Sky War Soul

Chapter 1426 Tallinn's ultimate glory

"I didn't expect that your foreign demons would choose us as the primary target of attack!"

Chuyun sneered, and his eyes were radiant.

"Ha ha, this pattern is a joke. With your poor brain, how can you think of our great plan, more than the night circle? Our offensive momentum is absolutely beyond your imagination! "

"Lord, shut up."

Another evil Lord was a little unhappy, and said in a cold voice, "the people are very cunning. Maybe there are many ways to transmit secrets. You are unbridled. In case of an opportunity to leak, you can't make up for it if you die a hundred times!"

The Spirit Lord just came back to God, but he still said with a scornful smile: "as long as we want, one finger can kill this kid, and we can never give him any chance to disclose it!"

"Before he dies, we will clean his memory several times. What we have come to do is top secret. It's not known by anyone. It's related to many things. Once a link goes wrong, the whole plan to attack the night circle will collapse. No one can bear this responsibility!"

The last one is also cold. Looking at Chu Yun's eyes is like looking at a mole ant.

"The night circle is just one of the plans?"

When Chu Yun thought of it, he could not help looking dignified.

Of course, there must be exaggeration in the words of the Lord.

It's impossible to conquer the too dry world with only ten demons.

That is to say, it can never be a precursor to the beginning of the war.

In addition to their careful whereabouts, they must do a lot of secret things.

Since let oneself encounter, does not have the reason that does not kill?

"Boy, you know enough. Go to hell!"

In his eyes, the evil spirit Lord Luo suddenly released the cold sense of killing. His body suddenly increased to a height of 10 meters. Immediately, he pressed his hand down hard, and the vast waves swept and impacted like the waves of the deep sea on the shore.

The other two monsters looked at each other, and immediately put their hands together to seal the space of ten thousand meters.

In the void, there is a brilliant brilliance, and the rich power keeps growing, forming a huge Skynet.

In this case, it is very difficult for Chu Yun to escape.

Even with his fighting power, it will take a lot of effort to break the seals of the two Lords.

Of course, there is a relatively simple way, that is, to kill the demon master who jointly displays the seal.

In addition, if you are in the barrier, you can't breathe out. Even if there is a big movement in the barrier, passers-by can't hear it.

"Boy, let's see where you run!"

The corners of the mouths of the two monsters showed a cruel smile.

Chu Yun's face is expressionless. They say it's to limit their actions, but in fact, he knows what they think.

It's just that they don't want to disclose their whereabouts. After all, they are very secretive now. If they disturb other fairylands in Taiqian, their actions will be considered as failures.

Such care is totally inconsistent with the violent character of foreign demons.

Chu Yun drew a smile on his lips. It seems that he guessed it well. They did have a secret when they came here.

"Divine power!"

Chu Yun's whole body strength is frantically compressed, and in a few breath time, he has reached a terrifying situation.

As soon as the breath comes in and out, the jet air almost tears the void.

Now Chu Yun, every inch of flesh and blood contains unimaginable terrorist power, which can suppress the sky.

Two and a half meters tall is absolutely powerful, but compared with the ten meter tall Spirit Lord, he is still completely overwhelmed in momentum.

The other two demons all stood by to watch the play.

Although Chu Yun's performance in the past was a little beyond their expectation, they were still very disdainful.

Is the peak emperor of Nirvana still trying to compare with fairyland?

Even if you are a strong exerciser, what can you do?

I can't stop myself.


One punch, two equally terrifying breath collide in one place, vast and sweeping.

The evil spirit Lord Luopo originally had a bright smile on his face. He thought that this move must be able to kill each other. But the smile lasted for a few minutes, and then it completely solidified. Then it changed into a look of panic. He opened his mouth and cried out: "help me! Quick! Help me... "


The next second, the whole arm of the Lord soul is broken, and the black air rushes in all directions.

The other two monsters' faces changed greatly. They took their hands together and went to Chu Yun.

"Boy, die!"

"Just ants, who gave you courage?"

Two evil lords, their power can shake the sky and shoot the earth, and their moves are all killing moves.

The two ethnic groups are antagonistic in nature, but they are deadly enemies. When they fight, they can't have any feelings.

However, the two monsters were late. Only half of the body of the Lord soul was exploding, fiercer and fiercer, just like a white cloud, which was constantly blown by the wind and gradually disappeared.

Chu Yun stopped, sneered, and offered water moon sword and Dongtian sword.

After exerting divine power, the muscles will be very tired in a short period of time, unable to lift too much power at all, so Chu Yun came up with a way to control the two swords with simple aura, and use Dayan sword technique to avoid the weak period.

When the two voices of Jinge and Jinge mingled, Chu Yun resolved the attack of the two demons with his excellent sword technique.

Soon, Chu Yun put on his thunder boots and pulled out for thousands of kilometers.

"Lo Po, how are you?"

The other two don't care to kill Chu Yun. They turn around and ask Luo soul about him.

At this time, only one head was left in the body of the Spirit Lord. His face was terrified and he cried out: "help me, please help me! I don't want to die. I I don't want to... "


Before the words are heard, the head of the demon lord Luopo is completely blown up.

There was no breath left.

A demon, so dead.

The other two monsters trembled and their pupils were shocked. Although they saw it with their own eyes, they still couldn't believe that Chu Yun could kill one of them so easily!

What on earth is he for?

This human boy is just the top emperor of Nirvana!

Between Nirvana and fairyland, however, there is an insurmountable gap. Even if Tianjiao is terrible, it is difficult to fight beyond the level.

However, he not only fought over the ranks, but also defeated the Spirit Lord with one fist!

The soul is gone!


"This kid is a little weird. You and I can never give him any chance to fight together and kill him!"

Without speaking, they just looked at each other and could understand each other's thoughts clearly.

In the next second, the two demons, at the same time.

Two huge black gas beams of light fell down abruptly, one left and one right, filling all the hiding areas of Chu Yun.

Chuyun sneers, he can feel that the fatigue in his body is recovering.

Let's go first.


Chu Yun cuts out the void with a knife, and the sharp waves of air cut a gap, colliding with the black light pillar.

Dongtian Dao was shocked, and with a sudden tremor, Chu Yun's tiger's mouth was split and blood flowed.

Chu Yun didn't feel any pain. As soon as the figure turned, the water moon sword came straight out, and once again defeated another devil's method. The price was the whole arm, which was completely paralyzed, and there was no feeling at all.

"The boy has no strength!"

"Yes, now!"

The two lords were overjoyed. With one hand, the whole sky collapsed.

Chu Yunqiang supports his body and mentions cutting off bravely, but he is hit by this hand and flies out, spitting blood at his mouth.

In the case of no recovery of internal strength, it is impossible to fight against fairyland devil by virtue of aura alone.

"I want your life!"

Another demon Buddha's figure flickers, suddenly appears behind Chu cloud, reaches out and turns into dozens of tentacles, suddenly entangles Chu cloud to death.

Every tentacle, with the power of terror, is like a mountain.

Chu Yun was restrained by the demon and struggled several times without breaking away.


Chu Yun feels cool behind his back. A sharp blade pierces his skin and muscles.

Looking back, I saw that the evil Lord spit out a fierce black sword from his mouth, with a ferocious smile on his face, and he was just entering.

Obviously, he wants to limit his movement and then stab himself with a long sword!

If in normal times, I can smash these tentacles directly with my great strength, but now, I can't lift my strength at all.

"Taling, aren't you promoted to fairyland? Let me see the power of Jiufang purgatory tower......"

Chu Yun has no choice but to ask taling for help.

"Hum, if you ask me to give you a hand, please give me a reason."

The spirit of the pagoda hummed, and the figure slowly walked out of the void. In the delicate jade hand, there was a simple black pagoda. The beautiful eyes were sharp.

"Well? There are others? "

"This is a human supremacy!"

Two evil lords, at the same time a surprise.

It's just this kid, it's tough enough. How come another one?

Without saying a word, taling threw the simple black Pagoda in his hand and violently suppressed it towards a demon lord.

The black tower expands wildly, and in a blink of an eye, it's like a meteorite falling. It's clear that there's still a hundred meters to go. But the demon's legs, which are still suppressed by the great waves attached, are soft and unable to dodge.

"This is Legendary spirit soldier? "

The demon faced the repression of the nine square purgatory tower, and his pupils contracted violently.

"Get out of the way!"

Limit the appearance of Chu Yun's demon, and lose his color in fright.

"I also want to hide, but I am Can't move! "

The devil's face is ferocious and twisted. He controls the Black Mist and wants to resist.

"Damn it!"

The devil was so angry that he reached out and pulled out the black sword in his mouth and threw it towards the nine square purgatory tower.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: still 19 flowers! As long as it reaches 100, it will be even more today! See a lot of friends ask the group, 469470711, welcome brothers.

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