Sky War Soul

Chapter 1899 thirty six halls

Chu Yun quickly put down his mind.

If the world where I was before my flight had been detected by the fairyland, I would have nothing to do now.

"Very sad!"

Next to him, sun Wenyu sighed for no reason.

The people recorded on the floor tiles may all be forces under the fairyland. Their every move is under the inspection of the fairyland's great power. This kind of state of living in the eyes of others really makes people feel desperate.

Fortunately, I am now flying to the fairyland, and the surveillance may not happen.

But are the people in their original world really free?

I still remember that when he had a friend, he always liked to go against the sky, as if the God had treated him.

His friend's talent is not very high, but he has soared to the fairyland. His friend is still struggling at the bottom of the world.

How ridiculous is it to put the word "against the sky" in the immortal world?

Even sun Wenyu himself, before he flew up, when he encountered the flying robbery, he also shouted a slogan to go against the sky. When he came to the fairyland, he thought he succeeded against the sky and became a celestial being.

But I really came to the fairyland to find that I have to start from scratch.

But now he saw everything in the fairyland, and he found the so-called "anti heaven". Now in retrospect, he thought he was naive and ignorant.

"I used to shout the slogan against the sky and think that I should be the center of the world. Now I think it's really fearless!"

Sun Wenyu's face was full of helplessness.

The story he saw on the floor tiles, and then through Guirong's explanation, he found that his once was as small as dust.

Sun Wenyu's pessimism all over his body seemed to infect Chu Yun.

For a long time, he sighed and said, "that's why we should try our best to practice and break the established destiny, isn't it?"

"Not bad!"

Sun Wenyu's voice was firm. After saying that, he arched his hand at Chu Yun and said, "I'm going to find the master. I'm going to learn the immortal method from him. Brother Chu Yun, goodbye!"

Sun Wenyu directly stepped into Houde palace, Guirong sat on the throne of Houde palace, saw sun Wenyu step into the room with a dignified face, and said with a smile, "OK

Sun Wenyu nodded, and then said respectfully, "Sun Wenyu, see you, master!"

"I don't need any complicated etiquette to accept disciples in Houde hall. Today, since you sincerely worship me as a teacher, you should also disclose your identity to the public!" Between

, guijung gently lifted his hand, and suddenly the space ring in his hand came out of an identity token, exactly like Chu Yun's identity token. Even the color was red.

Sun Wenyu took the token, and Guirong said: "since today, you are the true biography of Guirong. This identity token can represent your identity in wuxiangshan."

"Thank you, master!"

Guirong nodded and said: "from today on, you should also practice the skill of Houde hall. I don't care how strong the skills you practice in the lower world are. From now on, I will abandon them all! "

Sun Wenyu did not understand: "why?"

"When you come to fairyland, you naturally need to practice the skill of fairyland. What's more, you are the innate Tao body. If you practice common skills, you can't cover up your breath. Moreover, I don't think the skill you practice in the lower world can match the inheritance of Houde hall! "

Guirong is domineering at this moment, and has the taste of giving up others.

He is very confident in the skill of Houde hall. It was created by him. It is based on morality and behavior, with a positive mind, and with a positive body.

"The disciple obeys the master's arrangement!"

Sun Wenyu gave everything to Guirong.

Guirong nodded, stroked his beard, and smiled, "good!"


On the square, the beautiful woman hasn't left yet, and Chu Yun hasn't left yet. And the Oriental pine thought, who has come to know himself, is sitting on the square, watching the stories recorded on the floor tiles.

The woman was standing not far away from Chu Yun. She looked embarrassed and said, "don't you know your name?"

She wanted to call her elder, but she couldn't.

I also want to call martial uncle Chu Yun. According to the generations, the other side is at least her grandfather level, but it can't be called out.

I have no choice but to call you "Your Excellency".

Chu Yun looked at the woman in front of her eyes with a smile and said, "my name is Chu Yun, the leader of Tongtian peak and Shaofeng peak."

When the woman heard the words, she immediately exclaimed: "what? Are you the lucky one? "

After saying that, he felt something was wrong again, and he immediately smiled: "I'm sorry, sir Martial uncle, I don't mean much. Please forgive me. "

When she said that, she was indignant.


As expected, it's a weak fairy. He has changed and become his own martial uncle!

Chu Yun didn't care. He laughed and said, "ha ha, I'm lucky. What's your name? "

When the woman heard about it, she said, "my disciple is called mobaimeng. He is a three generation disciple of the elder who has passed on the work."

Among the three generations of disciples under the leadership of the elder, there are one generation and two generations. The first generation of disciples is the true disciples. For example, the disciples of the leader of Tongtian peak like Chu Yun belong to the true disciples. On top of them are the elders, the supreme elders and the people with higher generations.

Chu Yun is not clear about the division of the ranks of Tongtian peak. It's not as good as those who have high accomplishments, that is, senior brother. It's more clear about the division of the schools of martial uncle and Shizu.

Between Mo baimeng's words, a pair of beautiful eyes are full of curiosity.

Chu Yun is known as the luckier of the whole wuxiangshan mountain. He was originally born in Xuanzhou, a poor place, but he could join tongtianfeng and become the true disciple of Yu Xiaoyao. Such a person can be regarded as the luckier in the whole fairyland.

Not only Chu Yun, but Tian Aoxue, who joined lengxuefeng and became the true disciple of Cui Leng, is also lucky in their eyes.

All of them come from the poor Xuanzhou, but they can all join one of the 72 peaks of wuxiangshan and become the heirloom. In this case, even the people in wuxiangshan headquarters think that the place with incomplete rules in Xuanzhou is a genius.

"Martial uncle, since I joined Wuxiang mountain, I haven't been to the seventy-two peaks of Wuxiang mountain. Martial uncle, it's said that you have been close to Tianfeng for thirty thousand years, and the fairy grass in it has become refined. Isn't that right?"

After knowing Chu Yun's identity, Mo baimeng is now thinking about how to have a good relationship with Chu Yun. If he can go to Tongtian peak for a walk and pick some Xiancao at will, he can practice himself.

Although he is a disciple of three generations and an inner disciple of wuxiangshan, he has no comparison with the true biography of Chu Yun!

Whether it's cultivation resources or cultivation methods, we have to rely on the contribution of the school in exchange. Although we have a master on our head, there are many disciples of the master. It's not easy to get the master's instruction in ordinary times.

It's even said that 72 peaks form a system of their own. They are almost self-sufficient in both cultivation resources and skills. In normal times, only when major events happen in wuxiangshan, can the headquarters of wuxiangshan communicate with 72 peaks.

When Chu Yun heard Mo baimeng's words, he smiled and said, "don't daydream. If tongtianfeng is as good as you said, how can I come to wuxiangshan headquarters now? "

When Mo baimeng heard the words, he was surprised to see Chu Yun and said: "shishuzu, Tongtian peak has been closed for 30000 years. Has the inheritance of Kung Fu in Tongtian peak been broken?"

It's said that the inheritance of Tongtian peak has been cut off. Now there are only five elders in Tongtian peak.

The five elders in Tongtian don't care about anything on Tongtian peak. Chu Yun stayed at Tongtian peak, afraid that no one would teach him the immortal method, so he came to wuxiangshan headquarters?

Thinking of this, her eyes are filled with a touch of pity, as if Chu Yun really belongs to the existence that was abandoned by tongtianfeng.

The inheritance of Tongtian peak is broken?

Chu Yun stared at Mo baimeng, shook his head and said: "how can the inheritance in Tongtian peak be broken? The inheritance of Tongtian peak will never be broken. "

Mo baimeng hears the words and says with some embarrassment, "I said the wrong thing."

Chu Yun looked at the girl in front of him, shook his head slightly, and said, "you'd better tell me about wuxiangshan headquarters."

"Martial uncle, if you ask me about wuxiangshan headquarters, it's the right person."

Mo baimeng, with a sweet smile on his face, said: "there are 36 halls in wuxiangshan headquarters, and the leader of 36 halls has the lowest level of cultivation, which is the fifth level of Taishang. The top three Hall leaders, at least the level of Xiandi, exist. On weekdays, the thirty-six hall owners are almost invisible. In our wuxiangshan headquarters, the Houde hall owners often appear in front of us in different images. I haven't seen any other hall owners. "

"The hall master of the thirty six halls also holds the post of elder of wuxiangshan. Each hall master has his own responsibility division from virtue, criminal law, to passing on meritorious deeds and giving doubts."

When Mo baimeng said that, Chu Yun was amazed.

I thought 72 peak of wuxiangshan was the biggest base card of wuxiangshan, but now I hear Mo baimeng talking about the 36 halls of wuxiangshan headquarters, he found that the strength of wuxiangshan headquarters can not be underestimated!

The 36 halls of wuxiangshan, the top three Temple owners, are the existence of the level of Immortal Emperor!

That's Xiandi!

Xiandi, the emperor of the fairyland, is extremely noble. This kind of existence is already the master of the fairyland. But in wuxiangshan, the existence of Xiandi level is only the part-time elder of the temple master!

So, the leader of wuxiangshan is afraid to surpass the Immortal Emperor, and what realm is that?

Seeing the exclamation color on Chu Yun's face, Mo baimeng's eyes showed a touch of satisfaction. Hum, you are the leader of wuxiangshan Tongtian peak. But the strength of wuxiangshan headquarters is much stronger than that of your 72 peaks.

"Under the leadership of the master of the thirty six halls, each of them has its own inheritance. In the hall of transmission that I belong to, everyone has to shoulder the responsibility of teaching others."

When Mo baimeng said that, he smiled at Chu Yun and said, "so martial uncle, if you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask me. Just give me a part of your contribution. "

School contribution?

Chu Yun looked at Mo baimeng with a puzzled face and said, "how can I get the contribution of the school?"

He really doesn't know how to get the contribution of the school. As the leader of Tongtian peak, he still needs it?

"Hey hey, elder martial brother, this thing is too easy for you to get! I have a complete school contribution checklist here. Any elixi

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