Sky Dungeon

Chapter 954: The brilliance of the soul of the blue wolf

   "So, you mean you would rather do business on the Mozu side than do my business? Are you looking down on my soul of the blue wolf?"

   The voice of the soul of the green wolf suddenly became gloomy and cold, and the breathlessness in the night only felt like a cone of ice pierced on his back!

"Hehe, naturally I dare not, but I have the idea to establish a secret sub-power on the demon domain, just like the current mercenary creed, specifically to solve the troubles of high-end players like you, but it is a pity that I lack start-up funds. The reliable people on the side are all Alliance players. Not to mention the money needed to transfer the demons, and the supply of equipment in the future is also a problem." Ye Se said tactfully.

"Let it go, I just want the video, and the money is as long as I think it's worth the other person's life. If you want too much and exceed their head price, then I will secretly become a shareholder. Since the capital contribution is excessive, it is impossible. Don't want to return, right?"

   The voice of the Soul of the Green Wolf eased slightly, and he thought in his heart: People who try to use their brains must pay the price!

   This is the brilliance of the Soul of the Blue Wolf. Facing the player who killed him, he was not angry, did not want to retrieve any so-called scenes, but the first thing he thought of was to use it!

   Even if the video of his being attacked was taken by someone to cause trouble, it didn't matter to him. After all, being attacked by so many stalkers at the same time, death is normal.

   It’s no big deal to die once or twice in the game, but it’s a pity that I have four vases around me, so I really don’t want to use it!

   However, I can't force it. After all, the four of them are voice actress anchors, not professional players, and have never encountered such a situation before, and it is normal for them not to react.

   "Hehe, then a gentleman can't chase a horse with a word, this beauty likes to deal with wolves, it's refreshing! I'm going to handle this now."

   Ye Se agreed to this cooperation happily.

While this small episode was in progress, the Eight Cloud Riders were already full of the 20 lairs stipulated by the mission, and quietly returned to the issuer of the pre-requisite level 35 dungeon, completed the mission and successfully obtained access to the dungeon. right.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Brother, do we want to shout, just say that the Blue Wolf guild is good for assists, and lost the lady and broke down! They sent so many players to help us with tasks at once, we not only want to thank, but also strongly appreciate it. Meow!"

   Yang Miaomiao now just wants to share his current joy with the enemy, so that they can feel depressed.

"Uh...what anxious, let them continue. When they see the announcement of our first call, the expressions on their faces will be very exciting. Now that they are scattered, then our trap staying power will suffer. Despise. Since it is a pit, dig deeper and let them climb a little longer."

   Jingtian’s mouth rose again with a weird curve, and everyone shook their heads in their hearts and said, “It’s so despicable.”

If the sea pterosaur belongs to the high-experience monster in the leveling area, it is a perfect leveling holy ground under the monster gathering effect of the assembly number. Unfortunately, the current sea pterodactyl has thick skin and thick skin, but the experience is no different from ordinary monsters. The players of the Blue Wolf Group are very painful, and the great youth is so squandered.

   But fortunately, it saves the troublesome operation of looking around for monsters to gather monsters. One goes after another. Although the experience is not rich, it is not too bad.

  Besides, it’s rare to have such a map that can collectively spawn monsters in a large-scale team battle, especially in some leveling areas. If you randomly spawn monsters, wild bosses will appear. Killing wild bosses wastes time and affects experience efficiency.

   On the contrary, the efficiency of this task monster to gain experience is more stable.

  To sum up, Jingtian is not a special hole...

   After completing the prerequisites, Aunt Pandaren finally started the topic of level 35 dungeon: "Children, the volcano here is so unstable, it seems that something has changed. It is better for you to leave here as soon as possible."

   Dingling, the system prompts, please choose: 1. Thank you for the reminder, I will leave now. 2. What happened?

   Needless to say, Jing Tian took the lead and chose the second option.

"Many years ago, the active volcano here has been calmed down by the most powerful summoner in the history of the three tribes [Ye Qianshan]. He summoned the Frozen King Beast to directly seal the entire active volcano, but after time As time went on, the snow and ice covered on the active volcano gradually melted, and there were faint signs of resurgence. In order to warn and prompt the residents who originally lived here to leave, the super magician of the orcs launched a powerful illusion technique to force the active volcano to become what it is today This is the appearance of shaking mountains. Even though the volcanic form in reality is not so severe, the abnormal changes of the volcano have become more obvious. I am afraid that you can only find out if you enter the inside of the volcano. Since you are so curious, why not go and find out. how is it?"

   The words of Mrs. Panda are really a little hard to understand.

   The more important thing is that all the natives have left here. Why should you let yourself in to find out?

   You are not with the evil forces in the volcano, right?

   send us to die?

   In other words, you think we are adventurers and will not really die at all, so let us go on an adventure?

   But eight people still chose to accept, and in Jing Tian's memory, this acceptance is the real dungeon prerequisite. If you don't accept it, you will not be able to obtain the following status.

"Children, you are very brave, but the future is dangerous. You must understand that it is difficult to retreat. It is most important to save your life and keep your mind. This is the oxygen-enriched breathing pill made by the old. If you hold it in your mouth, you can continuously get oxygen. Remember Use it properly. I wish you every success."

"Brother Tian, ​​is this NPC suffering from Alzheimer's disease? How can we give us oxygen-enriched breathing pills? Do we look like hypoxic cats? Should we give calcium tablets or something? My head is obviously calcium-deficient." Yang Miaomiao was puzzled.

   Nobody lacks calcium except you, okay?

   Don’t generalize, okay?

   But if there are calcium tablets, they should be eaten by the old witch. That guy has been like a girl loli for so many years. It is really hateful!

   "Uh...I will definitely use it later, follow me and climb up the nearest volcano." Jing Tian commanded lightly.

"Isn’t it supposed to find out if there is a cave cat nearby? The mission is not to let the cat enter the volcano. We don’t go low, how can we do the opposite? Is there such a perverted setting that even the entrance of the instance has to be hidden? Get up!" Yang Miaomiao looked like a three-year-old curious baby, with a stomach problem. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   That's right, find the entrance of the dungeon. From Jing Tian's point of view, this is the real pre-dungeon task, and there are many variables in this task!


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