Sky War Soul

Chapter 1807 control of different worlds

With Tang Chongzhen's composure, he seldom gets angry, especially with Tang Zixian.

Tang Zixian is his precious daughter and the apple of his eye. Even though he practices and tortures Tang Haoran in his daily life, he doesn't want to suffer a little.

But this time, he was unusually angry.

The different world is about to come, devouring the starry field of the night appendix. At this time, you don't say to avoid it quickly, but you still stay here. What's the purpose?

Do you want to die?

If you don't leave, none of chuyun's family or friends will leave.

Can't we wait for the black hole universe to swallow up and die together?

Tang Zixian was stubborn and said, "Dad, I will not go! Chu Yun is still in there. I don't even know his safety. I don't want to leave. I'll wait for Chu Yun! "


Tang Chongzhen is very angry. He is very old now. His fierce roar even causes a series of coughs. He is shaking all over. His face is very loose, just like the old bark.


Tang Zixian can't bear it. His father is not what he used to be. His health is not good now. He shouldn't have been so angry.

Tang Chongzhen took a deep breath and said: "Chu Yun is not dead yet. He is trying to force the black hole to stop. If he succeeds, he can save the starry field of the night appendix. But if he fails, he will not be in danger of life!"! You don't need to worry! "

Tang Zixian's beautiful eyes suddenly brightened and said, "if he wants to come out, can he come out at any time?"

"Yes, but with his character, he won't give up if he doesn't achieve his goal!"

Tang Chongzhen's eyes narrowed and said, "even if he is here, he will advise you to retreat quickly. What's the point of you staying here? It's very selfish. He doesn't want to see you like this! "

"OK, I'll go!"

Tang Zixian looked back, some reluctant to see a black hole spread from the bottom of his heart, not too much fear.

Chu Yun is in it. Maybe he is looking at himself through the air?

"Mom and Dad, let's go!"

After learning that Chu Yun was absolutely safe, Tang Zixian finally let down her tightly hung heart. She turned to all the people and said urgently, "we have to leave soon. There is only half a day left. No one knows whether the black hole will suddenly increase its speed. Now, it's time to enter the transmission array quickly. Let's leave here first!"

People nodded, and they turned their heads and looked at the war world. They couldn't help but feel a lot of complex emotions.

After so many years, will the Taiqian war be completely destroyed now?

This kind of mood really can't be described by words.

"Go, go!"

Chu TianKuo sighed. Who can resist this kind of natural disaster?

They quickly stepped into the transmission array, turned their heads to see the last glimpse of Taiqian battle field, and reluctantly left.

A group of people disappeared in the light of the transmission array.

Soon, only Tang Zixian, Cheng bining and Yi Li were left.

"You too, hurry up!"

Tang Zixian said softly, no matter Cheng bining or Yi Li, he loves Chu Yun in the bottom of his heart. Unfortunately, for various reasons, he can't express it and can only bury his heart.


Yi Li is silent for a long time and says, "I don't want to go. I'm afraid that I'll never see Chu Yun again."

Although Cheng bining didn't say anything, her expression was obviously the same.

Tang Zixian comforted: "don't worry, Chu Yun's life is very hard. He will not die if anyone dies! How many miracles has he created over the years? This time, don't you care about one more? "

"Then Let's take a last look here! "

Cheng bining smiles, and Mei Mou looks at the world of war too dry, but she doesn't give up.

Her whole life is here.

Today, the parade hall will disappear in the long history along with the Taiqian war.


Suddenly, the huge black hole at the end of the sky began to accelerate and spread towards this side at a more crazy speed.

Originally there might have been more than three hours, but now it's speeding up suddenly. I can feel that the sky in front of me is being devoured by this huge black hole, which is almost unimaginable.

"Let's go! Go! "

Tang Zixian was shocked. She reached out and took up the two girls and hurried to the distant transmission array.

There was an unspeakable fear in her heart.

Who could have predicted that the black hole would suddenly accelerate at the last moment?

Now, No.



"What did you touch and why did you suddenly accelerate?"

Rather will leave startled to lose color, beautiful Mou dead stare at the Chu cloud under the pit.

Just now, the speed of black hole devouring suddenly increased.

There is at most one incense time, you will touch the night star!

Chu Yun raised his head and said with rapture in his eyes, "I feel the breath of energy source crystal. Now! I'll be able to find it in a minute! "

Finish saying, Chu cloud continues to dig, speed is fast.

His hands are full of blood.

You can imagine how terrible the pressure he was under.


After the last huge stone was lifted out, Chu Yun's eyes were fixed on the crystal stone with purple light shining at that moment underground. The crystal stone is about ten meters long and four or five meters wide, showing a diamond shape, so deeply buried in the ground, casting light in all directions.

"Here it is!"

Chu Yun is ecstatic and puts his hands on the energy source crystal.

Although it has a horrible breath, it doesn't have a strong anti phagocytic ability, so you don't need to worry about its danger, just feel it quietly.

In the next moment, Chu Yun's consciousness penetrates into the energy source crystal and merges with it.

He felt that his spiritual sense was light and floating. Suddenly, he reached the top of the different world. Looking down, he could see the expanding different world. So far, he has occupied two fifths of the sky.

It's unbelievable that such terrible energy can be generated by a preliminary derived plane.

"Why does this new plane expand so fast? What is its purpose? "

This series of problems perplexed Chu Yun.

But soon, he found that part of his main soul derived from consciousness, completely integrated with the energy source crystal, as if he could easily control everything, this feeling is very wonderful!

"Stop it! Stop! "

Chu Yun growls at the bottom of his heart and wants to try his latest discovery.

Sure enough, the expansion of the different world suddenly stopped.

At this moment, it is less than a thousand miles away from the night circle!

It can be said that one breath can cross the past!

Ning Jiangli and Zhu Fusi had already closed their eyes, and could not bear to see the next tragedy. However, they suddenly realized that their bodies were suddenly shaking, and the huge black hole universe stopped expanding.

Since the emergence of the black hole universe, the speed that has never stopped in the past five years has stopped today!

"How What's the matter? "

It's hard to believe that joffith feels a little hazy.

At the last moment, the black hole universe stopped expanding?

Why is it so clever?

Or is chuyun successful?

The two women looked down at Chu Yun, and saw that his hands were on the purple crystal stone, standing there motionless, as if his whole body was frozen, his eyes did not turn, and his soul was out of the sky.

"What's the matter?"

Zhufus was a little anxious, but she didn't act rashly.

From her experience, it can be seen naturally that Chu Yun's present situation is very strange. It seems that he has entered into a kind of magic that cannot be explained. Is it because consciousness and this energy source crystal are integrated? That's why.

"Wait and see."

Ning Jiangli said excitedly, "now the black hole universe has stopped expanding. Anyway, it's a good thing. Maybe Chu Yun hasn't fully understood the situation. Let him get familiar with it."

Indeed, Chu Yun is now trying to control his own wisp of consciousness and adapt to the world.

It can be said that his consciousness is integrated with the energy source crystal.

It can even be said that he is the "Heaven way" that controls the whole different world!

No, it's much better than the "heavenly way" in the ordinary sense!

For example, other masters of heaven cannot fight against the lower world because of the rules.

But Chu Yun is different.

Because there are no rules in this different world.

Chu Yun is the maker of all rules!

He can even write the rules himself if he wants to!

Of course, it has not yet reached that level. He is still in the initial familiarity and understanding. It's like a game. You have to spend enough time to adapt to it so that you can really control it!



"Actually, stop?"

Tang Zixian turns around and looks at the black universe behind her. How can she stop like this?

They were even ready to be swallowed!

Because the black universe is spreading so fast that there is no time for people to dodge. It's really too scary.

However, in the moment of swallowing, stop!

"What's going on?"

Yi Li Li and Cheng bining are also full of doubts. They have no clue at all.

It's really strange!

"Is it Chu Yun?"

Yi Li's guess flashed through her beautiful eyes, and she instinctively thought of Chu Yun. In the past, Chu Yun was able to create miracles under seemingly impossible circumstances. Is this the same?

"I don't know, maybe it's him!"

Tang Zixian was so shocked that she didn't know how to tell her emotions.

Such a terrible universe is in front of us. The black hole has stopped working, and the surrounding colorful glow is flowing rapidly. All of these are extremely vast, making people involuntarily stay in place, and the brain is blank.

"Shall we step back first? If the black hole should run again, we are afraid that it will not fly! "

Cheng bining thought for a while, and finally felt unsafe.

Voice just fell, only to see a few figures, from the distance out of the glow.

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