Sky War Soul

Chapter 1387 second kill! See second kill again!

Under the expectation of all the people, the examination time of an hour finally passed.

The dark light that enveloped the five disappeared. They stood up one by one, sealed the papers and handed them to Hu Yutang, the chief eunuch.

Hu Yutang holds five papers, nods, turns and hands them over to several scholars.

The great Confucians stood up to salute and then left.

They will go down and grade the five papers together.

To ensure fairness and justice, they will supervise each other and ensure that no one is selfish.

After all, this banquet is of great importance, and there can be no favoritism or malpractice.

Party, go ahead.

However, except for Chu Yun and Duan Zehua, none of the other three people had the heart to eat.

Even if there is delicious food in front of them, they can't go down.


It's really nervous!

They kept thinking about the previous answers, trying to find out the imperfections. However, the papers had been handed in. Even if they thought of any good ideas, they could not modify them. However, they couldn't help thinking about them, and had to get into endless tangles.

Duan Zehua is in a good mood, eating snacks and drinking wine at the same time.

He felt that he could get high marks in his papers!

Full marks are not extravagant.

At least 95?

You should know that there is no standard for literary warfare. Every great scholar has his own set of judgment. Even if you write well, you can't get them to give you full marks, so you can't help but deduct some points, which is normal.

If I get 95 points, I will be the one who has never come before!

Chu Yun?

He still wants to compare with himself?


On the other hand, why does Chu Yun eat so comfortably?

In other people's eyes, he's a broken pot. Anyway, it's out of the question. It's better to eat well and drink well.

This is the gap.



In the hall, some of the current great Confucians first handed the sealed test paper to Hu Yutang, the eunuch's general manager, and asked him to smear out his name by a special means. In this way, when correcting the test paper, they would not join in the subjective emotions, and could truly be selfless.

Here, I have to say an interesting thing.

When Ouyang Xiu criticized Sushi's examination papers, he was directly shocked.

Is there such a high literary talent in the world?

However, he did not give the paper the highest score.

Why? Because he guessed that such a brilliant article must have been written by his apprentice Zeng Gong. Of course, he could not give full marks, so he put this paper in the second place.

However, in that year, our great God Su Shi was second to none.

After the eunuch's manager Zhao Yutang smeared his name, he glanced at it casually.

I happened to see Chu Yun's test paper.

It's a mess. What is it?

People's papers are very beautiful and have distinct handwriting.

What are you, scribble?

However, he didn't go deep into whose paper it was, because he wanted to get there.

It must be Chu Yun's!

In such a short time, I put down my pen. What do you say you can write?

After returning the smeared papers to several scholars, Hu Yutang, the eunuch's chief, waited at the door for the results to appear.

There are only five papers, which are cross examined by five great scholars. In other words, each paper must be reviewed by five people in person. Only in this way can fairness be guaranteed.

One of the great Confucians picked up the test paper and just looked at the handwriting, he couldn't help clapping his hands.


It's written as sharp as a razor. At the beginning of reading it, there was a kind of murderous spirit coming to people's faces. People could not help being awed.

In other words, such handwriting alone deserves high marks.

This great Confucian happened to teach Duan Zehua. Knowing that this is Duan Zehua's best handwriting, he couldn't help but move.

I was lucky enough to get Duan's paper.

Then, the great Confucian continued to read, eyes more and more bright.

These two poems are really perfect.

I don't know what words to use.

No rhetoric is as gorgeous as these two poems!

After reading it carefully several times, the great scholar breathed out a breath and gave his score on the scoreboard.

Ninety nine!

The little point is afraid of his pride.

"Come and see this paper. I guarantee with my personality that these two poems will absolutely shock the world again!"

The scholar was so excited that he handed the test paper to others.

There are three great Confucians, looking up at the same time, with a surprise in their eyes.

Did you find Duan Zehua's test paper?

Most of their interests are directed at Duan Zehua.

Because they know that Duan Zehua, as the Almighty Tianjiao and the peerless monster, will not let himself down.

Only a great Confucian, has not looked up.

If you get close, you can see that his body is slightly shaking.

How could it be.

Can there be poems of such grace?

All talents, out of thin air!

Almost a hole in the sky!

The first poem.

When is the moon in the water!

When he came up, he would stop people directly. He was terrified.

The second poem.

Although the tortoise lives, it is the same powerful and magnificent.

No words can describe it.


"This poem should only be found in heaven, and rarely heard in the world!"

"I give full marks!"

"The full score is a bit exaggerated. Would you like to deduct it a little?"

"I give 97 points."

"I don't like it very much, but I still can't ignore his literary talent, 95 points."

The other four scholars are discussing Duan's test paper.

If you really give full marks, that's weird.

More or less, we need to buckle up a little, even if he is Duan Zehua.

"Well, come and have a look. This kind of test paper is not often seen!"

The great Confucian who examined and approved Duan Zehua's examination paper began to greet the last one.

However, the great Confucian just shook his head and said in a strong calm voice, "no matter how amazing the paper is in your hand, it's rubbish on my side!"

"It's crazy of you to say that."

"Look at this paper first!"

Those great scholars are dissatisfied.

Isn't that a denial of their vision?

"I don't look! Now any test paper is rubbish in my eyes! It's all dust! "

The great Confucian shook his head firmly: "even the number one examination paper that I approved in those years is not as good as this one!"

"Ha ha."

"Let's see."

Four great Confucians came forward and spread out Chu Yun's papers on the table.

"What font is it? Scribble? "

"Eh, what a wild and domineering pen edge!"

"It's another style. If you don't understand it, don't talk about it."


Some of the great scholars enjoyed it.

They finally reached an agreement that the calligraphy style never appeared, that is to say, the master of the test paper created a style himself!

Although I don't know what it's called, I just don't know what it's called.

As for poetry, when they really go through it, there is only one thought left in their mind.

What stinky fish and rotten shrimp did I see just now!

Can you compare it with the paper in front of you?

The more you look at it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it, the more shocking it is, the more you look at it, the more ashamed you are.

Now they have only one thought left.

What kind of luck did we have in order to review such a popular poem?

No, where are we qualified to review?

We are kneeling to worship!

Both writing and poetry are unique and independent.

"Poo Tong."

A great scholar knelt down directly.

He was trembling all over, his beard was trembling, he came up and cried, "I have a mistake, I have a mistake! I can't believe that those two poems were once in a blue moon! I have no eyes! Compared with this poem, it's a piece of shit! "

All the other great scholars are like this.

Hu Yutang outside listened and frowned.

What are you doing.

Is this mourning?

"Duke Hu, please inform your majesty that we are not qualified to grade such poems!"

Soon, a great Confucian came out with a very determined look.

Mr. Hu didn't understand, but he did.

When his majesty came, he waved and said, "you all go out!"

The great scholars thanked Huang en, and then one by one said, "Your Majesty, it's enough to read only this paper."

When there was no one in the hall, the figure of Jinjia woman walked out of the void and raised her eyebrows slightly: "this is Chu Yun's test paper?"

Xuexiong wipes out the light, only to see that it is indeed Chu Yun's test paper.

"Please have a look."

Xuexiong gave the test paper to the woman.

She just took a look at it, and felt her brain rumbling and falling into an endless shock.

There's a saying that's good, but it doesn't come first.

But in front of these two poems, all are brothers!



"Chuyun, you were better than twenty-five points yesterday, and I will definitely come back this time."

Duan Zehua is elegant and has a very reserved smile.

Chu Yun put down the wine pot and wiped his mouth. He said seriously, "if you have such thoughts, I can only say that you are doomed to be disappointed! Because I will crush you three times in the third battle! "

Duan Zehua looks cold, then laughs: "OK, we'll see."

After a cup of tea, xuexiong walked out of the hall with an excited expression.

With his knowledge, with his ability, he would show such a look.

It's rare.

Xuexiong takes a deep breath and immediately looks at chuyun with admiration, which means nothing.

Duan Zehua is confident.

So is Chu Yun.

"In this cultural war, I was ashamed of one person's poems."

"Never sing!"

Blood male hands, only holding a test paper.

After reading this one, just throw away the others.

Duan Zehua is happy.

Your majesty, you were shocked once by me, and this time you will still be shocked by me!

Wenzhan first, it's mine!

Xuexiong glanced at the whole audience, and finally raised the test paper. He said one word at a time: "in this cultural war, there was a rare full score in a thousand years. There was no defect or flaw. Even I was not qualified to deduct even half a score!"

"He is Chu Yun!

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