Sky War Soul

1806 believing in intuition

"So, do you know the specific location of the energy source crystal?"

Ning Jiangli and Zhu Fusi are all stepping forward. Their eyes are full of anxious looks. Although we have calculated the effect and function of energy source crystal, the key is to find the corresponding position!

With ten days to go, the expanding universe will devour the world of war. Countless powerful people outside are anxiously looking for solutions. However, they have no way to deal with the universe, and they have fallen into a stalemate.

If it is not inevitable, no one would like to see the war world of Taiqian swallowed up.

After all, this is the hometown of Chu Yun.

"Where? I know, of course, that if it doesn't, it's not a failure. "

Chu Yun stood up, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, and said without hesitation, "how long have I deduced?"

Chu Yun didn't have the concept of time in the deduction, so he thought that he would even like to have a rest and explore the energy source crystal before long.

"How long? Five years in a hurry, do you know! Hurry up! If you don't do it again, the universe will soon be swallowed up! There are ten days left. You have ten days left! Now we have endless starry sky. At least one third of our territory has been annexed. No one can think of any solution. We are waiting for your news! "

Ning will leave and Zhu Fu Si can't help urging.

"Five years? One third of the territory is annexed? Too dry the world of war will be swallowed up? "

Chu Yun's pupil shrank, a little unbelievable.

How could this happen?

Have you reached this level before you are ready?

"Ten days!"

Chu Yun took a deep breath, swept his body up suddenly, and looked around: "under my feeling, this energy source crystal is 3000 kilometers away from the front, I can be specific to within 10 miles, and only three feet of digging is enough!"

After Chu Yun, follow a group of strong men.

They all look excited, which means, have you found a way to limit the expansion of the universe?

"Come on, keep up with me!"

"My uncle has a way. Don't lose it!"

"Come on! Hurry up! "


Those strong people roared and followed Ning Jiangli and Zhu Fusi closely. They all looked very excited. In the past five years, all the strong people in the endless starry sky are suffering from the expansion of this different world. You don't know what its weakness is. No matter what moves are taken, you can't stop the expansion speed.

Now, my uncle finally came up with a solution.

It's worthy of my uncle!

So many times, turn the tide!

In other words, who can do it?

Soon, Chu Yun stopped in the void and looked at the land under his feet. He wanted to find out the area where the energy source crystal was hiding just by means of spiritual exploration.

Ten miles around, just such a piece of land, it's a big deal to push it straight!

But Chu Yun knew that he must not be reckless.

If you accidentally hurt the energy source crystal and make it explode completely, it's really over!

"In this area, please dig carefully for me. If there is a strong breath, please inform me immediately. No one is allowed to act rashly. Remember?"

Chu Yun suddenly agglomerates a mirage of his hand. He holds a hundred meter long sharp knife in his hand and makes a circle on the ground. He circles the land ten miles around. Looking down from the sky, it's really small, and it's just about the size of a palm!

However, the energy source crystal is hidden in it!


Chu Yun took the lead in plundering and began to dig the land.

There is ten thousand times of gravity here. With the impact of violent force, the ordinary strong people will leave soon. After going out and recovering, they rush in again to help.

It's very time consuming to come back and forth.

That's why efficiency is low.

Among the many strong ones, even Ning Jiangli and Zhu Fusi have to go out from time to time to restore their state. Only Chu Yun can keep on digging the land with this violent atmosphere and ten thousand times of pressure.

A day later, Chu Yun dug the 10 kilometers of land to a depth of 100 meters, and still did not find the so-called energy source crystal.

Ning Jiangli and Zhu Fusi frowned: "are you wrong? If not, why are they so deep, or there is no breath? "

"No, there can be no mistake, no breath, just not deep enough!"

Chu Yun's eyes are firm. He believes in his deduction and intuition.

Besides, there's still time!

Go on!

Chu Yun takes a deep breath, then excavates in the land.

Without hesitation, the two women came down to help.

Now their fate, even the fate of the endless starry sky, is actually in Chu Yun's hands.

There is no limit to the expansion of this different world. Is it necessary to devour the whole endless starry sky and form a new universe? But the so-called universe is not composed of many stars, but a huge, all inclusive world!

Imagine how terrifying it would be to have a plane the size of a third of the sky?

The key is that this area is still expanding.

If it can't be stopped, the future world will be a huge infinite potential surface!

It's really numbing.

If the living environment here is suitable and good, even if the endless starry sky is destroyed, you can also enter the different world to live in. But the key point is that the environment here is very bad. Ninety nine percent of the people can't bear the violent atmosphere here.

In fact, only those who have reached the first degree of beheading can survive.

Can there be one in a billion?

Three days later.

Chu cloud has been excavated to the underground kilometers, and the texture of the land is obviously much harder than the above. Rao is in the realm of Chu cloud, which is very difficult, and it is often half an hour to dig a huge stone.

Those strong people became silent from their excitement at first, and then even the instinct of the body drove them. Because the distance engulfed the war world, there was less than five days left.

In the end, what should I do?

They are willing to continue to believe, but the reality has not allowed them to continue to waste time.

Chu Yun's face is expressionless, but his eyes are always firm. He is sweating all over, and the stone under him is harder than he can bear. This is a confrontation with the whole different world.

"Click! Click! "

Next, now the depth has reached ten thousand meters, which is really incredible. This strange space seems to be endless, and no one knows how much to dig.

At this point, it's actually gambling!

No turning back!

Moreover, at this time, there is no time to turn back, only to stick to it!

Chu Yun is crazy, his eyes are red, and he is digging the ground.

He believes his choice is right!



Too dry in the world of war.

The Terran has completed the transfer, but there are still some strong people standing on the sky of the Taiqian war world, looking at the black hole of the universe that will be swallowed up in the distance. There are at most three days left, and the whole night circle will disappear in the long river of history.

"Chu Yun, how are you now?"

Tang Zixian's beautiful eyes are full of worry. She looks at the distance, and her heart is full of tension.

Because of her strength, she couldn't enter the other world, so she stayed in the field of Taiqian.

She is very worried. She doesn't know how Chu Yun is now.

If you can't save Taiqian, don't try to save it.

Only alive, can we have the chance to turn over!

"Big miss, for the sake of safety, we are leaving!"

There are many powerful people around who come forward. They all look very quiet and can't say much.

The pain at the bottom of my heart can not be controlled.

"I'll wait another two days! Chu Yun is now struggling in this different world. How can I leave him alone? "

Tang Zixian refused these strong people's proposals and still stood on the emptiness of Taiqian battle world. There were all kinds of lights in her beautiful eyes, and her fists were slightly clenched.

The strong men sighed and could only retreat.

Of course, they won't let the eldest lady wait here all the time.

When necessary, even at the cost of beating her unconscious and taking her away by force!

Last day!

The Terrans in the night appendix area have almost retreated. Only a few hundred people are left standing on the Taiqian battle field, looking at the near black hole in the universe. The spreading speed is really fast, as if the darkness engulfs everything. Unless we use the transmission array to leave, we can't escape from the black hole in the universe by simply relying on the speed!

The remaining several hundred people are Chu Yun's relatives and friends.

Their eyes were full of reluctant to give up when they looked at Taiqian.

Of course, they are more worried about the situation of Chu Yun.

Don't be busy, Chu Yun!

"Mom and Dad, why didn't you leave?"

Tang Zixian looked back and saw Chu TianKuo and Wang Sidi. She was shocked. She hurried forward and asked, "it's too dangerous here. Please leave soon. I'll let them see you!"

Her name for Chu TianKuo and Wang Sidi has been changed to "father and mother".

"Zixian, you have to leave soon! Chu Yun is a tough kid. He will be OK. You must take good care of your own safety and wait for his return quietly! "

Chu TianKuo stepped forward, looking very anxious.

There is still one day left, but accidents can happen at any time!

If the speed of the expansion of the different world suddenly accelerates, they will not even have the chance to escape!

So they urged Tang Zixian to leave soon.

"I'm still waiting for Chu Yun."

Tang Zixian shook his head and said with a smile, "I have a premonition that he can create miracles!"


People sigh, they also want chu Yun to be able to create miracles, but is this so easy?

At most, there is only one day left!

"Zixian, don't make a fool of yourself. Leave now!"

Tang Chongzhen's voice rang out, only to see his figure appeared in the distance, his eyes were full of anger.

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