Sky Dungeon

Chapter 824: 1 unowned Springer Spaniel

   didn't know how the drunkard understood her, and she didn't know where she had the confidence and confidence. She even said that she was not drunk after a thousand glasses. Didn't she get drunk and unconscious after a bottle of wine yesterday?

   Could it be that the wine was not intoxicating yesterday?

   Or did you go out with something?

   Then, if you don’t understand the basic politeness, you just went offline suddenly!

   "Don't drink secretly, wait a while and I will say drink, you drink another 100 ml." Jing Tian said lightly.

   "The smelly man has a wide tube. I want to drink as much as I want. The old lady is not a test tube. You can inject as much wine as you want. Contempt and contempt!" The drunkard said hard.

   She doesn't seem to like the feeling of being experimented with, as if she has become a prop in the laboratory.

   "Uh...If you don't cooperate, then you can only be a cheerleader for the Guild Tournament today. We won't hear your cry then, but we will only ask you." Jing Tian threatened. First release https://https://

   "Smelly man, I'm not good-hearted, lustful, I want to hear the cry of the old lady, you are really abnormal!" The drunkard raised his eight degrees.

   Jingtian's heart was full of black lines and asked: Who wants to listen to your cry, is that a cheering voice?

   More importantly, even if it is a scream, what does it have to do with the color embryo?

   Where did you think about it?

   Is it true that the poetic nature of drinking is also applicable to this kind of woman who is thinking about it, and thinking in strange directions as soon as she is full of alcohol?

   More importantly, Zhao Jiaxue, what did you make, actually asked me in reality if I had a habit of listening to women screaming, and actively wanted to scream to me...

   Did you know me the first day?

   If I like to listen to screams, I can watch horror movies every day, without you screaming!

   What are you calling nonsense? I don’t know, I thought there was a thief in the house.

   In case someone catches me as a flower picker, you must give me an innocence!

Finally, the five people successfully entered the level 30 dungeon. However, the 100ML liquor was like a dragonfly, and there was no sound. Ten minutes later Jing Tian asked the drunkard to stop and drink another bottle. The second bottle of liquor and the drunkard and Drinking 100ML of plain water is normal, but there is still no significant change.

So Jing Tian asked the drunkard to stop drinking again in the twentieth minute, until the fourth bottle of liquor was eaten, and within two minutes, the drunkard’s movement became more active, and the next attack became even more weird. It is unpredictable.

   "It's 400ML, you will drink this amount of liquor before you play the game in the future." Jing Tian faintly concluded.

   "Cut, the old lady is not drunk yet, she can still drink it! What effect can this amount of alcohol have on the old lady, the smelly man is really naive!"

   Alcoholic doesn't seem to notice the changes in his performance in the game, and he is more concerned about whether his drinking capacity will be underestimated by everyone.

   "You can drink, but you can't drink, one bite won't work, I let you drink, you drink again."

   Jingtian's faint voice was mixed with a hint of excitement and a hint of resistance. At this moment, he seemed to be the existence in charge of the life of a drunkard.

He even forgot that what he is most annoying is that others control his own life and interfere with his own life. It is only that the person under control has changed. He has changed from being out of control to being in control of others, and becoming a person disgusted by others. .

   However, Jing Tian didn't notice it at all, and didn't choose to hate himself at this time.

This is like a person who has been bullied. He chose to endure it silently at first, until one day he fought back and frightened the bully. After that, no one bullied him again. Most people chose to bully another student. For the bullied, he not only did not seek justice, but instead joined the bullying team and learned to bully others.

   That is, Jing Tian did not realize that his desire for control is extremely strong. In a sense, he and his father are the same passer-by!

However, the drunkard was shocked at this time, perhaps because no man dared to control herself, her heart was rippled because of such a faint sentence by Jing Tian, ​​she even began to wonder in life: why did she have a moment Want to obey, obey this smelly man?

The troubled drunkard didn’t care about the three-seven-one, and directly opened a bottle of white wine and poured it down. She yelled in her heart: Ugly man, you dare to control me, I will not listen to you, I will drink! Drink and drink!

   I will not do what you say, see what you can do!

   Not everyone is rebellious.

  Some people, especially women, actually yearn to be controlled by others. They yearn to be planned and arranged for their lives. As long as this life is happy for them, there is no need to worry about it.

   They don't want to think about too many complicated things, and expect someone to solve everything for them. They are only responsible for living beautifully every day.

   In fact, the drunkard is such a woman, but she has no knowledge of herself, and for various reasons, no man dared to control her.

   The drunkard’s current state is like an unowned Springer Spaniel. Although she desperately hopes to be obeyed by instructions, she lacks someone who can become her master. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Besides, how could she, who has been unruly and unruly for many years, recognize the Lord casually?

   It is even more impossible to recognize a strange stinky man as the master, men are contemptuous!

   It is this sense of gathering, UU reading is now full of confusion.

Any boyfriend who has been with each other over the years is not afraid of his father and brother but obedient to himself. Even touching his own finger has to think twice. It is precisely because of this that he is thirty years old, but Still a girl.

   is also the case, which caused her love history to fail to end well, and was abandoned by men again and again.

   Those stinky men who choose to give up, without exception, have reasons: inappropriate and no feeling of love.

   That’s right, my father used a knife on his neck to get along with myself. How could there be true love?

   I really want to run away from home and never come back!

  Where is there a father who threatens someone to fall in love with?

   But, I can't even run away from home. I am strictly guarded by my father's men, always guarding against enemies coming home.

   The alcoholic never even tried to run away from home.

   It's not because she dare not and lack self-confidence and means, or because of her natural desire to be controlled. The control over her by her father and brother actually makes her very satisfied. She is happy to be controlled in this way and live according to their orders.

  Drunkard is a totally contradictory combination of personality.

   Of course, a large part of the casting process of the alcoholic character is still influenced by the strong influence of his father and brother. After all, in front of them, you don't need the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, but absolute obedience.


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