Sky War Soul

Chapter 1678 five venerable patterns

Hearing this, stone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, Chu Yun is often a symbol of miracle. Since he has come, he can relax himself.

The organs here are not threatening to themselves, but they are deadly to others.

The reason why Shi Liaotian didn't act recklessly, even at the expense of Chu Yun, was that he didn't want to be possessed by the foreign demons and wanted to protect them.

"Don't worry, the answer here will be revealed soon."

Stone broke the sky to stand up, a change previous decadent, even looked at the head sneer two.

He was laughing to show Shentu Luoluo.

Damn devil son, I see how long you can be proud!

Shen Tu fails to pay attention to Shi Liaotian. He uses his own control of the mechanism to guide Tianjiao to the final hall.

His purpose is very simple. How interesting it is to gather all Tianjiao together, then untie the blue light curtain, and watch them fight for Zunwen?

Ha ha, human's inferior nature will be exposed incisively and vividly.

What an interesting picture that should be?

Therefore, Shentu has been in the layout.

"I feel that there is always a force in the dark that leads us here."

Xuexiong frowned and looked around carefully.

He stepped forward a few steps and looked at the closed palace gate in front of him. His heart was puzzled.

Su Ming's whole body was unharmed. He didn't even think that it would be so easy for him to come all the way. It seemed that an invisible hand was guiding the way, making them follow him involuntarily.

It was totally unexpected.

"Is it here?"

"Maybe Zunwen is really here."

"Hurry up!"


Blood male suddenly frowned, he heard behind him, there was a noise, obviously many Tianjiao rushed to.

This is absolutely abnormal.

If I come here in compliance with my heart, I can barely say it. But so many people come here. They are clearly left far by themselves. How did they come here?

Is it possible to say that there are people behind this who are controlling all this?

Think of here, blood male can't help but startle a body cold sweat.

Isn't the vestige of the golden palace as simple as it looks on the surface?

Or is there another secret?

At the corner of the corridor behind them, several other cultivators came out. They were still cautious and kept a close eye on the surrounding environment. However, when they looked back and saw the blood male, there was an uncontrollable horror in their eyes.

"Your Majesty Are you there, too? "

The cultivator rubbed his hands and necks together, which made waves in his heart.

Is it called meeting love around the corner?

The strongest and the most powerful in the whole night circle, as well as the emperor xuexiong of the imperial empire in the world of Taicang war, was actually in front of himself, with a distance of less than 100 meters.

I'm really confused.

Completely ignorant.

Su Ming frowns tightly. He is about to say something. Xuexiong signals him to stop.

"You, come here on your own initiative?"

Xuexiong's whole body is attached with a momentum of self-control. These cultivators are only flying fairyland supremacy. They are shocked by xuexiong's momentum and almost urinate.

"Calculate Is that right... "

Tianjiao, a thief with eyes, shivers.

"What is it?"

Su Ming is angry. He can't answer a question clearly. Are you happy?

"It's strange that we didn't encounter any attack from any organs all the way. We came here straight. We didn't know what happened. We came here somehow."

The cultivator was frightened to shrink into a group, for fear that Su Ming would be unhappy and take his life.

As soon as the blood male pupil shrinks, it is.

It's not much different from what I imagined.

Then, another group of cultivators came here, also referred to.

When Helian city saw the traitor, he let out an angry roar in his throat and rushed to him: "I'll skin you!"

"Help, your majesty!"

The cultivator was shocked and wanted to dart to xuexiong. However, Su Ming pushed him to the city with one hand and was caught by the latter.

He Liancheng raised his eyebrows and then said with a grim smile, "I said that if you fall into my hands, you must have a cramp to pick your skin!"

"I'm wrong. Let me go! Leave me alone! "

The cultivator kowtowed and wept.

"It turns out that there's only so much guts, but I still want to kill us all in the mechanism. You can't say goodbye!"

Helian City sneered and raised his hand to pull his arm off.

Blood is dripping.

"Ouch, ouch!"

That traitor with a thief's face and a rat's eye screams. He hasn't even got a cell phone yet.

Helian City cut off his limbs and sealed his meridians with aura, so that he would not bleed too much and become comatose. Since he said torture to death, it must be done!

The following technique is extremely cruel.

The cultivator was even hoarse.

In the back, more and more cultivators gathered, all for this hall.

Blood male's bad feeling, more and more intense.

Behind this, there must be black hands.

But what is his purpose?

With more and more cultivators, Li Yaoxing, Moyuan and others came up and asked, "Your Majesty, why don't you enter the palace?"

Xuexiong turned around and looked at the huge palace gate. He took a deep breath and was about to push it away.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, it's all together. It's interesting. It's really interesting! Next, I'll show you Zunwen, fight! Fight for it! shed blood like water! the corpses lie all over the countryside! You know, the final winner can get five Zunwen! "

Shentu fell on the light curtain and saw these things. He couldn't help but chuckle and raise his hand for a while. The palace gate suddenly opened.


The gate is open, and all the people inside and outside the palace look at me, and I look at you.


When the stone broke the sky, he jumped up and said, "everyone is here. It's quite neat. How fast!"

Zhen Yulan's face has changed. Is everyone here?

But I haven't found Zun Wen yet!

If the blue barrier were to be opened, wouldn't it be in contention?

Blood male pupil a shrink, did not expect, they incredibly so fast, early entered the hall.

"Zhen Yulan, did you guide us here?"

Xuexiong is calm and asks questions.

He knows that Zhen Yulan is good at line puppet technique, and she has the same ability to do it.

Who knows, Zhen Yulan sneers: "I will be stupid enough to call all of you together and compete for secret lines with me?"

Everyone was surprised at this remark.

Secret pattern, it's right here!

Xuexiong raises his eyebrows, not her.

So who?

Of course, none of this matters!

Secret lines!


Stone broke the sky to stand up, hands down, grinning: "I said everyone, do not need to be so excited, the secret lines are indeed in this light curtain, but we can not get them."


Someone can't wait to ask.

Many of them didn't expect to go to the last step.

Now that we are here, how can we willingly watch others compete for the holy stripe?

It's better to participate in the theatre than to watch it outside?

"Because, this blue light curtain, is not what you and I can open..."

Stone shook his head: "if it could be opened, it would have been opened before."

"I can't open it, can I? The elder asked him to open it! Gaga Gaga, fight! Fight for it! "

Shentu sees this scene and continues to urge the secret pattern array.

In the palace, the blue light curtain suddenly made a buzzing sound. Then, under the stupefaction of all the people, it began to contract a little bit. It took almost one breath of incense to completely dissipate.

No one made a sound.

Because in the moment when the blue light curtain shrinks, they can smell the strong flavor of Zunwen.

And there's more than one!

Zunwen, it's right here!

Behind the blue light, there are five stone tables. On each stone table, there is a Zun pattern floating, which is emitting light.

Everyone's breathing is getting worse.

His eyes were straight on Zunwen, his fists were tightly clenched, and his heart seemed to be a huge beast, roaring up to the sky.

Five venerable patterns are placed in front of us as if they were within reach.

In this case, if we don't fight for it, it must be crazy.

Stone and others, obviously occupy the best geographical location.

As long as they separate three people to block many cultivators, and then send someone to take them, others can only stare.

But the stone broke the sky and was not ready to take it.

Zhen Yulan is a little anxious. She steps forward, controls Zhan GUI to walk out, and Zhen Xiao. With their three titles, they can absolutely block each other for a while. At this time, Shi Tianda can completely put these holy lines into his pocket.

Just, why hasn't he moved yet?

What the hell is he waiting for?

Cheng bining is a little nervous. She can detect the change of the atmosphere and it's solidifying little by little.

Next, will it be?

A bloody battle?

I'm afraid I can't bear the impact of so many strong people.

"Do you have any comments on the distribution of this pattern?"

Just then, the blood male suddenly opens his mouth.

With his strength, it's enough to frighten everyone in the audience.

Many practitioners turn their heads to see him and want to know what he will say next.

He sighed and spread out his hands: "I don't think any of us need to fight, because these five Zun patterns already have masters."

"What do you mean with the master?"

Blood male's eyes are awe inspiring, some don't understand.

Does he mean to eat alone?

What a breath!

Now I am the most powerful and unique. If I want to fight, who can stop me?

"You say he has a master, who is it?"

Su Ming steps forward with cold eyes.

"It's me."

A quiet voice sounded outside the hall of arrogance.

All eyes, all brush of gather past.

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