtian could guess the reason to some extent, he still asked faintly, just wanting to divert his attention.

"If my father mistakenly thought that I was kidnapped, he would put his energy in searching for me on the British side. Naturally, he would not find me coming to you too soon. It took me several days to buy this fake passport. Kung Fu, I hope he won't find the clues of my return to China." While she was speaking, Yu Yan was a little proud, as if she was doing something very remarkable.

   "Wait, why did you become kidnapped again? Is there any fake passport? Can you buy this kind of stuff?"

   Jingtian had a bad premonition in his heart, and even felt that he had become a kidnapping suspect.

   "That's right, I forged a kidnapping scene, and deliberately left relatively obscure false clues, enough to make people looking for me a lot of trouble."

   Yu Yan’s elegant voice was heard by Jing Tian, ​​she just looked down at the existence of demons with a smile!

   Many doctors even faked the scene where they were kidnapped. Although Jing Tian couldn't think of the details of the situation, Jing Tian dared to conclude that Yuyan's IQ would definitely delay it for a long time.

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