Sky War Soul

Chapter 134 capture of the great saints


The masked man was surprised, a little unbelievable.

How could Chu Yun, who was dying, recover in such a short time? How can I smash the legs of two giant statues with one stroke?

Chu Yun takes advantage of the pursuit of Sheng, and his figure leaps up. The golden bone in his hand exudes a surging atmosphere.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! "

Chu Yun holds the gold bone in his hand and smashes it frantically at the two giant statues. Dozens of times in a row, two giant statues over 300 meters in height are smashed into powder, which are laid on the ground with a thick layer and no ankle.


Tao Huan and Xu Zhiheng see this scene from afar. They only feel that their heartbeat is half beat slow. How could Chu Yun have so many cards and means?


Chu Yun sneers, his eyes are cold, his hands hold the gold bone, and he points to the masked man: "next, I will smash your head!"

Masked people as if to hear the big joke, crazy laugh up: "smash my head? Ha ha ha ha ha ha, you are too confident! You just want to kill me. What you break is just my two gadgets. They are better than them. I can make a pile anytime and anywhere! "

It seems that in order to verify what he said, the masked man made a few strange laughs, his hands were sealed, and an invisible force surged up from the ground.


A strong wind blows on the flat bottom and blows up the powder on the ground.

Like a sandstorm, under the strong wind, a three meter tall gold armour general was formed.

The general of the golden armor was a grim looking warrior, dressed in armor, with a cape on his back and a long gun in his hand, just like a mighty God of war.

Chu Yun has a sense of crisis. This golden warrior is stronger than the two giant statues. His realm is definitely above the triple of Zhenwu!

"Kill him for me!"

The masked man reached for a finger, and the golden armor general was ordered to move immediately.

The long spear suddenly stabbed and turned into a long traveling dragon with a length of tens of meters. It swept towards chuyun. Where it passed, the void smashed. It seemed that everything in the world could not stop the attack!


There are still tens of meters away. Chu Yun feels that his body is pushed to the rear by the impact force. He wants to resist, but he can't move. It seems that his hands and feet are bound, and he can only eat the spear helplessly!

A strong sense of crisis filled the brain. Chu Yun's pupils contracted violently and roared wildly, trying to struggle.


Chuyun's blood vessels burst in a moment, and the blood spurted out like a fountain.

This is because of the forced struggle, resulting in the burst of blood vessels. This force can not be countered if the world is shaken.

"Great sage!"

Chu Yun's eyes were red and his voice was hoarse.

If it is not a critical moment, he is really reluctant to ask for the help of the great sage.

"Ouch, ouch!"

In a flash, the great sage stood in front of Chu Yun. His hands suddenly protruded out and grasped the top of the spear. He actually competed with the golden armour.

The golden armour general's pounding pace was like hitting a wall. The saint's palm was numb. He almost let go of his spear hand. His face was solemn and low. His eyes were very careful. Obviously, the golden armour general was very difficult to deal with!

"Oh? It's actually a pet of real martial arts. Interesting! Chuyun, you are more and more impressive to me! "

Masked people laugh a few times, immediately made a cut throat action, voice coldly issued an order: "kill, kill them all!"

The golden armor battle will roar, the red cape behind it will be raised, and the strong and invincible waves will be put on the spear. Unexpectedly, he can get rid of the saint's hands and stab into his belly with a hiss.

"Great sage?"

Seeing this scene, Chu Yun's pupil shrank and he had known the great saint for so long. It was the first time that he saw the great saint injured.

The strength of the golden armour is so terrible!

The saint bared his teeth and pulled out the spear with his backhand. With a sharp twist of his body, he was close to the golden armour general. He split his hand on his neck. Then, with a skillful grasp action, he turned and fell heavily on the ground!

This scene surprised everyone.

Don't monsters just know how to behave? How could such a delicate little skill be?

Xu Zhiheng, Tao Huan and even the masked people all stared at each other.

Of course, they won't know. This is the most skillful catch move of Chu Yun I on earth. Occasionally, it was used several times. Unexpectedly, it was stolen and learned by the great sage.

When he fell down, the great sage roared and shot again.

It has a steady move, a sharp hand and great power. It locks the throat of the golden armour general with its backhand, making him unable to move. Then it clasps the arms of the golden armour general with its legs, wrists his waist and legs, and rips his arms off.

Chu Yun was stunned. When did the monkey steal all his catch?

Finally, Da Sheng's left hand stretches out from the left shoulder of the golden armor battle general, inserts into the front neck, uses the inner wrist to stick to its throat, and the right hand back stretches out from the right shoulder of the golden armor battle general, which is tightly linked with the left hand.

Actually, it's the most common way to get naked!


The right hand palm of the great sage pushed forward hard against the back of the head of the golden armour general. His body was in the shape of a bow. With the sudden exertion of his whole body, a clear voice sounded. The neck of the golden armour general was forcibly broken and his head and bones fell to the ground.


The great saint loosed his hand and disdained to spit. Then he kicked the golden armor general to the waist and kicked him away.

This series of movements, running through the clouds and flowing water, are not at all astringent.

After the golden armor battle was close to the body, the great sage captured it to death without any resistance.

Chu Yun never thought that the great sage would kill the general of Jin Jia in such a way. It's really Fresh.

"You're a pet. It's interesting. I want it!"

Masked people drink, palm out of the sky, the rich aura condensed into a thick stone arm, toward the saint to grasp.


At this time, the sky suddenly sounded like a thunderclap of thunder, rumbling, deafening.

I saw a figure rushing quickly, with a fire in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the fire spread all over the sky, completely surrounded the big hand and burned it to ashes.

Elder Huo is angry and bearded. He stares at the masked man with his big eyes. His expression is dignified.

He was surrounded by a full-bodied to extreme flame, like a god of war wrapped in flames, and the burning void was constantly distorted.

"No matter who you are, you have to pay the price!"

Huo Changlao growls.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

When the masked man saw Huo Changlao, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh. He reached out his hand and pointed to elder Huo and called out, "Huo Hongchang, you old man is still alive!"

After hearing the masked man's words, Huo Changlao was shaking violently, and his eyes showed incredible light. He could not help roaring excitedly: "Chengzhi? It's you? Didn't you die in the thunder swamp decades ago? "

"Huo Hongchang, I didn't die. At the beginning, I created the illusion of falling, but I just wanted to find out the secret in the thundering swamp by myself! Now, I finally understand the secret here. I can kill the sun sect immediately. Ha ha ha ha ha

Masked people are arrogant and laugh wildly.

"Huo Chengzhi, are you crazy? Failure in competition is failure. Why can't you let it go! Why are you so persistent! "

Huo Hongchang roared with pain.

"Perseverance, ha ha ha, do you know what it means to lose the battle for the patriarch? It means that I have lost the position of patriarch that I have always dreamed of. It means that my favorite woman has left me. It means that Xu RI can always be a bully in front of me! Elder brother, you have really changed too much in these years. Even if you had no ambition in the past, you would not be willing to be so ordinary. But now, how could you look like that? "

The masked man pulled off the face towel, which was a face similar to Huo Hongchang's, but with several horrible scars on his face, it was very conspicuous, which set off the whole man's ferocity.

"Chengzhi? Huo Chengzhi? "

Xu Zhiheng, who was hiding in the distance, changed his expression when he heard the name.

"What's the matter, elder martial brother Xu? Do you know this person?"

Tao Huan saw the clue and couldn't help asking.

"Elder Huo has a younger brother, Huo Chengzhi. He has an extremely rare variant stone spirit and is a natural talent. He and Huo Changlao once sparkled the whole hot sun sect and were hailed as the peerless double pride. Later, Huo Chengzhi competed for the position of the patriarch, but he was defeated by our patriarch and never recovered. Later, when leading the team to leiming swamp, he was surrounded by monsters and beasts. Many disciples watched him tear up with their own eyes. How, how could... "

Xu Zhiheng knew the secret of the sect several decades ago, and he knew it very well.

"Is he elder Huo's brother?"

Tao Huan was surprised. The sudden reversal made her unable to respond.

"It seems that it is."

Xu Zhiheng frowns. Huo Chengzhi has been dead for decades. How can he suddenly appear today? Combined with what he said before, is there really any plot that he can't achieve?

A conspiracy to overthrow the whole sun clan!

Huo Hongchang took a deep breath and held out his hand tremblingly. "Chengzhi, come back. Don't dream any more. Xu RI has been the leader of the clan for decades, and our lieri clan has developed rapidly. As long as these disciples grow up, we can fight for the place to become the first-class clan. If you don't want to see Xu RI, I will accompany you to leave here, brother, come back... "

At the end of the speech, Huo Hongchang's voice was shaking, obviously he was in pain.

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