Sky War Soul

Chapter 1414 dominates TianChao! Conquer the beast!

"Death... Dead? "

Seeing this scene, another fiend outside the country is directly stupid.

He can't even think of the reason why such a strong brother would be defeated by this human boxing.

This fist doesn't seem to be any strange. Even the surrounding waves are very ordinary. Why can you kill a demon?


He didn't know, he couldn't think, because he didn't face it.

If he was to take the punch, there would be no second!

There is only one way!

After Chu Yun exerted his divine power, his pure power rose to the extreme.

Ordinary fairyland supreme, how can you block his strong power like scourge?

A boxing out, space fragmentation, the sea.

"Lying trough, how can it be so strong!"

Not only were the foreign demons stunned, but also the great sage, the three thousand, and the great sun, the golden and the black.

With the power of Nirvana peak, a fight to kill the supreme fairyland is absolutely unprecedented!

After Chu Yun wields this fist, the skin on the arm explodes suddenly, and the blood is like a fountain.

Even his own body can't bear this force. It can only be said that it's unprecedented!


Chu Yun grinned, only feeling some pain.

Before facing the demon monk Yanqing, he didn't use the divine power. After all, he was his own man. He must have met the blood with this move.

So, although the war was a happy one, there was always something missing.

At this moment, Chu Yun understands that what is less is a kind of hearty pleasure when fighting with life!

However, I have also experimented with the power of this move.

"Although it's tough, it's really intense for the consumption of the body..."

Chu Yun sighed. Now his muscles are soft. It's obviously a period of weakness. After a while, the feeling gradually dissipated and the feeling of controlling power reappeared.

On the other side, while the foreign demons were stupefied, three thousand one flicks his tail and draws his body. Then the great sage, Mutu, and the great sun and the golden Wu rush in and attack him with continuous moves, seriously injuring him!

The evil devil outside the country spits out a breath of black gas, and some of them are paralyzed in anger. They can't help biting their teeth: "the lowly ants dare to hurt me! You're done! You are the lowly creatures on the lowly plane. Our great foreign demons will kill you all! Just like slaughtering chickens and dogs, no one will stay! "

His voice was so angry that he didn't expect to be planted here.

Chu Yun smiled and went to him, reaching for his hair. "How many foreign demons have come to Taiqian? Apart from you, how much more? If you tell me, I will consider making your death easier! "


Foreign demons sneer and spit.

Chuyun's head tilted and he dodged keenly.

"Why don't you give him to me and let me torture him?"

Mutu is a little eager to try.

"You are such a lowly, ant like demon. You are actually in collusion with human beings! Believe it or not, I will kill all your people? "

It's quite threatening that the foreign demons stare at Mutu.

"Look at your situation first, fool."

Mutu shook his head, disdaining a smile.

Demons are the lowest race among the demons. It's normal for foreign demons to see that they can't afford it.

"Do you want to force me to say these words? I'll tell you two words. No way! I want to ask... "

It seems that the foreign demons want to keep talking. Chu Yun is impatient. He punches and smashes his head to pieces.

This foreign evil spirit, headless body convulsed several times and fell to the ground.

"That's very verbose."

Chu Yun stood up, his eyes full of coldness: "I don't care how many foreign demons come, but I don't care how many I will kill unless I send the title to him!"

"Thanks for your timely arrival, or we will be ruined."

Big day gold Wu looks like, pester Chu cloud side: "Chu adult, you are really too strong, even stronger than the master! If you go down at this speed, when you enter the highest level of fairyland, will you not be able to compare with the title of the supreme? "

Chu Yun pushes his face away. Other people like to hear his flattery, but he doesn't like to hear it.

"Next, we'll hide first. How can we explain to those external beasts? Do you understand?"

Chu Yun said to dari Jin Wu, "you can't all be so complete. Native chicken, come!"

"Why me again? It's not easy for me to grow some beautiful feathers! "

Dayi Jinwu looks bitter, but Chu Yun doesn't dare to listen to his orders, so he has to tear off the most striking feather and throw it on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the feather turns into a corpse, which is no different from the original appearance.

They used it once in the thick soil world, but now they just follow it.

"Don't worry, I'll take the rest!"

The great sage nodded and grinned, "I may not be good at anything else, but can anyone compare with me in inviting contributions?"

With that, he reached out and tore several pieces of flesh on his body without blinking.

Soon, he made himself bloody, with a look of serious injury and dying: "three thousand, it's your turn!"

3000 was reluctant, but in order to match the great sage's trick, he could only tear off a large scale of dragon scales with his claws, then force out blood and smear it on his whole body. It looked as if he had been torn half of his skin alive. It would be more tragic.

"Deal with this, and remember to come back to me."

Chu Yun, with sun, gold, and Wu, and Mutu, entered the cloud realm.

At the time of leaving, he did not forget to change two corpses on the ground with aura.

Since then, the outer light curtain has dissipated.

All the animals rushed in, all of them were eager: "leader, to What's the matter... "

Before they had finished speaking, however, their pupils became extremely shocked.

I saw the body of dairijinwu falling there, and I had already lost all my anger.

Zhenlong 3000 was seriously injured and fell to the ground, whining constantly.

As for the leader himself, he was seriously wounded and dying, covered with blood.

On the other side, one of the foreign demons was smashed, the other was smashed, and two bodies fell to the ground, which were the two who came later!

Four foreign demons were killed!

The beast couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. I didn't expect that.


Their pupils contract violently and they want to talk.

Is all this really done by the great sage?

Under what desperate circumstances did he burst out such a strong desire for survival?

It's a cross-border battle!

Four foreign demons!

The great saint slowly turned around, as if his steps had not moved a bit, and he would have exhausted all his strength. He looked at the numerous beasts and the overwhelming monsters, and his voice was hoarse: "from now on, who No one can bully TianChao! We monsters are bound to stand on the top of the dry world again! We! The glory of the past will be picked up! "

His voice, powerless.

"Big brother! Brother! "

The great sage knelt on one knee, his voice mixed with heavy grief: "it's my incompetence, it's my failure to protect you! If I were stronger, stronger, you would not die! It's all my fault! "

Every word can directly attack the inner weakness.

It's too real!

How touched!

At this moment, the eyes of all monsters are moist.

Never seen a leader so responsible.

This is the light God has given us!

After that, tears came out of the eyes of the great sage tiger.

These two tears, including his deep love for the land, also show how hard it is for him to fight for the dignity of TianChao.

Who dare to question?

Who would question?

Great sage, born to be our leader!



"Long live the leader!"


At first, it was just a few beasts that roared. When they got to the back, all the monsters were roaring.

The sound waves broke the sky, shaking the sun and the moon.

The great sage slowly closed his eyes, and every movement was so slow and heavy. He shouldered a huge responsibility. He was the leader who led the TianChao revival!

From then on, all the monsters really recognized him.

No one is worthy of the position of leader except him!

"Poo Tong!"

The great sage knelt on the ground, faced with the beast and countless monsters, and said: "I will surely use this life to repay your trust in me! Long live the nest! Long live the nest! "

"Long live the nest! Long live the leader! "

"Long live the nest! Long live the leader! "


Voice, once again resounding between heaven and earth.

Not far away three thousand, looked directly stupid.

Can it be performed like this?

At this moment, the great sage's acting reached an unprecedented height.

No Oscar or golden horse award can describe his level at the moment.

No flaws! like nature itself -- highest quality!

Although there are some twists and turns in this plan, it's good to win all at last! Achieve the original goal!

The great sage conquered TianChao and became a leader.

In the clouds.

Chu Yun looks away, only feeling a little sad.

There is a saying how to say, this is called talent!

No one taught him, but he was so awesome!

It's not talent. What is it?

Now about TianChao, it's finally the end of the story.

After commanding TianChao, I have more confidence in dealing with the invasion of foreign demons.

"When foreign demons come, the number of them will not be large in the early stage. They are just small stocks. We can think that they are trying. When they try to find out the result they want, they will naturally invade the territory of the night appendix! "

"Until then, the war will be fully opened!"

Chu Yun frowned slightly and was thinking about the cards he could play.

Time is still too short.

I don't know how the Truman and the parade hall grew up in Taiqian.


At present, I still need time!

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: on the last day, I hope we can keep the lead. It's six o'clock today! All flowers and more! Let it go! Spell it! Flowers!

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