Sky War Soul

Chapter 1965 Lu Shan is stupid

In Chu Yun's words, there is no strong sense of killing.

That's because he doesn't need killing intention to prove his determination to deal with the monsters that can kill instantly.

With his hands on his back, he continued to rise, standing over the battlefield.

From this point of view, if you look down, you can see everything.

Monsters are still rushing out of the forest, just like the tide. No one knows how many crazy monsters are still in the forest. In a word, the bloody moon night is more intense than any other time.

This is no different from the scene of natural punishment. For Chu Yun, it's just a group of ants fighting.


Chu Yun spits out a word lightly, just like the trial of God coming down to earth, and then the endless terror and immortal spirit in his palm is suppressed towards the bottom.

In the process of repression, immortal Qi turns into thousands of strands. Each strand of immortal Qi is as fast as an arrow, stabbing steadily towards the eyebrow of the beast.

"Hiss! Sneer! Hiss, hiss, hiss! "

Similar sounds come and go, and monsters are constantly penetrated through the eyebrows.

That is to say, in the past ten days, the battlefield is full of black corpses, which looks very horrible and natural. The whole atmosphere is like purgatory!

Those disciples have killed red eyes. Today, either you or I will die. However, when they are ready to continue to fight, they are shocked to find that the beast in front of them has fallen into a pool of blood and convulsed.

The whole battlefield, tens of thousands of monsters, without exception, all died miserably.

"How What's the matter? "

"What happened?"

"These monsters are all Dead! "


Those Lu family's children looked around and saw that there was no monster still standing. That is to say, all the monsters died miserably without exception.

How can we kill so many monsters in an instant?

It's terrible.

Chu Yun's eyes swept around. All Lu's disciples looked at themselves with endless awe.

Chu Yun is very familiar with this kind of eyes.

He had seen countless times when his strength dominated the sky.

But he didn't communicate with these Lu family children too much. Instead, he went to Tianfu city and followed Lu Shan's steps. Lu Shan went to take the wheel of Liangyi. But after all, this thing is too important for him to rest assured.

Following Lu Shan to Lu's ancestral hall, looking at the huge tree trunk statue in front of him, Chu Yun was stunned: "you hide the wheel of the two rites in such a high-profile way? Are you not afraid of being doubted? "

"Doubt? Hey, who would doubt a small family in a small city? Those who pursue and kill me are superior, let alone Tianfu city. Even those big cities around them don't bother to take a look, do you understand? "

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. The Tianfu city is very close to them. They would never dream that I would hide the wheel of Liangyi here."

Chu Yun nodded deeply. Indeed, who would waste his time here?

Only need to cover the breath of Liangyi wheel, almost no one will probe here.

Lu Shan turned to look at Chu Yun and pointed to the statue and said, "since my father handed over the statue to my father, my father has never neglected it for half a minute. Day and night, he sent people to guard the ancestral hall. Even before my father left, he held my hand for a long time and said that my father would come to take it later. Since we Lu family received the favor from others, we would fulfill our promise."

Chu Yun nodded, excited at the bottom of his heart, and admired Lu's family.

We can keep our promise for thousands of years, which can't be achieved by everyone.

"When I gave the statue to his father, the boy was just born. In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed. How time flies!"

For the real strong, closing every time is hundreds of years.

So the concept of time has long been less important.

"Today, return this statue to your benefactor!"

Lu Shan got out of his way and said with a little embarrassment: "here I can't move the statue, so you're the only one who can... "

Chu Yun stepped forward, took a deep breath, lifted his strength, and suddenly lifted the statue.

It has to be said that the statue is quite heavy.

"Boy, it's sealed by my secret method. You can throw the statue into the space ring and give me the rest."

The sacred tree of Hongmeng sent a message to chuyun.

Chu Yun nodded and threw the statue into the space ring.

The God tree of Hongmeng entered it with his mind and reached out his hand to carve several complicated and secret lines on the statue. He saw that the statue glittered with brilliant light and gradually split.

At the bust of the statue, a double ring with thick arms gradually emerges. This double ring covers me, I cover you, and emits a little red light. The strange power rushes up to the sky.

"This is the wheel of Liangyi?"

Chu Yun was surprised.

For the Liangyi wheel, he has only seen it in historical books, and has never seen the real appearance.

After all, it's a consumable seven grade artifact. Its value is very precious, no less than some eight grade artifact!

Because of the characteristics of Liangyi wheel, it is extremely sought after!

It's a great honor to get the wheel of Liangyi!

"Boy, take care of the things here, and then go back to Tongtian peak for cultivation. The wheel of Liangyi has arrived. At most half a year, you can combine the two horrible immortal methods into one. Even if the creators of the two immortal methods are in front of you, they can't be recognized!"

The God tree of Hongmeng hurriedly urged him to hope that Chu Yun would become stronger soon, because only when Chu Yun's strength is improved, can he get more original Qi.

Chu Yun naturally understood the meaning of the sacred tree of Hongmeng. With his hands on his back, he nodded slightly: "Lushan, you have preserved this statue for him for thousands of years. He is very grateful to you, so he ordered me to send you a creation!"

"No No, he had kindness to Lu's family at that time. These are rewards. Besides, Shangxian, you killed all the monsters and beasts for us. How could you ask for your things again? "

Lushan belongs to the kind of straightforwardness. He shakes his head and doesn't want to accept Chu Yun's things.

"I naturally understand the value of it. It's an equivalent exchange, so don't refuse."

Chu Yun, without waiting for Lu Shan's refusal, directly touched out a pile of immortal pills. In addition to the immortal pills, there are more than a dozen kinds of immortal methods, most of which are three and four, and a pile of low-grade immortal tools that can't be used.

Don't look at the low level, but for the Lu family, it's absolutely a precious treasure that you can't even think of in ordinary days!

Lushan saw the treasures piled up into a hill, and was directly stupid.

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