Sky War Soul

Chapter 1388 guqin music suppress you!

Originally heard that a person got full marks, Duan Zehua's expression is still full of inconceivable.

How many examiners did I write this time?

Wenzhan, get full marks.

After so many years of palace tests, there have been so many top winners that no one can get full marks on them.

This time, it is more strict than the palace test.

Although the difficulty of assessment is not too much, but this battle is terrible!

All four of Taicang were in Qi, and there were also powerful forces in the war world that had never been seen before.

If I can get full marks in this situation

I don't think so. Do you care for me so much?

Then, however, xuexiong announced the name of the man.

Two words.

Chu Yun.

Duan Zehua's smile solidified in an instant.

He took an unbelievable breath of air-conditioner, retreated several steps in a row, and his pupils contracted violently.

How to describe the feeling of horror?

As if, suddenly someone pointed to a beggar and said he was actually the emperor.

"I Did you hear me right? "

As strong as Zhen Yulan, I can't help blurting out at the moment.

She said, a lot of people.

Civil war, full marks.

This is an untouchable height. Even if it does appear, it can only be Duan Zehua.

After all, Duan Zehua is famous, and he has the reputation of the number one scholar lang. it's amazing to get the full score, but it's understandable.

However, why is the full score of Chu Yun?

His performance in the martial arts, a move to kill Duan Zehua, four skills.

In the civil war, can you even get the full score?

Is there such a terrible evil in the world?

All the practitioners at the scene looked at xuexiong with shocked eyes, and some of them turned their heads to Chu Yun.

Ink and white shock of the mouth.

Wang Feng is directly stupid.

Yu Wen was surprised and a little stuffy in the chest.

Chu Yun was not a man in the world of war, so he couldn't talk about friendship with those great Confucians. Even if they did, they didn't dare to engage in malpractices for personal gain.

The most important thing is that his majesty Xue Xiong went in and scored the papers himself, which he had reviewed.

After your majesty sees it, you can still get recognition and get full marks

Many people are afraid to think about it.

"Your Majesty, I have the courage to ask..."

Duan Zehua forcibly suppressed the angry mood in his body and tried to calm his voice.

"I know what you want to ask, and I know what you want to know."

With a smile, xuexiong reached out to throw the test paper away. He saw that the paper flew up into the sky, and the characters on it fell down miraculously, hanging like a waterfall on the sky. Hundreds of big characters, unique and unrestrained, radiated his own arrogance.

Wild grass!

This kind of style hangs on the sky, just like the book of heaven.

Some cultivators are confused.

They didn't even understand the words and thought they were scribbling.

The cultivator with a little literary background may know the particularity of these words in his heart, but he can't see anything deeper.

Duan Zehua is the only one who has real talent and practical learning. After all, he won the title of the top scholar in the imperial examination after defeating many opponents.

At a glance, his heart was half cold.

How can I never see this style of calligraphy?

Chu Yun, did he create a style by himself?

He didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't avoid it. He just had to keep looking.

After reading a poem, he was so shocked that he couldn't breathe.


Ha ha.

What's the ratio?

His poetry, in front of him, is a piece of shit!

No, it's two.

It's enough to leave all the poems about the moon to seckill. So many great Confucians have left so many handed down classics, but even if all of them add up, they can't compare with the previous one.

The key is that with this unique style and font, it has a deeper meaning.

I don't deserve it.

I don't deserve it at all.

Duan's face became extremely ugly. After reading the first poem, he had the answer in his mind.

But he still couldn't control his eyes, and moved to the next song, "though the tortoise lives.".

After reading it, Duan Zehua's mind is buzzing.

Zheng for a long time, he just disheartened head to go.

If you question it again, you can only insult yourself.

All those who have read these two poems, whether they have talent or not, whether they can understand them thoroughly, are shocked to the original place.

They are not stupid.

The charm of these two poems, even if they only comprehend one percent, is enough to kill other poems of the same type.

"Is there anyone who is not convinced? Do you need me to release the papers of others? "

Blood male's eyes are deep, and he opens his mouth to ask.

All four of them bowed their heads in shame, especially Duan Zehua, with a red face, who was eager to find a crack to get in.

"Since I don't have one, I'll announce the results of others."

"Duan Zehua, 96 points."

"Ink white, 93 points."

"Yu Wen, 92 points."

"Wang Feng, 90 points."


Duan's face relaxed a little when the score came out.

Fortunately, only four points were thrown out.

Add twenty-five points to the battle, and that's twenty-nine points.

Although a lot, but Duan Zehua is confident in the final voice battle, get a very high score.

Of course, it's very difficult to complete anti super.

Unless Chu Yun can only get 60 or 70 points, and he can get more than 95 points!

Is this easy?

Duan Zehua, who has always been full of self-confidence, feels that sweat has been born in his palm. He takes several deep breaths in a row and fails to adjust his mind.

It's not easy!

He doesn't know what Chu Yun can do, but according to common sense, you are so evil in both martial arts and civil wars. You should have some weaknesses, right?

If you get full marks in the voice war, I'll be killed.

Duan's eyes are a little red, and he knows he still has a chance.

Although the opportunity is very weak, after all, the judgment of Yinzhan is Ning Zongyuan, his master.

If he can be far ahead, Ning Zongyuan will take care of himself more or less. It's not difficult to get 30 points one before and one after.

The thought of it settled his mind a little.

After the performance was announced, xuexiong said lightly with his hands on his back: "it's not early, you five will have half an hour's preparation time, and then the voice battle begins!"

Half an hour!

This time, very compact.

Duan Zehua in the bottom of his heart, said to himself in silence, half an hour to adjust the mentality, I can.

Chu Yun is still sitting there and enjoying the pastry in front of him.

For Yinzhan, he actually prepared a piece of music in private, which is one of the top ten famous Chinese songs, high mountains and flowing water.

Chu Yun practiced Guqin for two years in the last life, but after years of improvement, it's not difficult to learn. Chu Yun still can remember how to play it, but it's extremely difficult to show the charm.

Guqin music, charm and artistic conception are the most important.

Now I have a strong cultivation, if I play again, will the charm and mood be different from the original?

He doesn't know.

But we can be sure that even the Brief Edition of "high mountains and flowing water" is enough to kill them all!

After all, one of the ten famous ancient songs, do you think it's for fun?

I don't know what is the ratio between voice and war. I heard that I have to test my manners. I just hope I don't get too many points deducted in other aspects.

Half an hour passed quickly.

four identical Guqin were brought up. Why four?

Wang Feng saw that Chu Yun got the full mark, and he was the last one. He spit blood directly and passed out in a coma.

Voice war, it seems that there is no comparison.

Four is four.

Anyway, it's the last one. It's the same without him.

Blood male's eyes swept around, suddenly silence down, static even breathing sound can not hear.

"Everyone plays an original tune, who comes first?"

Blood male asked.


Duan Zehua is going to play first, only to see Chu Yun step up to the Guqin and say, "I'll come first!"

In an instant, all eyes were focused on him.

"Well, you come."

Xuexiong no longer despises chuyun at first.

Because he could feel that the golden woman seemed to attach great importance to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun sat directly in front of the guqin, rolled up his sleeve and put his hands on it.

Seeing this scene, many practitioners frown.

"So rude, there's no basic self-discipline."

"Is there a point deduction?"

"Not even sitting. Does he know the rhythm?"


The voice of doubt, quietly sounded.

Of course, they don't dare to make noise. They can only complain in a low voice.

Several great masters of melody, led by Ning Zongyuan, frowned slightly when they saw this behind the scenes.

Voice war is not only about the temperament, but also the behavior and accomplishment.

How to deal with the guqin, how to show solemnity, and how to act before playing it These are all required courses for nobles to reflect their own etiquette and charm, because playing the piano is an elegant thing in itself, that is, it's sunny and snowy. If anyone can play it, isn't there no B?

If any of the above is not achieved, points shall be deducted.

Duan Zehua was ecstatic when he saw this scene.


Chu Yun, just for etiquette, was deducted at least 20 points!

I have a play!

The other side.

Li Yaoxing frowns.

Zhen Yulan is happy.

Mo yuan and Mo Chi are in complex mood.

That's it. Did you lose 20 points?

Chu Yun didn't pay attention to these things. He tried his best to remember how to play the piano, and then his fingers began to move.

The sound of Guqin is ancient and fragrant.

This song "high mountains and flowing water", with a few short notes directly, brings people into the illusion.

The horror of famous music lies in that you don't have to work hard to understand the charm. Everyone can understand it.

All of us are listening quietly. We can't even breathe too hard for fear of disturbing the music like the sound of nature.

It's just a short time of rest, in which the beauty is reflected incisively and vividly.

Blood male shocked.

Li Yaoxing was shocked.

Zhen Yulan is shocked.

Moyuan is shocked.

Ink pool shocked.

As for Duan Zehua, he was scared to faint.


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