Sky War Soul

Chapter 1429 swallowing the sword

"Must we lose it?"

Chu Yun is holding the black prison sword. He is reluctant to part with it.

Only one fifth of the ability is enough to show the horror of the legendary spirit soldiers. If the complete black prison magic sword, how strong should it be?

"Must be lost! Of course, if you want to think actively, brother Shi can't help it! "

The voice of stone breaks the sky firmly, persuading Chu Yun to lose it anyway.

It's not a small thing.

Chu Yun can't die.

"Perhaps there is another way?"

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed, and he said softly, "in the past, taling was hurt a lot in this war, right?"

"Well, it's lucky to be pierced by the black prison sword and not die!"

Stone sky speaking of these, obviously have lingering fear.

"It's said that taling likes to devour the legendary spirit soldiers, and she has the ability to refine them. What would happen if I gave her the sword of the black prison magic sword separately and let her devour it?"

Chuyun has a smile on his lips. Since this thing can't be kept, it's better to give it to taling for swallowing.

What a pity to throw it away?


Stone breaks the sky one Leng, he really had not thought to do so.

Taling can devour the legendary spirit soldiers. He knows that his legendary Dharma sword won from Mohist school has been refined by taling.

However, the bold idea of devouring the black prison devil's sword, even if it's just a sword, still surprised Shi.

"You say, is it possible to succeed?"

Chu Yun is playing with the black prison magic sword in his hand, and his mouth is curved.

"Try it."

Stone broke the sky and was silent for a long time.

In fact, he doesn't know whether he can succeed. If this is the body of the black prison magic sword, it's absolutely impossible to swallow it. But since it's only a sword with one fifth of its strength, what's to be afraid of?

Even if it fails, it doesn't matter.

If talin can successfully devour the sword of the black prison sword, it can also weaken the power of the black prison sword from the side.

Why not?

Stone breaks the bottom of the sky, how many still have some worries, he slightly frowns, some hesitates.

"What are you afraid of? Have you ever seen a supernatural spirit soldier who can devour the legendary spirit soldier? Now taling is a legendary spirit soldier. It's just a black prison devil's sword. What's to be afraid of? In any case, the legendary spirit soldier has swallowed two pieces, which is not bad! "

With a big wave of Chu Yun's hand, he has boundless heroism.

At this point, stone was completely convinced.

Chu Yun took the black prison sword and walked quickly to the main hall.

Today's taling is closing its eyes, absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth, and constantly recovering the body's injuries.

It's a process. With her current injury, she has to rest for half a month to recover.

The weapon spirit is often not so strong in defense. In addition, it faces the black prison magic sword, so it is seriously injured when it comes up.

Correspondingly, the spirit of the pagoda controls the Jiufang purgatory tower and also seriously injures a demon.

This shows the power of legendary spirit soldiers.

Taling's heart was conscious. He opened his beautiful eyes and looked at Chu Yun with some weakness and doubts. He didn't understand what he was going to do.

"Taling, don't you want to devour the legendary spirit soldier? Take this black prison magic sword to eat!"

Chu Yun smiled and turned the black prison devil's sword back and handed it out with the direction of the hilt.

Taling was stunned, but he took the black prison sword and murmured: "here It's just a sword. I'm not sure if I can swallow it. There's a disgusting smell on this sword, but I will try! "

With that, taling takes over the black prison sword, takes a deep breath and holds it with both hands.

In the next second, the golden light was suddenly released. The brilliant light was dazzling, which set her off like a golden God in the heaven and the earth.


The black prison magic sword seemed to emit a clang, some struggling, crazy resistance, obviously not willing to be swallowed up by the talin like this.

But here, it's inside the Jiufang purgatory Tower!

Here, it's Tallinn's home court!

The black prison sword with complete body, natural terror, has even surpassed the scope of legendary spirit soldiers.

But now, it's just the sword of a black prison sword, with one fifth of its power.

There is nothing to fear.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

There is always black gas drawn into it by taling. With this change, taling firmly takes the upper hand. Only the face inside the black prison devil's sword is more ferocious and twisted, as if it is suffering from endless pain.

Chu Yun stood by and watched. If there is no mistake, this face should be the spirit of the black prison sword.

According to stone, the spirit has no consciousness, just a breath from the body of the black prison sword. Now, under the devouring of the spirit, it has no resistance at all.

"No problem?"

Chu Yun asked with concern.

After all, taling said that she hated the breath inside the black prison devil's sword, and now that she was seriously injured, it is unknown whether there would be any reversal.

Taling opened his eyes and looked with incredible joy. "I I can feel that I am very eager for the power of the black prison magic sword. Although I hate his breath at first, I found that after inhaling it, there is a desire from the deep of my consciousness in my mind! "

When Chu Yun heard it, his eyes brightened: "what's the taste? What's the taste?"

"Compared with the Senluo Baoyin I swallowed before and the Dharma sword, it's really much better! This is the real delicacy, the real delicacy! I think my body is eager for this power. He can promote me quickly. For my role, it's just like two legendary spirit soldiers! "

Taling said this, shaking his head and saying, "I have to shut down!"

"Well, shut up."

Chu Yun was overjoyed. It seems that the black prison sword is not a threat to taling, but a favorite supplement.

Stone in the distance, look at the gape.

He suddenly realized that Tallinn must not be easy.

First of all, not all the legendary spirit soldiers have the spirit of implements.

Only a few and excellent legendary spirit soldiers can derive the spirit of utensils.

And the Jiufang purgatory tower, upgraded all the way up, finally reached the legendary spirit soldier, which is indeed a miracle.

Most importantly, Tallinn can also devour other legendary spirit soldiers.

Never heard of this!

"It seems that Jiufang purgatory tower is indeed not simple, but I have no memory of her in my mind."

Stone stands in place, thinking like this in the bottom of his heart.

After walking out of the hall, Chu Yun smiled.

How about the sword separation of the black prison devil's sword? It's not the tonic of taling?

"A single sword is equivalent to swallowing two legendary soldiers. It's really interesting! If we capture the body of the black prison sword and devour it by the spirit of the pagoda, how will the nine square purgatory pagoda grow? "

Chu Yun thought like this, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

Hearing this, the stone almost burst into blood.

At the beginning, the Lord of the ghost killing palace, with all the black prison magic swords, was able to draw with TianChao girl.

This means that her strength is at least the top three of the Terran giants! The first five of the thirty-two magic palace!

Among them, the black prison sword occupies a large weight.

Now Chu Yun said that he would take the body of the black prison devil's sword and devour it by the talin.

This idea is a little Er... How bold!

"You say, is it possible?"

Chu Yun turned back and was in high spirits: "I believe that taling can do it."

Stone sky some don't know how to answer, can only reply with silence.

Out of the cloud world, Chu Yun was alone and began to make his way.

According to the previous naropon devil Buddha, there are ten demons coming to Taiqian. Three of them come to Taiqian. The leader and the most powerful one is xiulie devil Buddha who holds the black prison devil sword.

It's not clear what their purpose is.

But as you can imagine, it's definitely not a good thing.

The two demons who came to heaven's nest were killed. Now they have killed the three demons. There are five demons left, lurking in the Taiqian kingdom.

Five demons, five fairylands. It's really a time bomb.

Although they are not rivals of Foshan and daomen in the west, they are able to destroy any holy country in a very short time!

Chu Yun has a headache. He's so dry. He's looking for five evil Lords. Isn't that looking for needles in a haystack?

Unless they jump out.

It seems that they have some plans, and the chance of jumping out is small.

"No matter what, first go back to the Taiqian area and pass the news on to all forces. Let them be alert and well prepared."

Chu Yun thought so, and hurried to Taiqian.

Just arrived at the boundary of Taiqian, Chu Yun noticed that there was a message crystal buzzing in the space ring. After opening it, he found that it was the message from Li Yaoxing.

"Brother Chu Yun, the battle world of Taicang is not peaceful recently. There are many foreign demons lurking in the starry field of the night, and they don't know what they are plotting. We guess that they probably want to make the altar of flesh and blood to break the ancient seal! "

"In ancient times, many foreign demons were suppressed. Once they broke the seal, it would be a catastrophe for us!"

"In addition, they also need to establish the white bone gate to transmit the demons outside the Star Kingdom!"

"Because the blood and meat sacrifice and the construction of the white bone gate are very time-consuming, we estimate that it will take at least three years for them to succeed."

"Taicang war community has made various measures to this, but it's a pity that they are very slippery and hard to catch traces."

"Brother Chu Yun, it should be the same with Taiqian. I hope you will be careful. If Taiqian is occupied, you can come to Taicang war to take refuge at any time. I will do everything I can to protect you and your relatives and friends!"


Send a message to crystal, the gloom will go down.

This is all the news from Li Yaoxing.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: there are still 35 flowers left, you can continue to add more! Flowers!

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