Sky War Soul

Chapter 1900 information of Information Hall

"So it's full of rules?"

Chu Yun stood at the door of the hall of contribution, pondering and staring at everything around the hall of contribution.

The idea that you are eager to take the treasure out of your space ring in exchange for the contribution point is constantly impacting his mind. It seems that the contribution point of wuxiangshan is the most precious treasure in the world. As for the personal items you put in the space ring, it is incomparable with the contribution point.

"Is there any other rule?"

Chuyun is dumbfounded and laughs. He takes out a second-class artifact from his space ring. He grabs a handful of it in his space ring.

Then, he went to the exchange wound of the contribution hall, numbered a, B, C, etc. there were 12 windows in total. Now, there were people in wuxiangshan clothes, some of whom were still stained with blood, who were eager to exchange for contribution points when they returned from the mission.

"Cough, shishuzu, are you ready to exchange for contribution?"

Hu Xiaoxiao stared at Chu Yun in surprise. He didn't think that there was such rubbish as second-class fairy ware in the ring of Shaofeng, the master of Tianfeng.

Second level immortal ware, even if it's an external disciple, will not use second level immortal ware if conditions permit?

It's much easier to find a four or five immortals weapon in Wuxiang mountain than to find a two immortals weapon.

Mo baimeng is also staring at Chu Yun with speechless face. It's the second grade immortal ware. This kind of thing can also be put in Chu Yun's own space ring. How excellent is it?

Chu Yun saw the two people's confused eyes, smiled and said, "can't you?"

After that, he went to the "a" window. In front of him, he still photographed a long dragon. If it was his turn to exchange, he didn't know when to wait.

In front of Chu Yun's body, a young man saw Chu Yun behind him holding a second-class artifact. He was stunned and said, "are you a disciple from outside?"

In the impression of Wujing hall, only the disciples of the outside world can wear this kind of low-level immortal ware.

Second grade immortal ware, people with a little status, are all thrown away directly!

Wuxiangshan never lacks these things, and only the disciples of the outer gate will take them as treasures.

Mo baimeng and Hu Xiaoxiao, who follow Chu Yun, just want to regard themselves as air at this moment.

It's a shame. You take a second-class artifact. Would you like to come to the exchange window to exchange contribution points?

Mo baimeng can't see any more and said, "cough, martial uncle, in fact, you don't have to come to this exchange window in exchange for your contribution."

Because she saw many people turn their eyes to her. She is a celebrity among the inner disciples.

One of the top ten beauties in wuxiangshan inner gate, how many Shenjiao objects of wuxiangshan disciples?

Now it's a bit humiliating to accompany Chu Yun to come to the contribution hall to exchange for second-class immortal implements.

Wu Jingtang also found Mo baimeng and Hu Xiaoxiao who were following Chu Yun, and the title of "shishuzu" made him puzzled.

Chu Yun, the guy with the second-class immortal ware, is their martial uncle?

When can the elder of wuxiangshan even see such things as second level immortal ware?

"Are you two elder martial sisters willing to ask me

Wu Jingtang didn't confirm Chu Yun's identity. He also heard it wrong, so he just wanted to confirm it again.

Hu Xiaoxiao stared and said, "why didn't you hear us call him? Master Shu Shu! You call him brother? Want to take advantage of us? "

When Wu Jingtang was frightened, he immediately bowed his hand to apologize and said: "how could it be? Sorry, uncle! I have no intention of offending. Please forgive me! "

Fairyland can't judge people by their appearance, especially in places like wuxiangshan.

Since both Mo baimeng and Hu Xiaoxiao call Chu Yun as their martial uncle, Chu Yun must be a man of the level of an old ancestor, who has the ability to stand up to the challenge.


Chu Yun waved his hand. Without the interest of talking to Wu Jingtang, he turned to Hu Xiaoxiao and said, "if you don't come to the exchange window of contribution hall, how can you exchange for contribution point?"

Hu Xiaoxiao explained: "martial uncle, you just need to take out your own identity token and throw the artifact in your hand on the ground of the contribution hall."

And this operation?

Chu Yun takes out his own identity token, and all of a sudden, those around him who are still guessing Chu Yun's identity change their looks.

The red identity token represents the real life!

This man is the true disciple of a temple master in wuxiangshan?

But since he is a real disciple, why is he still in control of the second level immortal implements?

"Which is the true story of the hall? How come I haven't seen it before? "

"This real disciple is a little surprising. He can even handle the second level immortal ware?"

"And do real disciples care about contribution? In their capacity, there seems to be no use in contributing something like this. "


The onlookers talked a lot. Even those who wanted to exchange contribution points at the exchange window, after seeing Chu Yun's move, could not help but focus on him.

Chu Yun turned a deaf ear to the sound around him. When the second level immortal ware was thrown to the ground, it disappeared.

Then, there was a light red light on his identity token, which seemed to show some more things.

Chu Yun's divinity sank into his own identity token, and a message record emerged:

contribution point: 200.

Did you change two hundred contribution points for a second level immortal?

When Hu Xiaoxiao saw that Chu cloud exchange was completed, he was too lazy to pay attention to the eyes around him. He smiled and asked, "how much contribution do you make, martial uncle?"

Chu Yun said: "a pair of second-class immortal implements, for 200 contribution points, it seems that there are some holes."


For second-class items, the minimum contribution point for exchange is 10.

You are an ordinary second-class immortal. You exchanged 200 contribution points. Do you still think it's a pit?

Then something that surprised everyone happened.

See Chu cloud space ring suddenly white awn big work, a piece of low-level immortal utensils from his space ring continuously gush out, like the general wave, pile up on the ground.

On the floor of the hall of contribution, at this time, they began to devour the low-level immortal utensils piled on the ground by Chu Yun.

These are all the immortal artifacts that Chu Yun picked up behind the Dragon evil before. Not many. There are more than 500 of them that were consumed by the queen bee before they were discharged.

However, the number of people around the hall of contribution is actually very terrible.

A second-class item may not be able to change a lot of contribution points, but the quantity is too much?

When Chu Yun's low-level immortal weapon was exchanged, the contribution points in the identity token suddenly broke the 100000 mark.

After all, there are still some three immortals that can't be used. At this time, all of them will be exchanged, with an average of 200 contribution points and 100000 contribution points, not much.

But the people around are all stupid.

100000 contributions!

What can 100000 contribution points exchange in the exchange hall?

In the exchange hall, 100000 contribution points can exchange one six level immortal implement, one or even several six level immortal elixirs, at least one six level immortal method, and more six level immortal drugs.

If you are in the intelligence hall, you can exchange a six level intelligence, or even higher.

Contribution point can be regarded as a kind of trading currency of wuxiangshan. Its role in wuxiangshan is really too big.

Chu Yun doesn't know how much the specific use of the contribution point is. Anyway, those low-level immortal implements in his space ring have no much effect on him.

The herding mercenary regiment he founded can't control so much now. Originally, he was going to send these immortal implements to someone in his own mercenary regiment, but now, they are all used to exchange for contribution points.

He knows that the contribution point is in wuxiangshan headquarters, which is very important. As for the purpose, he can understand it slowly in the future.

After Chu Yun's death, Hu Xiaoxiao and Mo baimeng were stunned to see that Chu Yun and Chu Yun immediately exchanged 100000 contribution points.

If at first he only exchanged for a second-class artifact, it would be a shame for his identity.

So now he has directly exchanged more than 500 and 2 immortal implements for more than 100000 contribution points, which makes people around him shocked.

"Am I wrong? How did he come from so many second level immortal implements? "

"The patterns of these immortals are different. Did he kill many immortals and rob them?"

"Kill five or six hundred immortals at once. Is this a butcher?"

"Ha ha, maybe it's his collection. Don't forget, he has a very high rank, but our martial uncle. "


The people in the exchange hall are stupid.

One hundred thousand contributions, more?

For them, it's not a lot.

As for the immortal who has stepped into the heaven, 100000 contributions are not a huge number for them.

But today, this man is the exchange of the second grade and first grade immortal implements. So many low-grade immortal implements must not be made by himself, right?

"Martial uncle, I'm afraid you've pried the low-level weapon warehouse of tongtianfeng?"

Mo baimeng can only think of the low-level weapon storehouse of tongtianfeng. Otherwise, how could Chu Yun bring out so many immortal weapons at once?

Hu Xiaoxiao stared at Chu Yun with envy, and suddenly said, "martial uncle, is tongtianfeng short of people? I think I can join you in tongtianfeng. "

She keeps Chu Yun's arm as it is. Her contribution is not much, but what's the wealth of Tongtian peak?

As long as I enter Tongtian peak, which has been closed for 30000 years, I'm afraid that I can pick a fairy medicine casually, which is more than 100000 contribution points.

At that time, did you exchange any skills for yourself?

What cultivation resources do you exchange for?

What's more, Tongtian peak itself is a peak vein very suitable for cultivation.

"Contribution point, what can be done?"

Chu Yun is too lazy to answer Hu Xiaoxiao's words, and directly asks what contribution point can do.

"Contribution point, in our wuxiangshan, it's equivalent to money in the ordinary world. There are many things that can be done with contribution points, but they can be exchanged for elixir, skill, immortal weapon, cultivation resource, cultivation site, cultivation letter, intelligence, etc. "

Hu Xiaoxiao didn't finish, and finally said: "anyway, we can do anything in wuxiangshan."

When Chu Yun heard the word "intelligence", he immediately asked, "where is the intelligence purchased?"

He suddenly had an idea

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