Sky War Soul

Chapter 1428 killing the Lord of the demon Palace

Because he saw that Chu Yun was holding the black prison sword and his eyes were cold.

In the depths of his pupils, with a cold sense of killing, let people see, shudder.

On the contrary, Tallinn, though a little weak, is not in danger of life.

"And xiulie? Where's xiulie

There was a bad feeling in his heart.

As the strongest of the three, xiulie demon lord holds the black prison sword. It's reasonable to say that no one can be his opponent unless he is called the supreme one.

But now, where are others?

Why is the black prison sword in Chu Yun's hands?

"Killed by me."

Chu Yun looks cold. He holds the black prison sword in one hand and the picture of beasts in the other.

As long as he urges the map of all animals, he can easily encircle and kill the demon.

"Death Dead! "

The devil Zun was scared to death. The three devil zuns were killed by the boy in front of them.

He is only the great Nirvana!

How could he kill the flying immortal?

Xiulie feels that his head is not enough.

"The next one to die is you!"

Chu Yun raised his hand and cut it out with a sword. His eyes were extremely cold: "ten thousand swords are coming!"

Countless swords came from all directions, vast and incomparable. They were assassinated towards the demon. The void was broken, the sky was shocked, and the sound of deafening buzzing was heard. One sword after another, one move after another.

The devil could only make a scream and was penetrated by the sword Qi.

"Poof! Puff! Puff! "

In the end, his fate was also desperate.

As the three demons are killed, the barrier disappears.

Chu Yun put away the map of animals and asked with some concern, "what's your situation?"

"No, I have to go back to Jiufang purgatory tower to heal myself..."

Taling's voice was weak and his whole body was dim. Even the brilliance in his eyes seemed to disappear.

"You go to heal the wound. If you need any help, just let me know."

Chu Yun hurriedly sent taling back to the cloud world. As soon as he entered, he saw Shi standing there with a gloomy expression, staring at the black prison magic sword in his hand.

"Why didn't you go out to help me when I was free?"

Chu Yun frowned slightly and complained.

"If you don't talk about this, Chu Yun, give me this sword!"

Stone steps forward quickly and stares at the black prison sword with eyes dead. There is a tremor in his voice and murmurs: "ten million Don't be that sword If it is, it will be too dry again! "


Chu Yun handed over the black prison sword to stone: "just now I heard that the devil said, this sword is called the black prison sword, which can absorb the soul of the enemy and seal it in..."

His voice suddenly stopped.

Because he saw that his hands were shaking.

"It's the black prison sword! You're right! It's the black prison sword! "

Stone's expression was gloomy. He held the black prison sword tightly in his hands. After a long time, he slowly released it and sighed: "fortunately, it's just the sword of the black prison sword. It's about one fifth of the power of the black prison sword! The artifact is not complete and has no consciousness of its own Otherwise, I'm afraid you and I will fall here today! "

"Sword split? One fifth! "

When Chu Yun heard the last, he was surprised, and some of them cried out in disbelief, "here Isn't this the legendary spirit soldier? It's terrifying. How can you say he's just a sword? What's more, one fifth. Do you mean that he has only one fifth of the power of the black prison sword? "

"Not bad."

Stone broke the sky and nodded calmly: "you don't know the horror of the black prison magic sword. More than 10000 years ago, I met an alien demon with my master. No, it shouldn't be said to be an alien demon. It should be said that she is a palace master! The forces of foreign demons are divided into thirty-two palaces, each of which is invincible! "

"Compared with the ten giants of human race?"

Chu Yun said something.


Stone broke the sky to be silent for a while, then helplessly said: "the ten giants of the human race are the top ten titles of the fighting power of the human race, and the thirty-two palaces of extraterritorial demons are the strongest thirty-two extraterritorial demons. Compared comprehensively, the ten giants of the human race are naturally more terrible! But some of the palace lords are very horrible. What I met with the master at the beginning was the ghost killing palace! "

"The Lord of the ghost killing palace is a woman with a black prison sword. Her fighting power is incomparable."

"The master fought with her. She could have easily suppressed her. However, relying on the black prison sword, she forced her master to draw!"

Hear here, Chu cloud pupil contracts violently.

How strong is the queen of TianChao? Chu Yun knows very well that she can defeat three of the ten giants of the human race with her own strength. Her combat power can be said to be the top group in the endless starry sky, even compared with the top three of the ten giants!

In this state, TianChao girl would even draw with a palace master.

And in the final analysis, it's this black prison sword!

"The black prison magic sword is said to be a legendary spirit soldier, but I think it has already surpassed the scope of the legendary spirit soldier. He has a complete spirit and independent consciousness. After cooperating with the Lord of the ghost killing palace, he has doubled his combat power. His master has killed many times in a row and has been blocked by the black prison magic sword!"

Stone broke the sky to talk about these, as if the memory is fresh.

Chu Yun was tongue tied and stunned.

"The most terrifying thing about the black prison sword is that it can create separation and make people defenseless!"

"This black prison sword is not the main body, but just a sword. Even so, you can easily hurt Tallinn! "

"One fifth, he has only one fifth of the power of the black prison sword!"

"I don't know the purpose of these three lords coming to Taiqian, but if it's related to the black prison magic sword, I can only say that Taiqian is going to die!"

Stone broke the sky and his hands trembled. He handed the black prison sword back to Chu Yun.

"Then you mean that the sword of the black prison devil's sword is like a burning iron. Who is unlucky to take it?"

Chu Yun was a little reluctant. He reached out and waved for a few times. Suddenly, there was black fog around him. The face at the hilt of the sword was ferocious and twisted, making a silent cry.

"It's no good for you to separate yourself with the sword of the black prison devil's sword. If you encounter the body of the black prison devil's sword, you will only be hunted as prey! The soul with the black prison sword can't kill the Lord of the demon palace. You can't even win the title. Unless the giant can fight against her, it must be the top three Terran giant! "

"So, do you understand what I mean?"

"I would rather lose the black prison sword than stay on me!"

Stone's face is very anxious, which is exactly the same as his mood at this moment.

He didn't want chu Yun to separate himself with the sword of the black prison devil's sword.

Although very strong, the future will definitely bring endless disasters.

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