Sky Dungeon

Chapter 955: Here is indeed ice

"Oh? Little brother, have you forgotten the identity of your sister?" Liu Yaya's enchanting voice sounded, perfect for Jing Tian to save the field.

"Yes, Meow, with the GM elder sister here, I naturally know how to enter the dungeon. It feels so refreshing to have a golden finger!"

Yang Miaomiao suddenly realized that instead of letting him simply believe in Jing Tian, ​​it would be more useful for him to believe in the title of GM.

Sure enough, aliens are very naive!

Jing Tian led everyone to climb to the top of a nearby volcano, looking at the lava tumbling in the volcano, Jing Tian said lightly: "Jump down."

Jump down?

It also knows that the original creator of the insider group of four has firm eyes, and everyone else suspects that Jing Tian is making a big joke!

Jump into the volcanic magma to die?

Just looking at these tumbling magma is so spicy!

"Puppet mother, do you want to take a free ticket back to the city?" Yu Yan asked gracefully.

"Uh... Didn't the mission introduction just say that the volcanic activity here is just an illusion, an illusion, the real situation of the volcano is far from being as bad as we can see. We explored what happened inside the volcano, and it is the best thing naturally. The way is to jump straight down. Are we going to make a hole in the mountainside and dig a tunnel into the volcano like a pangolin?"

"Hero, so high, if there is ice below, wouldn't we commit suicide collectively with this jump?" Feng Ji asked casually.

That's right, magma is an illusion, so according to the story of the system, the magma below should be frozen by ice. Jumping directly is equivalent to kissing the iceberg in free fall!

"Since we were given the oxygen-enriched breathing pill, then naturally it shouldn't be ice below, but a volcanic lake, like a hot spring. Otherwise, what do you think you gave us this pill for?"

Jing Tian found strong evidence for his statement.

It turns out that NPC let us dive!

"You are right. This oxygen-enriched breathing pill is only necessary for underwater and vacuum environments. It's a big deal. You can know it when you jump. I have the protection of my ancestors.

Yu Yan had a secondary illness gracefully, and after speaking, she saw the King of Sword Cavalry jumped down.

"Sister Yu Yan, be careful, the breathing pill given to us by the NPC may also be too much volcanic ash, which is easy to choke people. It is only used when there is no way to breathe..."

In the end, the aliens did not forget to lengthen the word "meow", as if Yu Yan, who was afraid of jumping down, could not hear it.

A few seconds later, Yu Yan's elegant surprised voice came from the team channel: "Pseudo mother, why is ice below?"

How could it be ice?

Didn't the King of Sword Cavalry commit suicide by jumping on the ice?

Jing Tian did not waver because of Yu Yan's words. Sitting on Jing Jingtian, he jumped up and fell heavily into the tumbling magma. However, at the moment when the VR field of view was bathed in the magma, the illusion completely disappeared from Jingtian eyes like broken glass. At this time, what greeted my eyes was really a white ice layer!

Before Jing Tian could say anything, he just listened to the puff and puff around him, and several figures fell from a height!

"I'm doing it, there is really ice, and I am buried with a frog with a mortal heart. I didn't expect to smash the ice into a hole!" Luo Xia couldn't help complaining.

"I haven't made sure that it's safe yet, why did you come down?" Jing Tian asked indifferently.

"Cut, it's a big deal, how can you let the two of you be alone? What if you two jumped down to get some peerless secrets, and the level soared, wouldn't we lose a lot?"

Actually, it was Zhao Yunxue'er who jumped down after sitting on the well. The biggest problem with Zhao Jiaxue is loyalty. When the king of swordsman jumped down, she was already ready to move. Seeing sitting on the well and watching the sky, she could no longer control it. Living.

Now, I can't help but find a sour reason.

Yes, it is indeed ice here, but it is not a thick layer of ice, but a glacier covered with a shallow layer of ice!

The falling bodies of everyone smashed the glacier into big holes!

Fortunately, at this stage of the game, it is still not possible to feel the environment of the character, otherwise everyone will want to start a bonfire immediately.

"Brother Tian, ​​let us soak in the hot springs, why are we now soaking in ice porridge?" Yang Miaomiao seemed a little disappointed with the current situation.

"Uh...not to mention it, this place is covered by powerful illusions, what you see may not be true, everyone use oxygen-enriched breathing pills, and dive with me to find out!"

The eight people dived into the water one after another, like eight loaches trying their best to drill into the underwater world. However, the bottom of the water was dim and there was no end in sight.

Obviously, the depth of this lake far exceeds everyone's imagination.

As the sinking time got longer and longer, an inexplicable sense of uneasiness grew in the hearts of everyone and spread rapidly.

"Frog, we shouldn't get into the belly of a monster, this volcano is a huge monster, and the NPC is an accomplice, let us feed it!"

I really admire Zhao Jiaxue's jumping thinking. If this is the case, what copy do we have?

Obviously, this is a set for the players!

If everyone feels that there is a bottomless pit hesitating, or shrinking because of fear, naturally there will be no way to discover the true entrance of the dungeon.

"carry on!"

Even if it is a tiger's mouth, you will be at ease if you come. To deal with everything calmly is the last word!

After diving to a certain depth, the VR vision suddenly became clear, and the scenery of the world under the lake suddenly came into everyone was shocked.

Because everyone vaguely saw an upside-down volcanic island!

Unable to explain this phenomenon, it completely subverts everyone's cognition and even forgets the infinite possibilities of the game itself.

"Hero, isn't this the volcanic island where we were just now? How come it sinks to the bottom of the lake, isn't it a mirage? Everything is the power of internet celebrities!"

Feng Ji's voice was unusually excited, completely lost the usual casual and indifferent.

What does this have to do with internet celebrities?

Is it because you are an Internet celebrity that allows you to see the mirage?

What is the logic?

"Uh... this is of course an illusion. How can the volcano contain a volcanic island that is many times wider than it? However, this illusion should actually be a teleportation array, as we can see when we swim in."

Sitting on the well and watching the sky took the lead and led everyone into the illusion. In the next instant, the picture in the eight-person VR display was turned over. Even the volcanic island in the illusion was completely upside down. However, in the next instant, the lake was completely gone, replaced by a blue sky. Sky.

"I'm doing it, I'm going to fall!"

Accompanied by Luo Xia's exclamation, the eight people floating in the air seemed to be birds that had lost their feathers, flapping their bare wings and crashing down!

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