Sky War Soul

Chapter 1679 the great saint is in love

Who is the speaker?

Who else?

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the gate of the hall. Some friends who were familiar with Chu Yun all stared at him with unbelievable looks, which was quite shocking.

Can't it be at this juncture that Chu Yun is here?

Sure enough, a young man in black came into the hall.

He has a handsome face, a tall body, a light smile on his face, and a high spirit. He gives people an extraordinary momentum. It makes people feel a little cluttered. He thinks to himself: Chu Yun seems to have become stronger again. It's unpredictable and unbelievable.

Beside Chu Yun, there is a gorgeous woman.

She was dressed in a white robe, followed by Chu Yun, with beautiful eyes and eyebrows, and an incredible noble temperament.

As if she was a princess in nine days, she could only see far away.

Beautiful face, just a glance, give people a sense of suffocation.

She is Tang Zixian!

But it's not Tang Zixian.

Yi Lili and Cheng bining are both shocked.

Compared with that time, Tang Zixian has a lot of temperament, which is totally different.

This feeling is hard to understand in words.

But as long as you feel it with your heart, it's easy to see the difference.

Is the change of Tang Zixian so great?

Chuyun smiled and glanced at the whole audience, and finally fell on the five Zun lines. He jokingly said: "I saw many old friends in the field, but here I just want to say, I'll give you a ride!"

This sentence is absolutely overbearing.

Many cultivators were shocked. Chu Yun said that, but he was arrogant.

Even if he was promoted from fairyland supreme to the title supreme, there were more than a dozen of them in the field. With the name supreme of xuexiong, it can be said that he had absolutely no arrogance.

Why is this?

"Chu Yun!"

Mutu, 3000, the great sage and the great sun, the golden and the black are all excited.

There are few people who know where he is going. Now when I see him coming back, I still take Tang Zixian with me. Don't mention how happy I am.

This means that Chu Yun succeeded!

How about the world of Emperor Huang?

What about the first ancient people in the endless starry sky?

Tang Zixian is mine, it can only be mine forever!

Even if she flies above nine days, I will bring her back!

Blood male fundus, flash a bit of fear.

The woman who took Tang Zixian was named Jin Qing. Although Xue Xiong didn't know her identity, she must have been born in a good family. She might even be related to the battle world, which ranked in the top of the endless starry sky.

So, he had a click in the bottom of his heart, only to feel something bad.

If so, what should Chu Yun do if he wants to swallow all the Zun patterns?

He pondered for a long time and finally came to a conclusion.

Chu Yun wants to eat alone. He can't stop it at all.

In the world of war in the top few places, there are so many lines when you send a strong one.

The seal of one's own stripe is superior to the bottom of their eyes, which is nothing at all.

Chu Yun smiled and said, "I said I want to monopolize these five holy lines. You may not like it. Well, I'll tell you with facts why I have this qualification!"

After the voice fell, the void on Chu cloud's head suddenly twisted. Two mysterious forces were like whirlpools. They were devoured in the void. After a few moments, there were lines in the whirlpool. From scratch, there were two patterns of domineering dignified lines!

At that moment, the heaven and the earth were in unison.

The whole palace was shaking violently.

Like the waves and tsunamis, the explosion rises violently.

All the strong people in the hall felt their legs were weak and their pupils were contracting violently. They wished they could kneel on the ground and tremble all over and submit to the pressure of Chu Yun.

It's too strong.

It's so NIMA!

Just like the scorching sun above the sky, it is sending out brilliant light, which is extremely hot.

Do not look directly.

You can't look straight.

No need to look straight.

"Two lines of respect!"

Xuexiong was shivering all over, as if he saw something incredible. His throat was dry, and his voice became extremely hoarse. This shows how shocked he was.

What's going on?

Less than a year after Chu Yun left, how could there be two holy lines in his return?

I don't understand.

I don't know.

After so many years of hard work, I managed to grab a Zunwen and became the strongest star in the night circle.

Less than a year after Chu Yun left, he came back with two Zunwen.

Such a gap makes the blood male feel desperate.

I have worked hard for so many years and was easily surpassed by others.

In my heart, it's really not taste.

Not only the blood male, all the cultivators in the field are under the pressure of this power, unable to speak.

Lips tremble.

"Purple immortal has one more Zunwen than I do, so I don't need to show it, so as not to hit you."

Chu Yun spread out his hands, but what he said made people more desperate.

There is one more Zunwen than him.

Isn't it three?

Come on, don't show.

If we show it, we will be more desperate.

"Chu Yun, do you really want to take away all Zun Wen?"

In the crowd, I don't know who asked.

The voice is a little weak, and it seems to be lacking in reserve.

Chu Yun nodded and said seriously, "that's nature. Zunwen is a good thing. Since I met him, how can I not take it all?"

With that, he went forward and picked up the five Zunwen from the five tables, and put them into the space ring.

This process is very smooth, just like flowing water.

Many cultivators didn't even respond. Chu Yun had installed these five patterns.


The blood male wants to say and stops, but this sentence still didn't come out.

What's the point of saying it?

Who can beat Chu Yun?

Chu Yun put away these lines and immediately smiled: "since you are so humble, I am not polite. However, there is no such pattern. Why don't you get together here? Why don't you all disperse? "

People, look at me, I look at you.

What Chu Yun said is reasonable.

It really doesn't make sense to stay here.

But how can I leave like this?

For a while, everyone was at a loss.



Shen Tu falls in another space and looks at these things. When he sees Chu Yun, he can't help roaring angrily. It's the damned guy again. Last time, he plundered all his accomplishments with a soul summoning order. This time, he's still bad!

Two Zunwen?

What's the difference between the two venerable patterns!

If you are still at the top, a finger can crush you to death!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Shentu is very angry and a little mad.

Can't we just let them go?

"Since you've spoiled the fight, I'll urge the mechanism to kill all of you here! Want to go? No one can go! "

Shentu's eyes glistened with cold scarlet. He saw the cruel color on his face. He suddenly urged the Zun Wen in front of him. Suddenly, the whole mechanism of the golden palace was booming.

In the corridor, the eyes of dozens of statues glittered with blood and survived.

All kinds of secret patterns are in operation.

All practitioners are aware that their aura seems to be being suppressed.

Endless sense of danger, from all sides.

Stone breaks the sky to pull Chu cloud, whispers: "there is a devil cub who is hiding behind the scenes. He can control the mechanism in the ruins of the golden palace. Your brother Shi is free to come and go, but no one can stop him, but other cultivators are afraid of heavy casualties, so I will inform you to come."

Chu Yun smiled quietly. From the first second he entered the ruins of the golden palace, he felt this way.

Many mechanisms are mingled with light magic Qi. Although it is not obvious, it can be carefully identified by virtue of his spirit.

It can be imagined that there must be foreign demons behind it!

As for where it is, I can't find it for a while. I can only infer from the lines of the secret pattern array.

"It's better to ruin this place. He will show up naturally."

Chu Yun felt that several dangerous smells were approaching. Outside the main hall, there was a mess of gruel. All kinds of shrieks rose and fell, as if those mechanisms were working.

"No! There is a big secret in this golden palace! "

Stone breaks the sky to stop Chu Yun hurriedly, the face is a little white: "this secret, that devil son probably also knows, so you never destroy here, never!"

Chu Yun sighed helplessly and said with some distress, "in this way, there will be a lot of troubles!"

"No trouble. If the foreign demons want to control the organs in large quantities, there will be evil gas leaking out. Then we can start searching and find him out!"

Stone said nothing to let Chu cloud destroy here.


Outside the main hall, the statues have been fighting with the cultivators.

There was a deafening roar.

"It's all surrounded by statues!"

"Damn it, damn it!"

"Run, run with me!"

"Kill them all!"


Those cultivators are all red at the moment.

Although Chu Yun took away all Zunwen, he would not kill his own people at least.

These statues outside, but they are life-threatening!

Although Zunwen is precious, life is the most important!

"It's not easy to find him..."

Chu Yun raised his eyes and saw that Dasheng, 3000 and other people were fighting with the statue, but obviously their combat power was not as good as that of the other side. The suppressed step back was to stretch out his hand and tear the void, so that Ali could walk out of the cloud and help.

"Destroy the statues."

Chu Yun doesn't need to talk nonsense, Ali can understand his meaning naturally.


Ali's figure is rapid, like a flash of light. Only one statue is turned into powder and scattered on the ground.

The great sage took a breath of cold air and was completely shocked.

When he raised his head and looked at Ali, the whole man was struck by lightning.

The brain is blank and speechless.

Is that the feeling of love at first sight?

Before the great sage, he used to laugh at Chu Yun, saying that he was trapped between men and women. He was not generous at all.

At this moment, however, he felt that he was in love.

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