Sky War Soul

Chapter 2026 insufficient authority

It can directly block the space by influencing the surrounding space to form resonance with its own immortal force.

To be reasonable, this sounds like a very easy thing to do.

Chu Yun also thought it was very simple. After all, his attack just penetrated the confinement of space and reached the woman.

Now, he's sitting in the same place, adjusting his form.

After a while, he adjusted his condition to the best, and he began to try slowly.

He gently raised his right palm, guided by his own immortal power, and flicked out towards the front.

Xianli surging, like a quiet river, slowly attacked in front of him ten feet.

In front, there is no physical object. It is the space for attack.

He is trying to change the rules of the place he attacks with the immortal power in his palm.


A loud sound came, and Xianli exploded in front of her, making the space tremble.


Chu Yun frowned, folded his hands, pondered for a while, and began to move again.

Similarly, he tried to change the rules of his attack point at the moment of attack, but this time, when Xianli arrived, it was still a direct explosion, and did not form a space imprisonment.

It seems that without pressure, even how to imprison space can not be achieved.

Can't we succeed? Can we succeed in the experiment only when we are under pressure and at the most dangerous time?

He didn't believe in evil. He continued to try.

Every attempt, every failure, no success.

After thousands of attempts, he could not sit still.

"People can understand the power of rules when they step into the realm of immortality. Now I just want to understand a technique of imprisoning space. Why is it so difficult?"

The failure made people feel anxious. Chu Yun stood up, moved his body and looked around. There were still only ten arenas and small animals in the arena.

In addition, he is the only one here who wants to find someone to ask how to use this means of space confinement, even if he has to enter the arena to fight against those runic creations.

"I've touched the edge of the power of rules, so I don't believe I can't understand it today!"

As soon as he clenched his teeth and looked fierce, he continued to try.

Still in the failure, still in every failure to continue to try.

Gradually, he will explode when he throws Xianli to his attack point at the beginning, but now he sticks to it for a few seconds, which is not a small progress.

He didn't believe in evil. He continued to try.


Time passes slowly. In a blink of an eye, three days pass in a flash.

In these three days, Chu Yun is constantly trying to block space.

Just then, he finally got something.

He clapped it out with one hand, and the immortal power gathered in the palm, and killed his attack point. Then he quickly changed the resonance frequency of the surrounding space, and became the same frequency as the immortal power sent out in his palm, and it never exploded.

"It's a success!"

At this moment, Chu Yun's face is full of a light look.

Three days and three nights of trying, finally succeeded once.

With the first success, follow-up, as long as familiar with the line!

Then, he tried several times, and the immortal power in the palm kept the same frequency as the immortal power in the attack point!

Before long, Chu Yun stopped the experiment.

He stood up, his eyes on the arena, his eyes burst out with two divine awns, and said to himself: "three days ago, I gave up for this moment. Now that I have understood the power of the rules of space imprisonment, let me see you again! "

After that, he jumped to the arena.

As before, he still chose the rabbit with a lot of words.

After confirming the challenge goal, he entered the arena directly.

When he set foot in the arena again, the beauty that the rabbit turned into said with a smile: "you come to challenge me so fast, I'm afraid you understand the space law?"

Chu Yun nodded and said, "less nonsense, see the move!"

Don't bother to talk with this nonsense Rune creation. Chu Yun raises his hand and slaps it at her.

At this moment, he uses his own immortal power to communicate the rules of the area where the other party is located, and uses his own immortal power as a guide to forcibly distort the rules of the space where the other party is located.

The golden immortal power is distributed from the palm of his hand, and a space cage is built in an instant, which imprisons the rune creation in place.

She stood in place and didn't move until Chu Yun's movement was completed. She felt a shock of power spread to her body, which was very weak and almost negligible.

But when she moved her body again, she found that the space around her was like an unbreakable cage, which locked herself in.

Feeling the enclosed space around her body, she nodded her head with satisfaction and said: "yes, it's the space. However, the speed of your space imprisonment is too slow and there are too many flaws. You can break them at will! "

As soon as the voice fell, her body suddenly burst into a red light, turning into a ferocious beast, a real dragon, a Phoenix, a tortoise, the phantom of the four sacred beasts, constantly moving on her body, and every time of change, Chu Yun felt that the power that he created to imprison each other had become weak.

"The means of space confinement are not complete?"

He frowned slightly when he felt the other side's means of breaking the confinement of his space.

At this moment, the immortal power in his body intensified, and he raised his hand to the woman again to strengthen the forbidden space.

Unfortunately, the vibration frequency formed by the red light resonated with his immortal power. At the moment when his power exerted the past again, the female body flashed, but it was separated from the space he imprisoned.

The so-called space imprisonment, in front of each other's eyes, does not seem to exist at all. The other party just makes a slight jump, and then leaves the space he has forbidden.

"There are too many flaws in your power. This kind of means will also imprison the people under the supreme realm. It is useless to deal with the people who understand the rules of space a little."

The woman gently shook her head and said, "what I have taught you is not really the power of rules. Those who can really use the power of rules are those who can change the rules of one side of the world in every word and deed. Only to this extent can we really use the power of rules to fight, and we can only be imitators."

"And as imitators, you are not imitated properly. What kind of status do you have in wuxiangshan? It will cost wuxiangshan so much to push you to the fourth level with pills?"

"Shut up!"

Chu Yun is full of black lines.

Does one's cultivation rely on a heap of pills?

This woman, more than once used this to mock herself.

Obviously, it's a rune creation, not a lot of words.

Every time I talk, I can choke. I really need to be beaten.

However, the information revealed in her words cannot be denied.

Do words and deeds change the rules of the world?

This kind of existence can be achieved in the supreme realm?

"Ha ha, little brother, you don't need to be angry. If you want to understand the rules, I'll show you a clear way. Isn't there a hall of transmission in wuxiangshan? You go to the master of the hall of transmission to solve your puzzles. I'm sure he will give you the correct guidance. "

Hearing this, Chu Yun looked at her.

All of a sudden, he raised his hand again. Xianli gathered at his fingertips and turned into a golden light. He crossed the space and reached her instantly, forming an invisible cage. Once again, he banned her!


The woman changes color slightly. She first uses her body method to escape from the confinement of Chu Yun.

But it's too late. The space confinement has been formed. If you want to break away from the space confinement in an instant, you have to work hard!

Then, Chu Yun waved again, and a golden immortal force with a sacred breath converged on her again.

When the golden light reaches her side, she only feels that the strength of the space around her has increased.

What makes her feel more magical is that it's hard for her to change the frequency of her own immortal power, which resonates with Chu Yun's own power this time.

What's the matter?

Or as before, how can I ban myself to death?

She frowned slightly, and immediately divided a wisp of divine sense to check the situation in front of her.

When the divine sense touches the space around him, the situation is immediately clear.

She suddenly found that Chu Yun's means of banning space this time was totally different from that before.

Now the frequency of spatial fluctuation around her body is changing all the time. If you want to keep up with this change, at least you need to know the way of thinking of the other party!

But how can you know the way others think?

"It's a good way to draw inferences from one instance. It's hard to form resonance by constantly changing the frequency of their own confined space, so as to imprison the enemy. It's a good move!"

The woman's eyes burst out two red awns, and said: "however, this move is still not really the power of the rules. What's more, in front of the absolute power, you are just a path! "

All of a sudden, the red light in her eyes bloomed, and the breath of terror spread from her, like a tsunami, rushing around.

At the moment, she seems to be a powerful beast. Her eyes are full of powerful force. Her two red spots break through the sky and bombard the space imprisoned by Chu cloud in an instant.

Chu cloud painstakingly and painstakingly makes the space confinement means break in an instant!

Then, her figure soared, and a layer of strange red lines filled her body, like the blood vessels in her body expanding, propping up her skin.

More and more fierce momentum erupted from her. The next moment, she suddenly let out a low roar, carrying an unparalleled force, and suddenly fell on Chu Yun!


Listening to her roar, Chu Yun's face changed a lot. At this moment, he dared not hesitate. The first time the strange devil body was deployed, his appearance changed instantly. He waved his wings directly, and at the same time, he turned the legs of stealing the sky to improve his speed to the extreme, and ran straight out of the arena!

However, it is still too late.

As soon as his body soared, he felt that a huge force was acting on his back heart. In the state of different demons, his body was unmatched

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