Sky War Soul

Chapter 135 thundering abyss

Huo Chengzhi's expression suddenly became a little struggling. Obviously, Huo Hongchang's words affected his mind. But soon, there was a red light in his eyes, and he could not help roaring: "impossible, there is no turning back. In order to succeed in my plan, decades of time have been burned. This is my obsession and the driving force to support my life! "

Huo Hongchang clenched his fists and shouted angrily: "Huo Chengzhi, do you really want to be stubborn in the end?"

"Elder brother, when I kill Xu RI from here, when I kill Xu RI, and when I sit on the throne of the patriarch, I will be in charge of the clan with you! It's just like what our brothers used to dream of! "

After saying this, Huo Chengzhi quickly sealed his hands, and a large number of gravel and flying sand were swept up by the wind and condensed in the sky.

Then from the huge gravel, suddenly out of a number of thick stone like arms, from the sky suddenly down, surging force, heaven and earth change color.

"Stubborn! I will never understand! "

Huo Hongchang gnawed his teeth and burned the sky with flames, forming a huge flame net, which burned all the arms of the stone statue suppressed from the sky and turned them into nothingness.

When the stone arms disappeared, Huo Hongchang looked up, and Huo Chengzhi's figure disappeared.

It turns out that the attack just now was just a cover. The real purpose was to escape.

"Damn it!"

Huo Hongchang clenched his fist and hammered the earth into a huge pit. His eyes were filled with regret.

Huo Chengzhi's own character is rather paranoid. If he had paid more attention to him after he failed to fight for the throne of the patriarch, he would not have become what he is today.

"Elder Huo."

Xu Zhiheng takes a deep breath with Tao Huan and steps forward quickly.

"Now things have gone beyond imagination. Huo Chengzhi is not dead, but there is a plot brewing in the thundering swamp. I have to find out the whole story!"

Huo Hongchang's eyes are firm. He knows that this matter must be solved in private. If it comes to the level of zongmen, Huo Chengzhi will definitely be in danger.

"Elder Huo!"

A surprise voice came from afar, followed by many disciples led by Gong Yanjie, who came here quickly.

"You finally appeared. We were in the swamp before..."

Gong Yanjie is about to open his mouth and complain. Suddenly, he is stunned and his eyes fall on Chu Yun and others.

"You Why didn't you die? "

Gong Yanjie was shocked. Some people couldn't believe that Chu Yun were still alive.

"Why, we're not dead, isn't it strange?"

Chu Yun's mouth was full of disdainful smile. When Gong Yanjie first divided the line, Niu's was not good. He said frankly that he had a way to live with himself. But in a few days, at least half of his casualties were injured, but his side was not damaged.

"Damn it, you're lucky!"

There was a flash of resentment in Gong Yanjie's eyes. He had heard the disciples behind him talking in a low voice.

"You see, elder martial brother Xu did not suffer any casualties."

"Well, I knew I would follow elder martial brother Xu."

"It's true that elder martial brother Gong can't rely on anything."

Huo Hongchang looked back at the only seven or eight disciples left behind Gong Yanjie, and said with an iron face: "what about the others?"


Gong Yanjie was speechless for a while. He didn't know how to answer elder Huo's question.

"Elder Huo, we were ambushed by monsters when we came here, so there were some casualties..."

A little servant of Gong Yanjie faltered.

"Nonsense! I told you to unite for a long time. Only unity can survive in the thundering swamp, but it's better for you to provoke right and wrong as soon as you come in. If you are united, there will never be so many casualties. Do you know that they all died because of you? "

Huo Hongchang roared angrily, just like thunder roaring.

Gong Yanjie was stunned directly. After a long time, he took a deep breath and lowered his head: "elder Huo, it's my fault..."

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you. After going out, I will punish you for half a year's cultivation resources!"

Huo Changlao gave a cold Snort and moved his eyes away from Gong Yanjie.

Gong Yanjie clenched his teeth and stared at Chu Yun angrily. In his eyes, Chu Yun was responsible for all this!

"Elder Huo, when we met Huo Chengzhi, he revealed part of his plan to us."

Chu Yun found the right time to take the next step.

"And such things?"

Huo Hongchang was a little excited and asked repeatedly, "what did he say?"

"He said that here in Yaotian is the limit we can reach. We can't go further. If he persists in crossing the medicine field and going deeper, he will kill us. "

Chu Yun recalled that Huo Chengzhi had said that before.

"Go beyond the medicine field and go deeper?"

Huo Hongchang raised his head and looked at the distance. After a few seconds, he was shocked and couldn't help but gasp: "if you keep going, it's thundering abyss!"

Hearing the four words "thundering abyss", all the disciples Qiqi shuddered.

"Elder Huo, he will not hide in the thundering abyss, will he?"

"There are thunders and roars all the year round. Any creature that enters it will be smashed and destroyed!"

Huo Hongchang made a mistake for a while. He frowned and thought hard.

Thundering abyss is the most dangerous area in thundering swamp. There is a valley as long as one kilometer. There is thundering all the year round in it. Any creature entering it will bear thundering attack. It can be said that it is a forbidden area that no one dares to approach!

Leiming swamp has a very long history. Although Huo Hongchang has a very old qualification, he still can't figure out what is the innermost part of leiming abyss.

Once upon a time, there were several talented people with extraordinary strength and arrogance who wanted to explore it. At last, no one could come out of it.

Moreover, it is clearly stipulated in the clan that the disciples can enter into it for training, but the elders can never enter, and those who violate the order can't be forgiven!

Huo Hongchang, as an elder of the sun sect, naturally knows such rules. He is struggling in his heart. What should he do?

If I catch up with them, it must be against the rules, but if I don't go in and let these disciples go, none of them will be Huo Chengzhi's opponent, only to die.

"When my plan is successful, I will kill Xu RI and overthrow liesun sect!"

Huo Chengzhi's crazy voice constantly reverberated in his mind. Huo Hongchang frowned and made up his mind. Even if he was punished by the clan, he must enter into it!

If you want to enter the thundering abyss, you need to go through a thundering valley with a length of kilometers. Any creature that appears in the valley will be thundered and shocked. After passing through this valley, you can enter the thundering abyss. All the disciples who enter the thundering abyss will be given a lightning avoiding bead. This bead can protect you and pass through the thundering Valley safely.

However, Huo Hongchang didn't prepare lightning beads at all. At this moment, if he is in urgent need, he can only go back to zongmen to get them!

Huo Hongchang soon made a decision that he would not go back for a trip to get lightning beads. If Huo Chengzhi has any crazy plans, he can stop him in advance!

Today's sun clan is not the same as it used to be. If Huo Chengzhi goes wrong, he will die.

However, the premise of taking lightning beads is that some disciples are willing to enter into it spontaneously, but in this case, who is willing to commit risks?

Chu Yun was so clever that he saw Huo Hongchang's idea at a glance. He took the initiative to say, "elder Huo, I want to go in."

Anyway, I'm trained from my own experience. No matter how dangerous thunder abyss is, it will become a part of my experience.

In addition, there is a saying called "seeking for wealth in danger", in which there must be some treasures, which will make Huo Chengzhi plot.

Seeing Chu Yun's statement, Tao Huan immediately extended her hand: "I I'll go in, too! "

"Martial sister Tao, brother Chu..."

Xu Zhiheng saw it. He was a little embarrassed. He didn't want to go deep into the thundering abyss to take a risk. This matter has nothing to do with him. It's unnecessary to go through this muddy water.

"Elder martial brother Xu, I understand you."

Chuyun smiled and compared his heart with his heart. Xu Zhiheng really had no obligation to accompany him into the adventure.

"Thanks for brother Chu's understanding."

Xu Zhiheng breathed a sigh of relief and looked a little dim.

"Thundering abyss? Since you are all going, how can you lose me?"

Gong Yanjie glanced at Chu Yun and then said proudly.

"My grass, brother Gong, are you crazy? What is the thundering abyss! "

The other side was shocked when they followed Bandon.

Gong Yanjie sneers in his heart: am I crazy? I'm not crazy! How can you idiots understand me? Thundering abyss is indeed dangerous, but if I follow elder Huo closely, I can absolutely protect me with his strength! Danger is often accompanied by chance. It's a forbidden area. There must be countless natural resources and treasures in it!

Gong Yanjie himself was very dissatisfied with the harvest of this thundering swamp trip. Now seeing such an opportunity, his mind immediately became active.

Be sure to follow in!

Follow in whatever you say!

After a vote, only three people, Tao Huan, Gong Yanjie and his good brother, he customary, finally said they wanted to go in.

Chu Yun is not a disciple of lieri sect, so he is not included in the quota.

Huo Hongchang said excitedly: "well, I'll go back to get the lightning bead. All the disciples who don't want to enter the thundering abyss follow me! As for those who choose to stay, don't run around in case of accidents! "

"Brother Chu, be careful about everything!"

When Xu Zhiheng left, he threw a fist at Chu Yun and looked very serious.

Under the leadership of Huo Hongchang, those disciples quickly disappeared in the sky.

When the crowd was far away, Gong Yanjie suddenly turned his head and stared at Chu Yun, his whole body was full of natural gas, his face was ferocious and roared: "you are really arrogant before, stinky boy. Now Xu Zhiheng and Huo Changlao are gone. I see who can protect you! "

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