Sky War Soul

Chapter 1360 nothing of ambition

After returning to the cave, the red bear King's eyes were always gloomy.

The luck of the monkey king is so good that it can't be said. Who could have thought that there would be a real dragon coming to the door, and it happened to be hit by him.

This is a good time to find the leader of TianChao. Because of the existence of the real dragon, the monkey king has an absolute advantage. No matter how hard he tries, no matter how hard he tries, he can't find the existence of blood beyond the real dragon.

Because, true dragon is the top monster of pyramid!

"It's hard. Do you really want to watch this monkey unify the five Yao mountains?"

The red bear king was obviously unwilling. He took a deep breath and sat on the throne, thinking about things.

By the way, what's the origin of the monkey following the real dragon?

The red bear King squints his eyes. How can he forget him?

At the beginning, they were shocked by the horror of the real dragon, and even forgot the existence of the monkey selectively.

What kind of monster is he?

The red bear King began to remember what happened on that day, and what the great sage looked like after he showed his true self.

His mane is dark brown, his pupils are like blood light, his strength is infinite, his body is strong


A figure suddenly appeared in the mind of the red bear king. The monkey's features are all consistent with him. It should not be

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The red bear King shakes his head, but the idea just came back to him.

Although the great saint didn't show his true body for a long time, he left an indelible impression on him, which made him fidgety and frowned.

"No, I have to verify it!"

The red bear king only felt that the figure in his mind was very vague. Of course, he didn't dare to confirm it. He just had such an idea, that's all.

He walked out of the cave towards the center of the five Yao mountains.

On the flat ground there are five statues.

It's the five animal generals who fought together with TianChao girl!

"No No way! "

The red bear King cried out. His eyes were fixed on one of the five statues. It was a blood pupil ape. It was once the invincible on land and the most powerful of the five animal generals. It was called ape fly.

In those days, ape flying alone killed countless people in the fairyland. It was unspeakable.

At the time of his death, he even dragged a title to be buried with the supreme, which can be said to have made great contributions to TianChao.

This statue, with a reduction degree of nearly 90%, shows all the features of the blood pupil ape, and looks lifelike, as if ape fly stood there again, staring at it, and looking into the distance with killing intent.

exactly the same!

The red bear king only felt his scalp explode, and he could not stop shivering.

He is the animal of monsters, equivalent to the flying fairyland of the human race. He is absolutely in the forefront of the five Yao mountains. He belongs to the existence of shaking the whole sky nest.

Today, however, he is completely shocked by what is in front of him.


Why is that so?

five beast will be one of the blood puppet ape ape looks like the monkey exactly the same!

This is not simply like, as if this statue is based on the monkey to carve the general!

You can't use anything to describe the shock you're experiencing right now.

After half an hour's stupefaction, the red bear King slowly pulled out of the shock. His hands were tightly clenched, his pupils were sharply contracted, and he felt that his voice was dry and he could not speak.

To be sure, the monkey is a blood pupil ape, which can never be wrong.

But how to explain this unique appearance?

Is he the reincarnation of ape?

What's a joke? In those days, the ape died in the enclosure of many human cultivators. Therefore, the blood pupil ape family has also been listed as a taboo to bear the guilt of birth. Every generation of offspring will be hunted by the human cultivators, and few grow up.

First of all, it is excluded that the monkey is the reincarnation of ape flying, or is it the offspring of ape flying?

Very likely!

The king of bear suddenly thought of something, and his pupils suddenly brightened.

You are the blood pupil ape!

How domineering your ancestor ape was when he became one of the five animal generals!

Even if the real dragon is a little higher than the five beasts, you don't have to worship him as a big brother, do you?

Because you also have the possibility to be a leader!

As excited as the discovery of the new world, the fierce bear king kept pacing back and forth. Finally, he decided to gamble to see if he could successfully lure the monkey to his side and participate in the competition for the position of leader.

Thinking of this, the king of the scarlet bear did not hesitate to rush to the territory of the monkey king.

Today's monkey king, is drinking, very happy.

The red bear king came to the top of the mountain and felt the great saint's breath.

Finally, he fixed his eyes on a mountain ridge in the distance, and immediately passed on the message quietly: Dasheng, I am the king of bear, I have something to discuss with you, but you can only come here alone, do not disturb other monsters.

Today's great sage is sitting there practicing. Suddenly, the voice of the fierce bear King rings in his ear, and he jumps up in surprise.

"This bear came to me. What's the plot?"

Dasheng frowned, red bear king looked simple and honest, but in fact, he was full of bad water.

There are no less conspiracies than the king of snakes.

He came to find himself. What's his heart?

Although some vigilance, but the saint or pretend to hang out in general, out of the cave: "3000, I go out to hang out."

Three thousand nods, anyway this monkey's character itself is restless, naturally likes to walk around.

"What can I do for you?"

The saint frowned, as if he thought of something, and looked Alert: "would you like to meet the turtle shell you sent me at the beginning?"

The red bear king was stunned and then he was dumbfounded.

The turtle shell of Jingshui Black Turtle is indeed a valuable thing, but compared with his present identity, what is it?

"Don't worry, I didn't ask you for the shell..."

The scarlet Bear King laughs and looks simple and honest: "the great sage brother, the monkey king purple green guy wants to propose that your eldest brother be the leader, but in my opinion, you are not worse than your eldest brother at all. Why do you have to settle down?"

After hearing this, Da Sheng's heart suddenly became clear.

What am I supposed to be? I came to separate us.

The great saint snorted: "I have a deep relationship with my big brother. If he is a leader, I will help him around. Besides, our two brothers have not much ambition, and my big brother will not be a leader for long..."

Speaking of this, his face was shocked. He quickly reached out his hand to cover his mouth and pretended to be careless.

"NIMA, the monkey is not well intentioned!"

When he heard this, Wang Tong was furious.

It seems that what the monkey thought was, first, let real dragon 3000 take the position of leader, and then when his power of these animal statues is weakened, he will replace 3000 with himself. It's really hard for these animal statues to mention the resistance again at that time.

It's the same as my guess.

"I didn't say anything..."

Dasheng quickly waved his hand, pretending that he was just doing it unintentionally.

The scarlet Bear King smiled brightly and said: "I didn't hear anything for brother, I didn't hear anything! But you must be careful. You and your elder brother are honest and loyal. You must be careful of villain's tricks! The monkey king is not very kind. He may be calculating you! "

"No way, brother Monkey King is like a brother to us. How can he calculate us?"

The great sage shook his head like a wave drum and said nothing.

Seeing that Da Sheng's oil and salt are not going in, the fierce bear King feels rather difficult. After hesitating for a moment, he said: "I know what you mean. You and your elder brother have no ambition. The leader is just to help the monkey king. But you don't need to. Da Sheng, to tell you the truth for your brother, you are a blood pupil ape with extremely precious ancient blood It is the most terrifying existence among the five animal generals, and also the absolute pride of our animal world. But... "

The saint's heart moved. He wanted to see what else the red bear king could say.

"But now you live under the real dragon! You know, this is the biggest insult to your ancestors! He used to be the five animal generals of TianChao. What a brilliant name? The name of the five Yao mountains comes from his own point. You should have made a career instead of being relegated to others! "

The voice of the fierce bear King gradually becomes fierce, with an exciting factor in it.

Da Sheng takes out his ears and looks at silly B.

Of course, it was only a flash in the eyes, and I quickly converged back.

"Brother Xiong, I understand what you said, but I have no ambition, and no ambition to dominate the world. You can't force the duck to fight! In that case, what's the point? I don't even have the freedom to choose! "

When the voice of the fierce bear King fell, the great sage began to refute.

What he said made the other side stunned.

This NIMA, what I said is so hot and blood boiling, how can you say nothing?

It's too much advice!

Bear red storm Bear King gas shiver, he felt so many words, all feed the dog.

No, a dog can wag its tail even if it is fed.

You What did you do?

Da Sheng reached out his hand and scratched his crotch habitually. Then he smelled it and said happily: "besides, my brother and I have deep feelings. He wants to participate in the competition for leadership. Can I tear down the tower behind me? This is not what brothers do! Though my great sage is not clever in mind, he speaks of righteousness! "

I wish I could slap you!

Something without ambition!


The red bear King closed his eyes for fear that he would be tempted to smoke him.



After a few breaths, the fierce bear King smiles again, but the smile is a little reluctant: "OK Well, since you are not interested, you should say so much for brother Bai... "

"Bear, what are you doing sneaking around in Laozi's territory?"

Just then, there was an angry sound in the distance.

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