Sky War Soul

Chapter 1359 taking the initiative

Hearing this, both Da Sheng and 3000 are curious. They are eager to know what he will say next.

Although they have already guessed in their hearts, they still want to see what reason the monkey king can find to whitewash their ambition.

"I plan to put three thousand young men in the position of leader first. This is a fair saying. No one dares to disagree. After all, true dragon is the synonym of noble blood. All monsters must be respectful and respected! ~"

when the monkey king said this, his voice suddenly changed:" with your blood, if I nominate you as the leader, they can't say anything, because the blood is impeccable. As for the strength, although 3000 sages haven't entered the fairyland supremacy, they are not far from each other. They must be another giant in the future, even if they don't agree, there is no way! "

Three thousand and the great sage all put up their ears and continued to listen.

"But I know that three thousand wise men are not here. They don't want to be leaders of any kind of work......"

The monkey king's eyes turned, and finally showed his ambition: "but this is a step that must be taken. I can guarantee that you won't stay in this seat for long! After you come to power, as long as you continue to obey the order of brother Wei and cut off all the wings of other animal zuns, the next five Yao mountains will be all our three brothers! "

"Weaken their power, and then give up their position to elder brother. Then, under the protection of elder brother, what do you want to do? I don't know how much more happy I am now! "

He continued to bewitch.

"Is that ok?"

Three thousand doubted: "the monkey king put me in the position of leader, will other animal worshippers interfere? If so, isn't our plan going to run aground? After all, you are fighting alone and dealing with several Animal Lords! "

When the monkey king heard this, he was very happy.

What a fool!

But that's good. Three thousand and the great sage are all fools. Is it up to them?

How do you want to come.

"You didn't grow up in TianChao. Maybe you don't know. Blood is the most precious thing here! After all, ancient blood represents inheritance and future generations' terror. Most of them are monsters willing to cling to you and follow you. For the sake of personal interests, other animal worshippers naturally don't want to watch you become a leader, but we have agreed in advance that we will hold a contest in the near future, and you will easily win with your ability. Even if they don't agree, they have to agree! "

The great sage scratched his head and asked, "Monkey King, is it too bad for us to give you the position of leader? After all, monkey king you also rely on big brother to take this position, we have no ambition, but there is a saying called "brother to account, right?"

Monkey King Ziqing sneers at the bottom of his heart, all of which is in his plan.

It's hard to use 3000 yuan's head, but the great sage is a little clever.

He didn't have much ambition but wanted to get the most out of it.

It's easiest to deal with such a guy.

As long as you satisfy the interests he wants, there will be no trouble.

Although a dragon, but stupid as a pig, very easy to deal with.

A monkey who doesn't know what kind of race it is is a little clever and easy to deal with.

Old naive is to care for himself. When he is at a loss, he sends two helpers to him, which just solves the biggest problem in front of him.

"Don't worry, great saint and good brother. You've been together for so long. Don't you know what you're like? This time, I'm sure you will remember you forever and be grateful. I'll promise you anything you invite later! "

The monkey king didn't promise anything directly, but said a lot of empty words.

Anyway, it means that you helped me. I can't treat you badly.

Actually when?

Will you recognize that it's all different!

"Well, since the monkey king treats us as brothers, how can we not devote ourselves to it?"

The righteous words of the great sage, rub your fists and brush your palms, wish you could do it now.

Three words and two words make blood boil.

"Fool! It's so stupid, but I like it! "

Seeing this, the monkey king was very happy, but he pretended to sigh: "it's easy to let three thousand sages come to the position of leader, but it's hard to cut off other animals' wings! They are all old people who have lived for thousands of years, one by one. Even if three thousand wise men command them as leaders, no one will be willing to listen to you, so these must be discussed in the long run... "

"Monkey King, you are our big brother. We can do what we want, and we can do what we want."

Three thousand hurriedly clapped his chest to show his loyalty.

"Very well, I will spare no effort for my brother's future development!"

The monkey king patted his chest with a sense of responsibility. His eyes were very open, as if he was really selfless.

Seeing that both the great sage and the three thousand promised to come down, the monkey king grinned: "three thousand sage brother, be ready for this time recently, and work on this matter for your brother to go and work on his own......"

Looking at the back of the purple green monkey Wang Yuan, 3000 and the great saint looked at each other and smiled, and the original simple and honest look disappeared.

"You think we're stupid?"

The great sage could not help sneering: "three thousand, we will tell him with practical actions, who is really stupid B!"

"I don't like to deal with smart monsters, but I like to deal with smart monsters."

"Yes, I will not kill him then!"

The great sage rolled his sleeves and scolded.



After Monkey King Ziqing left, he took the initiative to gather other animal statues on a mountain top.

He was a little smug and a little impatient.

After all, according to the original custom-made rules, I am now a steady winner.

On blood, who can match Zhenlong?

In terms of strength, there are three thousand Nirvana peaks. It's only a matter of time before entering the fairyland.

It's safe and sound for him to be the leader.

Linjiao snake king was the first to arrive. Seeing the proud look of the monkey king, he couldn't help but snorting coldly. His eyes were cold and resentful.

Because he knew that the monkey king was almost invincible.

Unless we find another real dragon and compete with him.

Which is so easy to find?

Later, the red bear king, the sky Gang elephant king, the angry lion king and the wind wing dragon king all came here one after another.

"I heard that the monkey found a real dragon?"

The king of wind winged dragon took the lead in opening his mouth. Although his name contains two words of pterosaur, in fact, it only has less than one eighth of the true dragon blood.

"Ha ha, shit luck."

The fierce red bear king looks scornful, his eyes are cold.

At the beginning, I lost the competition for the real dragon, which means that the leader's position is in the hands of the monkey king, and I have no way to get it back, unless I modify the rules set by the first few Animal Lords together.

Is it so easy to repent what you say?

"Shit luck? You'd better show me one! "

The monkey king is very proud of his face. He can't help but pick his chin: "how about a piece of shit? It's really sour. It stinks! "

"Well, what do you want us to do?"

The sky Gang Elephant King cold voice says.

"Less nonsense. According to the rules we set, I don't think it's necessary to compete. Just give up the position of leader to 3000! He's a real dragon! He is honest and powerful. He will be the leader of us. I'm afraid no one can be unconvinced. "

The monkey king's eyes swept around, and he was confident.

"You seem to forget that we chose our leaders to lead us out of today's predicament. As far as I know, the real dragon's head is not very bright. It's a fool. You want him to lead us? Are you kidding? "

Lin Jiao snake king's voice was hoarse, and he kept spitting out the letter when he spoke.

"Why, his blood and strength are not enough to command you?"

When Wang Dun, the purple green monkey, retorted, "when he comes out of Longwei, you are afraid of being suppressed

The king of the snake is angry, but the king of the monkey is telling the truth.

Not only the king of the snake, but also the king of the dragon.

In front of the real real dragon, the monsters with real dragon blood have no resistance, so they will be suppressed directly and can't lift their heads.

Dare to resist?

I dare not resist at all!

"No, I don't agree."

Wang Lengleng, the fierce bear, said: "although we haven't found any other candidate monsters, just because you won, how do you know that we can't find any other monsters with ancient blood?"

"Even if there is, how can it be? Can blood noble surpass real dragon?"

The monkey king held his shoulders and looked down on everyone.

Because he felt that he would unify heaven's nest.


Many animal dignitaries are silent. Although they are extremely unwilling, this is the truth.

You can't find a pure blooded beast that is more pure than the real dragon, and the real dragon itself is the peak king of the monsters, the aristocrat of the aristocracy, who leads TianChao. It's reasonable and can't find any fault.

But they couldn't see the monkey king's thumping like this.

"Don't struggle. Even if you have enough time, you can't find a leader candidate better than Zhenlong. It's better for us to settle this matter one day earlier and to hold it together one day earlier, otherwise our losses will be visible to the naked eye! "

The monkey king, hehe, smiles. He seems to be very diligent. In fact, his ambition is obvious.

Although many of them were angry, they were helpless.

This time, it seems that the meeting broke up unhappily. In fact, the monkey king took the absolute initiative.

He's not in a hurry.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: for flowers!

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