Sky Dungeon

Chapter 825: The Guild Contest is today’s theme!

Also, in the eyes of gangsters, there is nothing right and wrong in this world, only how to reverse black and white, and play with the society in the applause, instead of being played by the society.

The drunkard deeply remembered what his father said: "There is no right or wrong in the existence of a mixed society. Those who cannot withstand the temptation will be baptized and eliminated by us. Even if we do not exist, they will not meet us, and their desire will eventually be Swallow yourself and bring yourself to hell. It can be said that our existence is just a catalyst to expose people with problems earlier, so as not to bring greater disasters to society in the future. Some people even want to borrow the hands of society. To test the determination of these people, to test whether they can go further. This may also be the purpose of some people who want to keep us. There is also a way of mixing, mixing society, and eliminating social harm. One mob only needs to obey our orders. Just give them a glamorous job and occasionally do some unclean things that don’t kill people. I know it’s wrong to do this, but what’s wrong? If we don’t do it, someone will do it. Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. , So I’m more willing to say that we are not mixed society, we are mixed up."

   From a very young age, the alcoholic understood that there is no absolute right or wrong in her world, only commands and obedience.

  As she grew older, she gradually realized that she was wrong, but she couldn't turn back on this road of no return.

   After drinking this bottle of wine, it didn't take long for the drunkard's position to become more mysterious. The attack and dodge routines made Jing Tian feel like a sweat for her.

Because of how you look at it, the drunkard has attacked the monster many times and avoided it at almost zero distance, and there have been many attacks that hit the monster’s vital points inexplicably. The magic attack angle is very tricky and extremely difficult. .

After all, the drunkard’s many shots are just barely feigning. This kind of attack should be like a bullet fired all over the sky. It would be good if it can suppress the firepower of the opponent. But these magics are like a sniper gun. The bullet is normal and strikes the target's head precisely.

   Jingtian was still fortunate in his heart that he only allowed the drunkard to drink 400ML of white wine. Under the catalysis of this slight drunkenness, all the fighting power of the drunkard was detonated.

He had no idea that the drunkard had quietly drunk a bottle, and alcohol is not a potion. Since ancient times, it has not been said that alcohol is not intoxicating and people get drunk. Some people will get drunk quickly when they are in pain. Drinking when your heart beats will make you more excited and yearning for love, so there is no formula to stimulate the potential of alcoholics by unilaterally drinking alcohol!

   The power of Zuiquan lies in the sudden strange moves and ghost dances brought by the wine heart. This wine heart state requires artistic conception, not a quantitative alcohol.

For example, the current drunkard is drinking with the desire to be controlled. At this time, although she keeps paralyzing her absurd thoughts, her desire to be controlled becomes stronger after drinking, as if she is being pierced by a magnifying glass. Generally, small desires have been magnified countless times.

   At this time, her game consciousness has become more active. She wants to be recognized by showing herself, so that she can recognize her value and stimulate his desire to dominate herself.

Moreover, now Jing Tian’s words and deeds have affected the nerves of the alcoholic. After that, the alcoholic even took Jing Tian’s command copy as an order to obey. She inexplicably became obedient and extremely cooperative, which made the whole team. They are all a little surprised.

The only fly in the ointment is that the drunkard's state began to decline in the final BOSS strategy stage. Obviously, the catalytic effect of alcohol slowly receded. His original firm alcoholic heart began to shake, and she was entangled again in the BOSS stage. What is the operation of destroying the group?

   Not only that, something called sequelae of drinking happened quietly.

Slightly drunk people know that the feeling of drifting does not have much effect on the body, but as time goes by, a series of effects of alcohol on the body will be gradually exposed. When these effects are exposed, it is impossible for alcoholics. You can also fully concentrate and put all your thoughts in the game operation.

Jing Tian has already recorded it. Although he feels a bit regretful that the alcoholic in the drunken state cannot continue to erupt, but seeing that the alcoholic has continued to erupt for half an hour, this has made Jing Tian overjoyed, and even the alcoholic in decline, It can also easily respond to BOSS attacks with ease. How long this sub-burst state lasts, Jing Tian can't verify now.

   On the one hand, because the BOSS fell, on the other hand, there are more important things today. Now we must regenerate our energy and adjust the status of equipment.

  The Guild Tournament is today’s theme!

Therefore, Jing Tian ordered everyone to disband their free activities. Everyone will take a rest after getting down to the 32nd single-player dungeon. Today’s competition is expected to start at 12 noon, so after the rest, everyone will go offline and eat early. Pre-war preparation Don’t ignore the importance of pre-war preparation. After all, if you’re hungry, the efficiency of the battle will decrease. If you eat anything unclean, you will have to encounter unexpected situations during the battle. Diarrhea, it is not worth the loss.

  Don't think that this kind of thing has never happened. As far as the first guild power competition last week, many players interrupted the game due to personal problems.

   After all, there are so many players around the world, and the time zone is different. Many people's biological clocks have an alarm clock effect. Some games have a long time and can't hold back the last!

   twelve o'clock, in fact, is only the preliminaries of the second guild power contest.

   When the twelve bells suddenly sounded in the VR headsets of all online players, the guild members who accepted the invitation of the guild power contest were sent to the preliminaries without exception.

Different from the first full mandatory teleportation, this time a pre-selection of inquiry has been added. Of course, the choice is also clearly written above: If you do not participate in the preliminaries, you will not be able to get any experience rewards related to the guild power competition that day. .

   The first competition for hegemony forced the player to be teleported, which caused some players to complain. They may be playing a BOSS and have entered the final stage, or they may be doing a very important task, and they were judged to have failed after the teleportation.

   So this time there is a pre-selection, but many people will choose to participate in the guild competition. After all, these small tasks and small BOSS are not important compared with the large amount of experience in the guild competition.

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