Sky War Soul

Chapter 1415 killing the animal gate

When the great sage finished these things, he rushed to the cloud world.

When the brothers get together, there will inevitably be another round of small talk.

Chu Yun found that today's great sage's temperament has changed a little, more and more like the great sage, more and more like the ape.

His unconscious eyes and some careless actions make Chu Yun's feeling more and more strange.

"Brother Yun, it's really weird. I feel that no matter how I practice, I can't feel the traces of the road, let alone improve my realm. It's the flesh and soul. It's getting stronger and stronger. It's not enough. I want to enter the fairyland soon. I will beat Lao Mu when it comes! "

Da Sheng reached out and pulled out his crotch, took it out and smelled it.

A few people didn't show their displeasure because they were used to it.

Even the great sage himself is used to being natural.

At the bottom of Chu Yun's heart, there was a sense of shame.

The reason why the great sage didn't improve was that he and Shi dashed the sky to feed him the spirit locking grass. In at least five years, there will not be too much improvement. He can't understand the traces of the road, so it's impossible to improve his realm.

"Monkey, don't blame me, I just don't want our brothers to fight each other!"

Chu Yun said in his heart.

My mission must be to kill the evil thoughts of TianChao girl.

Yu Gong, himself is the destroyer of evil thoughts in the ancient volume of the book of heaven.

Even if she didn't do it herself, she would come and kill herself.

After all, it is only by killing oneself that the evil consciousness can revive the head.

In private, I can never watch Zhu Fuci die.

She is the reincarnation of TianChao's daughter and her own senior sister.

But stone breaks the sky, also slowly obtains the approval, has become own brother.

Never watch her killed!

As for the great sage, he is a loyal follower of the evil thoughts of the queen of TianChao. He was willing to kill all directions for her in those days, so that he would not hesitate to die. Now, if he could awaken the memory of his previous life, it would be inevitable for him to have brothers to kill each other!

So, I'll hurt you first, monkey.

"Native chicken, you are dead in their eyes. You can't stay here anymore. Why don't you come back with me?"

Chu Yun drank a glass of jade dew and said.

I thought that Jinwu would not like to, but he nodded like a pestle, even with a look of ecstasy: "great, I've been waiting to go back. This day's nest is really shit. If I continue to stay here, I'll die at leisure!"

Zhenlong 3000 insists on staying in TianChao, because it is too lonely in the cloud world.

Chu Yun thought about it and nodded.

"Brother Yun, I will stay here as the leader. When can you use us, just send a message directly."

Great sage didn't say too many affectation words. Although he didn't have heroic words, the more ordinary he was, the more precious he was.

After all, the great sage is not Fang Han.

After Fang Han became a Taoist, with the help of the ancient dragon spirits, he seemed to be floating. He always felt that he was the most powerful Tianjiao in the world. No one could match him or even challenge Chu Yun.

And the great sage is a brother who came together from the beginning, with boundless love and righteousness.

After drinking, the people walked out of the cloud, said goodbye to each other and prepared to leave.

However, at this time, suddenly several figures came from the sky, and the speed was very fast.

They rushed to the great saint and said loudly, "help me! Leader! Save me! We were chased and destroyed by her! The whole clan is destroyed! "

These people are all at the highest level of fairyland, and their faces are full of blood and panic.

As if someone were after them.

Some of them were mutilated, some had their arms broken, some had their legs broken, and some had their heads smashed in half. It would be more miserable.

They're scared, they're scared.

As the supreme of fairyland, it's hard to imagine that he could show such a look of horror.

"The man who controls the beast gate?"

The great sage was a little surprised. He glanced at these people, and could barely recognize that they were all high-level masters of the beast gate.

Two vice patriarchs and three elders.

I have seen it several times.

In fact, there are still some private cooperation between the two. Although they can't be called close allies, they still have some relations.

When the great sage ascended to the position of leader, the gate of animal control sent people to congratulate him.

"Animal gate?"

Chu Yun also frowned slightly, but he didn't like the beast gate. When he was touring the hall, the reason why the saint was mad was that the person who controlled the beast gate wanted to control him forcibly as an ordered and adjustable beast.

If they were not greedy, the great sage would not have exposed his identity.

"Yes! Our clan has been destroyed! She'll come right after her! Beg you! Help us! "

The two vice patriarchs of the beast gate were frightened and trembled.

As if they had just escaped from hell, there was a kind of luck for the rest of their lives.

But it won't be long before I'm happy because I'm going to be caught again.

"The animal gate is destroyed? Hiss, who's after you? "

Hearing this, the great sage instinctively thought of foreign demons.

These two vice patriarchs are extremely proud in ordinary times. Unless there is a big change, they will never be like this.

Is it possible that foreign demons not only came to TianChao, but also to other forces in Taiqian?

To control the beast gate is to be destroyed by foreign demons?

If that's the case, it's a problem!

"Foreign demons?"

Many of the supreme masters of the beast gate were stunned, then shook their heads repeatedly: "no, it's not a foreign evil, it's It's her! It's Ann

The voice hasn't fallen yet. I saw a sudden stab of Qi outside the sky. It's very simple and ordinary, without any flowery.

However, it was this vital energy that burst through the chest of the patriarch.


The vice patriarch had no strength to scream. He looked down at the blood hole on his chest. His face was a bit grim and twisted. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something. At last, he fell to the ground with no voice.

A sovereign, so dead.

"Why, do you want to protect them?"

There was a quiet voice. I saw a little girl with a small head walking in the air. Her face was as delicate as a porcelain doll. She was red in the white. Her eyes were big and her eyelashes were long. Although her head was not high, the proportion was well proportioned. It was an impulse to squeeze her face.

Seeing the girl, Chu Yun was surprised, and then he said with a smile, "it's anqing!"

They have all seen the horror of Anqing.

Lenovo at first that the words of the vice patriarch, Anqing lady alone, incredibly killed the beast gate to kill the door.

She is just the peak of nirvana. She can actually create such a fierce record. It's beyond everyone's expectation to kill the immortal like killing a chicken and a dog.

"Oh, it's you."

After seeing Chu Yun, Anqing's countenance was a little surprised: "the realm has been upgraded so fast, which is the peak of Nirvana?"

After hearing this, Chu Yun hurriedly coughed, smiled bitterly and waved: "it's nothing. It's incomparable with the empress."

At the moment when anqing came, Chu Yun quietly released her aura and explored her. The result was that her strength was unfathomable.

Rao is able to fight with the supreme one, not her opponent.

This girl, too mysterious, who do not know why she has not been promoted to the supreme.

There is a rumor that she is too strong physically and spiritually. Heaven has some restrictions on her. She is not allowed to be promoted to the supreme position. She is afraid that it will damage the balance and threaten her position.

Of course, it's just a rumor, and it can't be confirmed.

Can be so valued by heaven, Anqing empress is the undisputed first person.

"Since it's a female emperor's business, we won't interfere. Please help!"

Chuyun smiled and told the saint not to meddle.

The great sage said in a low voice: "I still remember what he did to me when he was in charge of the beast gate. If he didn't fall down, he would be merciful. How could he help them?"

"Chu Yun! You are cruel! Everyone is a human race, but you can't help yourself! "

"You have no sympathy or pity, you are the devil!"

"We will not let you go if we die!"

Chu Yun's words, a stone arouses thousands of waves.

Those who are in charge of the gate of beasts are swearing.

Chu Yun feels very aggrieved about this. It's not me who killed you. Why do you scold me? What did I NIMA do! I didn't do anything! If you are not convinced, if you want to live, go to fight with anqing! Do you mind my business?

In order to show his grievance and resentment, Chu Yun cut off another vice patriarch's head like lightning.

Blood, gushing.

I just stand by and watch. If you still scold me like that, I'll be forced to die.

"Chu Yun! You have no compassion! You don't have the basic quality and education! The reason why our people can't compete with foreign demons is that there are so many people like you! "

An elder saw this and gave a shrill roar.

"Lying trough, so excellent?"

As soon as this speech came out, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Our organization can't compare with foreign demons because there are so many people like you.

This This is a classic golden sentence!

How excellent is it to say such a thing?

Chu Yun has a black thread. Does this pot have to be carried by Laozi?

"Excellent brother, you come out."

Chu Yun raised his smile and waved.

Seeing this, the elder was overjoyed and thought he was saved.

If Chu Yun wants to protect herself, how much face will she give?

"To NIMA! If Anqing is not easy to bully, I will do it, right? "

Chu Yun smashed his body into blood mud.

Excellent brother, pawn.

The other two elders were frightened and kowtowed on the ground.

Anqing female emperor sneered, two fingers gently point out, suddenly steel general gas strength from two people's temple stab, both died.

"Let's talk."

Later, Anqing looked at chuyun and said lightly.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: two more! Flowers add more! Last day, please send all flowers to Lingtian zhanhun! Let's fight to the end!

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