Sky War Soul

Chapter 1966 life in meteorites

How can it be so much?

There are too many treasures, right?

Lu Shan swore to heaven that he had never seen so many treasures in his life. Let alone so many. Even if any artifact is immortal, it is something that he would never dare to think of in ordinary times.

Although he is the owner of Lu family and also controls Tianfu City, he has not much wealth to control.

In addition, the family itself is a small family. How is it possible to save Xianshi to buy Xianqi?

Self cultivation is not enough!

So this time, Lushan is really stupid.

"Don't be surprised, your Lu family has kept their promise for more than four thousand years. You deserve these things!"

Chu said he didn't want Lu Shan to have too much pressure.

You know, what he has been guarding for more than four thousand years is nothing else, but the wheel of Liangyi!

Compared with the value of the Liangyi wheel, what are these things you pay for?

Lushan takes a deep breath, and calms down his mood several times in a row. His eyes twinkle with tangled looks. If he wants not to want this batch of cultivation resources, he naturally wants to!

With these cultivation resources, the Lu family will surely be able to take a higher level in the future!

Those gifted disciples of Lu family don't have to worry about the lack of cultivation resources.

Tianfu city is very barren. In addition, no one in Lu family knows how to do business. For so many years, he has been muddling along and never made a fortune.

However, this time, only he nodded, the fate of the Lu family would be rewritten.

"I put cultivation resources here. You must keep them away. Don't attract other forces to covet them."

Chu Yun left this sentence and turned away.

His figure easily into the void, is very easy across the void.

Lu Shan is still in shock and has not been back to his senses. He closes his eyes and is stunned for half an hour before he wakes up. He opens his mouth to say something, but finds that Chu Yun is no longer here.

"Thank God!"

Lushan kneels directly on one knee, very excited.

He knew very well that the Lu family had a great chance!

All this credit must be attributed to the father!

"Dad, time has finally proved that you are right."

Lu Shan's eyes glistened with tears. If his father didn't teach him to keep his promise, how could he get this great chance?

"Boy, don't hurry to go first. Go to explore the forest. Every year, when the blood month comes, there will be countless monsters and beasts falling into madness. I think there must be something extraordinary in the forest!"

When Chu Yun wanted to leave, the sacred tree of Hongmeng suddenly opened its mouth.

Chu Yun just didn't leave far away. When he turned around, his figure went into the forest of monsters.

After entering it, you can clearly perceive a gloomy breath, lingering around you for a long time, hard to extricate yourself.

Very strange indeed!

In my own realm, I seldom feel this feeling. Is there really something here that affects the mind of those monsters?

"Walk out ten thousand meters and look to the left."

Although the God tree of Hongmeng is attached to Chu Yun, he can still understand the information in all directions, and nothing can hide from him.

Chu Yun, according to the God tree of Hongmeng, went forward.

After ten thousand meters, he looked to the left.

This look does not matter, Chu Yun cannot help but a Zheng.

It's a meteorite falling from the sky. It's about ten meters high. The whole body of the meteorite is grayish brown. Its shape is an ellipse with sharp points on both sides. It plunges deeply into the ground, leaving two thirds exposed.

On top of the meteorite, there is a green, deep and mysterious pattern.

It's this secret pattern that constantly sends out waves.

That kind of inexplicable feeling comes from this fluctuating breath!

"What is this?"

Chu Yun couldn't recognize it, so he asked the God tree of Hongmeng. He expected that he would be able to understand the stone.

"There is a strange breath on the stone. It's not immortal. It seems that it comes from outside. It's evil. What is it?"

The God tree of Hongmeng felt his chin, and then he thought it was too far away. He said, "you are closer. Only in this way can I see more clearly."

Chu Yun nodded, walked forward and crouched in front of the meteorite.

He couldn't help but reach out and touch the green secret lines. His eyes became more confused.

If you look at this secret pattern carefully, you will be able to detect the evil breath contained in it. It seems that you need to penetrate it.

"Preliminary guess, this should be a kind of calling secret pattern. I don't know who called it and why it called this stone."

"But every night when the moon is full, some monsters lose their mind and go mad completely. It should be the ghost of this stone," explained the sacred tree

Chu Yun clenched his fist, his eyes were sharp, and suddenly he hit the meteorite.


Hearing a loud sound, the meteorite vibrated several times. The green secret lines on it seemed to be severely damaged, and suddenly burst out a horrible smell, like the ripples on the water surface, which pushed back Chu cloud for several steps.


Chu Yun is curious, but the breath is fast enough to impulse his body.

"I don't care what's in you. Don't play tricks on me. Get out!"

Chu Yun raises his hand and grabs a ray of sword Qi and stabs deeply into the meteorite.


Sword Qi stabs on the meteorite and makes a harsh sound. There is only one more sword trace on the meteorite, which is very small and shallow. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

In this way, Chu Yun was a little surprised.

Although I haven't tried my best in this move, I still use 30% of my strength.

It's unbelievable that the sword Qi condensed by 30% immortal Qi only left a very shallow trace on it!

"Break it for me!"

Chu Yun drinks in a low voice. In the blink of an eye, the spirit of terror in his body condenses. Then it compresses crazily. When it reaches a certain level, it hits the meteorite with a bang.

Divine power!

This time, the strength is strong enough, the meteorite will directly break!

Although the green secret lines were smashed, the shape of the light was still floating in the void, and could not move. Then a black shadow rushed out of the meteorite and killed Chu cloud.

The speed is so fast that even the void is torn.

Close at hand, Chu Yun's pupils contract slightly and dodges to the side.


Chu Yun's chest was scratched with blood by the black shadow. When he looked down, the flesh and blood in the injured place had rotted. He could see that a yellow breath was spreading to other places.

Chu Yun groaned coldly, reached for his finger at the wound, and suddenly the strong immortal gas rushed out, melting the poisonous gas that had spread out.

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