Sky War Soul

Chapter 2027 Sin City

The mechanical voice, hearing the words, said: "there are countless rules in the world, sometimes the manpower is poor, which can be understood."

Chu Yun, hearing the words, said, "then come to some of the strongest rules."

Mechanical voice said: "where is the strongest rule in the world? Every rule has its advantages and disadvantages. The strongest rule does not exist."

This is not good, that is not good, the intelligence of the intelligence hall is still useful?

"Recommend me a place where I can understand the rules. As long as it is the rules, any rules can be!"

The fourth level of Taishang didn't understand the power of rules. Chu Yun felt that he was a wonderful flower.

The mechanical voice was silent for a while and said, "a million contributions, tell you where to understand the rules."

My grass?

One million contributions!

My contribution point balance, is there so much?

Just last time I exchanged some immortals in the exchange hall. It seems that there is not so much to contribute.

Chu Yun took out his identity token and said, "is it enough to contribute?"

At this time, the mechanical voice said: "it's impossible that the master of Tongtian peak has not contributed a million points. Since you took over as the leader of the peak, the headquarters of wuxiangshan has distributed the contribution points to your identity token. "

And this good thing?

Never heard of them before!

Then Chu Yun said, "deduct one million contribution points, and check how many contribution points I have left by the way."

"Deduction succeeded."

The mechanical voice added: "at present, there are 9.03 million contributions left."

So many contribution points?

It seems that Chu Yun's doubts are sensed, and the mechanical voice explains: "when promoted to the leader of the peak, wuxiangshan headquarters will reward 10 million contribution points."

"I see."

I didn't expect that being the leader of the peak would have such benefits!

"The 10 million contribution points awarded to the peak master are used in exchange for the peak cultivation resources, which are regarded as the welfare of the whole peak vein, not personal. Of course, you can also think of it as a personal benefit. "

Then, the mechanical voice reported a place name: "Liangzhou Death Valley, help to understand the rules."

"Where is Liangzhou Death Valley?"

"It's a Jedi. It's dangerous for the immortal to step into it. Many people who have just set foot in the realm of immortality regard the valley of death as a place of experience. Those who can come out of the valley of death alive understand the rules. "

Chu Yun was surprised and said, "so, this death valley is a place where people can understand the rules?"

"Yes," said the mechanical voice

"My grass, you pit me?"

Chu Yun is so angry. Most people know that he has spent a million points to contribute!

If I had known this, I would have asked more.

A million contribution points ah, although I don't usually use this contribution point, but it's always right to take this contribution point.

What's more, this contribution point is rewarded after being promoted to peak master. To develop peak pulse in the future, you have to rely on this contribution point to exchange cultivation resources.

Now there's a million holes in it. You need to change less cultivation resources.

Chu Yun was indignant. At last, when he left, he thought of another question and asked, "do you know anything about Artemisia

The mechanical voice said: "there are few main data of tiandome peak, and 500000 contribution points."

Chu Yun frowned slightly, thought about it, and said, "buy!"

He wants to see how powerful this information hall is.

Artemisia annua and before and angry general are involved, do not know whether this intelligence house know.

If you don't know, you don't need to be afraid of the power of the information hall. If you know, you have to reevaluate the power of the information hall.

After deducting 500000 contribution points, Chu Yun immediately presented a jade slip on the table in front of him.

Take a general glance at the jade slips, from the Artemisia into the wuxiangshan after all things, even all recorded in the jade slips!

However, there is no record about the joint slaughter of Artemisia and general nu.

Seeing this, Chu Yun was relieved.

Intelligence hall, however, if you really know the relationship between Artemisia and general Nu, it's called terror!

Then Chu Yun asked, "is it allowed for the intelligence hall to sell the same kind of intelligence?"

If someone looks up his or her own information through contribution points, doesn't everything about himself or herself appear in the eyes of the other party?

Although there are many secrets that can't be found by the information hall, it's not a good thing even if the superficial information is seen.

The mechanical voice explained: "you are the master of Tongtian peak. Only those with higher positions can view your information."

In this way, if you can check your own information, the thirty-six hall Lord absolutely includes it.

However, these materials are not secrets. They should be secrets that the intelligence hall cannot find out.

Just like the information of Artemisia annua, there is no display on the secret things that Artemisia annua does.

Generally speaking, all the things that Artemisia can let people know are in the jade slips. It's more like sorting out a resume about Artemisia. There's no secret in it.

To understand that the intelligence hall was not as terrible as he imagined, Chu Yun turned around and left.

After Chu Yun left, a figure suddenly appeared in his room. It was a virtual figure, which was the leader of the information hall!

"The master of Tongtian peak consult the information of the master of Shaofeng peak of Tianqiu peak? On this day, dome peak and Tongtian peak have always made good friends. What's the purpose of his doing this? "

The information hall leader pondered for a while, and his figure gradually faded, as if he had never appeared before.


Wuxiangshan headquarters transmission hall.

After coming out of the intelligence hall, Chu Yun arrived at the transmission hall directly.

In the transmission hall, people come and go.

Through the transmission array of the transmission hall, you can reach any place in the known fairyland.

Different from the transmission Hall of tongtianfeng, the transmission Hall of wuxiangshan headquarters only receives contribution points, one long-distance transmission, and the highest charge can reach 100000 contribution points once.

"Are you going back, uncle?"

Just as Chu Yun stepped into the transmission hall, a clear voice came into his ear.

Looking back, it's Mo baimeng.

After Mo baimeng reported to her master that she wanted to join Tongtian peak, she rushed to the transmission hall and prepared to go to Tongtian peak. She didn't expect to meet Chu Yun here.

Beside her, there is a beautiful woman, Hu Xiaoxiao, whom Chu Yun met for the first time in wuxiangshan headquarters. They are good friends. This time, they are going to join tongtianfeng together.


He didn't say anything to Mo baimeng. After setting his own destination, Chu Yun directly stepped into the transmission array.

Seeing Chu Yun stepping into the transmission array, Hu Xiaoxiao turned his eyes and said to Mo baimeng, "mysterious man, don't you say that you have a good relationship with this martial uncle? Why is it so cold to say hello now? "

Just when Mo baimeng asked Hu Xiaoxiao to join tongtianfeng, she boasted that she had a very good relationship with Chu Yun.

Now it's a bit awkward.

"Martial uncle is the master of Tongtian peak. I can speak with him very well."

Looking for a farfetched explanation, she immediately led Hu Xiaoxiao into the transmission array where Chu Yun was.

"What do you do?"

Chu Yun frowns. Is Mo Bai still haunted?

Mo baimeng said: "martial uncle, we are going to join you in tongtianfeng, just along the way."

Want to drive two people out directly, but at this time the transmission array has been started, the white light covers the three people, the space is twisted, until the three people appear again, it has arrived at a desolate place.

As soon as he stepped out of the transmission array, Mo baimeng asked curiously, "this is Tongtian peak, martial uncle?"

It's so desolate all around. There's no life in the brown earth. I can't see the end at a glance.

The air is extremely dry. Compared with the headquarters of wuxiangshan, the Xianqi is much worse. The Xianqi here is almost negligible.

In their imagination, the so-called "Tongtian peak" should be a mountain leading directly to the sky, but where to find it?

Hearing Mo baimeng's inquiry, Chu Yun was speechless.

If the teleport array had not been activated just now, he would have pushed them out.

I don't know how these two people got their time so accurate. They stepped into the transmission array at the moment of transmission, too late to catch up.

In fact, it's not impossible to drive them out of the transmission array, but once the transmission array is launched, they are likely to fall into endless space turbulence. With their accomplishments, they will fall into space turbulence, and there is only one way to die.

Although he has no good feelings for Mo baimeng and Hu Xiaoxiao, he has no bad feelings. He can't do anything to push them into space turbulence.

Hu Xiaoxiao also looked disappointed and said, "it's so desolate. It's in this place that you practice to the supreme level, martial uncle? "

Chu Yun, hearing the words, said with a black face, "this is Liangzhou!"


Mo baimeng and Hu Xiaoxiao are stupid.

I thought that Chu Yun was going back to Tongtian peak. They wanted to save some contribution and set up a downwind transmission. Unexpectedly, they sent it to Liangzhou!

Seeing two silly and cute women, Chu Yun shook his head and said, "OK, you can find your own way back. Next I have something to do, don't follow me."

He has to find out where the death valley is. The transmission array just sent him to Liangzhou. It's not easy to find the death valley in such a large Liangzhou.

Mo baimeng said awkwardly, "martial uncle, you see we are here. Let's go with you."

Hu Xiaoxiao also immediately promised: "that is, martial uncle, we promise not to make trouble for you."

Chu Yun laughed and said sarcastically, "ha ha, don't you make trouble for me? If you follow me, you will make trouble for me! "

After all, his figure disappeared from the spot.

However, when he left, he separated two marks on the two people. As long as the two people met with fatal danger, the marks would be triggered, and then they would be able to save their lives.

He also saw that these two people didn't look like people who would go back to wuxiangshan honestly. Nowadays, the fairyland is full of trace of the spirit family, leaving two marks on them, which is their own care of the "martial uncle".

The two women didn't realize that they had two more marks. Seeing the direction of Chu Yun's departure, they were completely stupid.

For a long time, how long did Hu Xiaoxiao get angry“

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