Sky War Soul

Chapter 1898 surveillance?

Houde square, a gentle breeze.

In the warm sunshine, a child sat with his head down, muttering incessantly.

Not far away, three people gathered, two men and one woman, the face of the woman has a layer of fog, can not see her true face.

Both men's eyes are on the woman. It's not strange that the woman appears here. What's strange is that she said something.

Chu Yun was speechless and said, "these are all personal wishes, as if you can't control so much, can you?"

The woman shrugged and said, "I'm just feeling it. I can tell you so much for the reason that you also took the initiative to step into this Houde square. "

She seemed to hear Chu Yun's impatience, so after saying this, she sat in front of Chu Yun and looked down at the story recorded in the floor tiles on Houde square.

Chu Yun and sun Wenyu looked at each other, and the woman gave them some nervous feelings.

"Younger martial brother sun, I'm curious about what's recorded on the floor tile. Today, I'll see what's recorded in the floor tile."

After Chu Yun finished, he also bowed his head and sat around, trying to understand the story recorded on the floor tiles.

Each tile tells a story. As long as you focus on one tile, as long as you focus on it, the story recorded on the tile will appear in front of everyone.

When Chu Yun bowed his head and put his concentration on the floor tiles, the floor tiles he sat on gradually changed.

Floor tiles, originally sapphire bricks, are hard materials placed in the fairyland. They can be used to carve arrays.

Now, it is used by Guirong, the leader of Houde hall, to record stories.

When he focused on floor tiles soon, the story recorded in the tiles slowly appeared in front of him.

The protagonist is a child, a three-year-old father and a four-year-old mother.

He grew up in a small village which was almost isolated from the world. When his father died, his short happy time became a thing of the past.

Within a year, the mother was seriously ill, and the child was less than four years old.

In poor families, all the gold and silver were exchanged for medicine. The expensive medicine soon emptied the family's bottom. The family that had some savings gradually became useless.

Until his mother was in bed, the child had to carry a small basket higher than him, step on a pair of worn straw shoes, follow the old doctor in the village, go up the mountain to collect herbs.

When the villagers saw the poor youth, they often helped them, but only within their power.

At that time, children were eager to have someone to help them and give them some medicine. They hoped that the old doctor would treat their mother for free for the sake of friendship in the same village.

But the old doctor only promised to treat the mother of the child free of charge. As for the herbs, the old doctor made it clear that there was no free lunch in the world. All the herbs his mother needed needed needed were picked by him.

At that time, the young people were ignorant, but in the ignorance, they also understood a truth. No one can help you, of course. To get help from others, you have to pay for it.

Later, the old doctor even omitted the process of decoction. He passed on the procedure of Decoction to the children. Only when it was necessary to change a medicine occasionally, the old doctor would go to the children's home to inform him and pass on some procedures of decoction.

Chu Yun saw that the child was an ordinary child, but the child was helpless and despairing at the beginning, and then he was sensible little by little. He was short of the height of the stove, lived on tiptoe, washed the pot, and cooked for his mother who was ill in bed.

Young children, who are supposed to be childlike, carefree and happy, bear the burden of taking care of their mothers.

The rice in the rice VAT is gradually reduced, and the growth of children with chronic malnutrition is also slowed, but the mother in the hospital bed is becoming thinner and thinner.

Until the day when he was about to turn five, his skinny mother called him to the head of the bed, and his turbid eyes were full of intolerance and unwillingness.

"Mother's good son, why are you so miserable?"

The mother caressed the child's cheek. The child sobbed. He seemed to realize something.

He firmly remembered his mother's face, held her arm tightly with helpless hands, and tried to keep her, but finally she left the child forever.

The child became a child without father or mother. That year, he was five years old.

On that day, with the help of his neighbors, he buried his mother next to his father's grave. Two small mounds of earth, which were not high, became his eternal sustenance.

That day, when winter came, the children began to live alone.

Medicine picking, straw sandals weaving, frostbitten hands and feet, breaking ice in the ditch in the winter to catch fish.

The lonely child has no companion to play with him, and the other children who are not sensible bully him and stay away from him.

The winter of that year was extremely cold. The ice breaking broken the day before was frozen again the next day. The ice was melted by fire on the ice, and then the fish were caught. For several days, there was nothing.

Since the moment of his mother's death, stubborn children no longer put their hopes on their neighbors. Some neighbors saw him pitiful and wanted to adopt him, but he refused.

That year, there was no herbal medicine in the snow capped mountains, the windy walls could not cover the cold wind, the dry straw was not so warm, a worn-out quilt wrapped the little man, shivering in the cold.

On the new year's day, the five-year-old child fell ill in the cold. The neighbor who hadn't seen the child go out for three days thought he was dead. He opened the door and found that he was as childish as a child.

After all, the old doctor could not bear that the stubborn and poor child died in this winter, saved him, and allowed him to be the medicine boy of the drugstore.

That year, he survived the most difficult winter, and the old doctor also taught him a truth, there is no good for no reason, in exchange for benefits, there must be corresponding pay.

So even in the big winter, he would go to the old doctor's house before dawn, which was full of frostbite, doing some scattered work in exchange for food.

When spring comes, when the snow melts, children will carry baskets on their backs and go to the mountain to collect medicine. They will exchange some small money in the medicine shop for their own.

When children grow up day by day, they often follow a group of children who are younger than him. They learn to catch fish and climb trees and dig bird's nests from children. Different from children, they learn to live for a living. Other children just want to have fun.

Children stay in the village day after day, year after year.

When the child grew up to be a teenager, at the age of 14, the quiet village ushered in an old man with a fairyland.

The old man claims to be an immortal from above nine days. He has established a sect and wants to find a group of talented people to practice with him.

Almost all the children in the village were chosen, and the helpless and weak youth were also proved to be gifted practitioners.

On the day when he left, the boy gave the rice and some scattered money he had saved over the years to the people who had helped him, but the house didn't go out, which was his only hope.

After the old fairy took the children out of the village, the sharp young man noticed something wrong. Ten children in the same group ate and drank very well every day, but their bodies were getting worse day by day.

Later one night, the young man saw that the old fairy had brought a child into the mountain forest beside him. The young man followed him, but saw that the old fairy showed his claws and teeth. The fairy's demeanor was gone, and the child was immersed in a big pot. The boy did not see the greedy light in the old fairy's eyes. He thought that the old fairy was really cooking for him, Build yourself a foundation.

It was not until the water temperature became higher and higher that the child realized something was wrong. He asked the old immortal why he felt so painful when he built the foundation. The old immortal said that he could bear it, but the young man on one side was salivating when he saw the old immortal looking at the child.

At this moment, the young man understood that the old fairy was not a fairy at all, but a devil in human skin.

At that moment, the young man walked lightly to the back of the old immortal, and a knife tied to the left sleeve gently * the old immortal's back heart.

The strength is just a little higher than the ordinary people. Some old immortals who are blind will fall into a pool of blood under the young knife.

The illiterate boy saved him in the ignorant eyes of the child, put away the clothes of the immortal, and scraped a skill named "blood refining" from the immortal.

Some of the ten children in the group can read, but they don't understand many of the meanings in the words.

But the youth understood that it was an evil skill. It was a skill that needed to drink the blood of the young children to build the foundation.

At that moment, the young man burned the skill, and there was no explanation when a group of children didn't know what to do.

The young man returned to the village with ten children, but the story of killing the old fairy spread all over the village from the mouth of the children. The ignorant children did not know that the young man actually saved them.

Since then, the young man was driven out of the village. He felt that he had saved the children. Why didn't he believe in himself in the village? Instead, he was willing to believe in the old immortal. Some people even said that he was a villain who knew what was right and forgot what was right.

The boy who can never return to the village, the mountain forest becomes his home.

His parents' grave became his only hope.

Rao is so. The young man never resented those who drove him out of the village. He felt that he had done everything with a clear conscience.

At the age of 15, the boy met a beautiful girl in the back mountain. The girl stayed up in the daytime and played with him at night.

They became friends, and he didn't know his body was getting worse every day.

It wasn't until a month later that a middle-aged man dressed as a Taoist met a young man and a young woman. At that time, the young man knew that the woman was a ghost. He was looking for him every night to suck the Yang of his body bit by bit.

The woman was taken away by the middle-aged Taoist, but the young man never blamed the woman in white.

After all, he was not killed, and the woman did not mean to harm him.

The young man became the follower of the old Taoist and began to travel around with the old Taoist.

On weekdays, the old Taoist will teach the young people how to read, and also teach them some basic skills.

The youth then relies on that shallow skill, devotes oneself to the cultivation.

Five years later, the young man grew up to be a young man. The old Taoist responded to the petition of a city dweller to wipe out a monster.

The young man followed the middle-aged Taoist, and the monster turned into an old man. The middle-aged Taoist killed the demon several times to calm the people's anger, but the young man stopped several times, saying that everything in the world has a spirit, so he wanted to give the monster a creature.

Then in the moment when the Taoist and the young man turned around, the old man made a fatal attack on the young man from behind, but the middle-aged Taoist blocked the old man from behind

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